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Wednesday Ramp single nominal bunches for loss maps

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday Ramp single nominal bunches for loss maps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday Ramp single nominal bunches for loss maps
Ramp OK, losses in squeeze (orbit feedback forgotten) Roman pots in to 25 sigma (V) and 30 sigma (H) Loss maps performed with remaining beam (~ ) Ramp down and access for ALICE “in the shadow” Quench power supply in 45 failed – needed access Beam again ~ 18.00 Physics fill with 13b using multi bunch injection Injection not as clean as after setting up on Tuesday Stable beams from around 22.30 “It was again tedious to find ALICE” Physics all night 2/19/2019 LHC status

2 Unplanned loss map 2/19/2019 LHC status

3 Orbits before loss maps B2 OK, B1 less so
2/19/2019 LHC status

4 Loss map - Beam 1 V tune 2/19/2019 LHC status

5 Loss map - Beam 1 H tune 2/19/2019 LHC status

6 Loss map - Beam 2 V tune 2/19/2019 LHC status

7 Loss map - Beam 2 H tune 2/19/2019 LHC status

8 Thursday BLM crate exchange IR7 Clean up multibunch injection
4-5 hours (including system tests). Clean up multibunch injection Physics fill with 25b using multi bunch injection 2/19/2019 LHC status

9 Interventions needed BLM crate exchange IR7 (to be done before 24b physics) 4-5 hours (including system tests). Recycle of undulators in IR4 needed before Friday 30th 3 hours no beam Magnetic probes in the machine for the studies related to the hump - access would be required in point 5 (GA, LW) 2 hours in the shadow 2/19/2019 LHC status

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