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Year 2 Block 1 Assessment Paper 1 (Answers after each question)

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1 Year 2 Block 1 Assessment Paper 1 (Answers after each question)

2 Mental Maths Questions
Mental Question Mental Maths Questions The first 7 questions in this assessment are to be given orally to the whole class/group.

3 Write the number which is 1 more than 8.
Question 1 Write the number which is 1 more than 8.

4 Answer 9

5 What comes next in this number sequence-
Question 2 What comes next in this number sequence- ?

6 Answer 7

7 Question 3 Peter had 4 cherries and 2 apples. How many pieces of fruit did he have all together?

8 Answer 6

9 Question 4 Look at the shapes on your page. Put a tick next to the shape that has 4 corners.

10 Answer Tick next to rectangle

11 What number am I thinking of?
Question 5 I’m thinking of a number. When I add 6 to it the total is 10. What number am I thinking of?

12 Answer 4

13 What comes next in this number sequence?
Question 6 What comes next in this number sequence? ?

14 Answer 11

15 Write a number between 18 and 25.
Question 7 Write a number between 18 and 25.

16 Answer 19,20,21,22,23,or 24

17 Written test

18 Write number forty seven in figures.
Question 8 Write number forty seven in figures. Write number 63 in words.

19 Answer 47 sixty three

20 Put these weights in order. Begin with the smallest
Question 8 Put these weights in order. Begin with the smallest

21 Answer 38g 45g 54g 79g 83g 97g

22 Question 10

23 Answer Thirty four ninety six seventy three

24 Put a ring around the odd numbers.
Question 11 Put a ring around the odd numbers.

25 Answer 29, 33, 27

26 Question 12 Use 2, 8 and 10 and the signs +, - and =. Make 3 more number sentences.

27 Answer 8+2=10 10-8=2 10-2=8

28 Question 13 What is the total of 20, 60 and 10?

29 Answer 90

30 Which is heavier 12 grams or 21 grams?
Question 14 Which is heavier 12 grams or 21 grams?

31 Answer 21g

32 A packet of sausages weighs 28 grams A packet of bacon weighs 48 grams
Question 15 A packet of sausages weighs 28 grams A packet of bacon weighs 48 grams Which is lighter? How much lighter?

33 A packet of sausages is lighter
Answer A packet of sausages is lighter It is 20 g lighter.

34 Match these shapes to their names.
Question 16 Match these shapes to their names.

35 Answer

36 Draw a shape that has 5 sides and 5 corners.
Question 17 Draw a shape that has 5 sides and 5 corners.

37 Any reg/irregular pentagon
Answer Any reg/irregular pentagon

38 How many oranges have I left?
Question 18 If I have 40 oranges and I give 20 of them away. How many oranges have I left?

39 Answer 20 oranges

40 Janet has 15p. Andrew has double that amount.
Question 19 Janet has 15p. Andrew has double that amount. How much has he got?

41 Answer 30p

42 There are 8 people on the bus. 7 more get on.
Question 20 There are 8 people on the bus. 7 more get on. How many people on the bus?

43 Answer 15 people

44 10 apples weigh 80 grams. How much does 1 apple weigh?
Question 21 10 apples weigh 80 grams. How much does 1 apple weigh?

45 Answer 8g

46 A dog weighs 20 kilograms more than the cat.
Question 22 A cat weighs 19 kilograms A dog weighs 20 kilograms more than the cat. How much does the dog weigh?

47 Answer 39kg

48 Put a ring around the numbers that are multiples of 2.
Question 23 Put a ring around the numbers that are multiples of 2.

49 Answer

50 Question 24

51 Answer 18

52 Question 25

53 Answer 22

54 Fill in the missing numbers.
Question 26 Fill in the missing numbers.

55 Answer = 20 19=

56 Answers

57 Answers

58 Level

59 Would you like to print out the full test? Please click here -
Link to full test Would you like to print out the full test? Please click here - Year 2 Block 1 Test

60 Print Out Mental Maths Paper

61 Thank You References and additional resources.
The questions and ideas for this PowerPoint came from: Wigan LEA Numeracy Centre Year1 Block 1 Assessment Thank You PowerPoint template published by All the planning for this unit can be found at: Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0. ( All images used in this PowerPoint was found at the free Public Domain Clip Art site. ( or were included in the original document.

62 Where Can I Find More Resources Like This?
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