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Prof Annie Brooking.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof Annie Brooking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof Annie Brooking

2 10 Things you must do before launching a new product

3 1. Set goals and plan follow-up
Make a list of exactly what you want to achieve from the launch Early sales – first customers? Get the attention of industry luminaries? Get credibility by using evangelists? Press coverage? Plan the launch so attendees really want to attend your event Pick a special venue

4 2. Check your seed words, branding and taglines
Craft your Positioning statement and validate it with early customers Make a list of seed words and make sure no-one deviates from this list Check all marketing material sticks to the seed words Check the website also uses the seed words properly Check branding fits in with Positioning Check the tagline have just one!

5 3. Think big, present something really special
What would Steve Jobs do? What can I do such that every attendee remembers this launch as the best ever? How will your invention change peoples lives? Remember to say “Which means that………”

6 4. Get great speakers Steal the show! Who is best to present your company? Invite a speaker everyone will want to listen to? Invite industry luminaries to speak Aim to have people standing in the aisles Check out famous speakers with agencies Make sure speakers are properly briefed on what you want them to do and why

7 5. Plan an integrated marketing campaign
A launch is a process not just a single day Plan a launch campaign that covers all forms of media, PR, print, media, digital media, campaigns Build a timeline Reinforce on your web site Make a YouTube video of speakers Have a special launch offer or discount Think about free gifts

8 6. Get customers to check your marketing material
Write marketing material months before the launch Avoid product blindness Invite trusted customers and prospects to read material Ask them to report back on what they think the product does Ask for early sales based on the marketing material Make sure you don’t write marketing “fluff” Remember to include “Which means that……..”

9 Have everyone briefed on the competition
7. Competitive analysis Get ready for someone to say “This is not new is it? Company X launched this last year” Have everyone briefed on the competition Do an analysis of competitions web site, channels, products Features Comp 1 Comp 2 Comp 3 Comp 4 YOU YOU F1 N Y YOU F2 YOU F3 Comp 1 F1 Comp 1 F2 Comp 1 F3 Comp 2 F1 Comp 3 F1 Comp 4 F1

10 8. Get your website audited
Go to say Annie sent you! Google yourself using your seed words Type in your long tailed key words – do you pop up on page 1 Make sure your web provider is up to scratch Make sure Google can find you Build a great home page Make your site sticky!

11 9. Prepare the FAQ Sit with the team weeks before launch and brainstorm all the questions customers might ask about your product or service Include new product, company, competition, PRICING! Write an answer to each question Ensure the “team” knows the party line Include tricky questions Tell the truth BUT Be cautious in pre-announcing product enhancements

12 10. Dress Rehearse the big day
Check the venue Check all presentations to make sure they “match” Make sure no-one goes “off-piste” Assign roles to particular people Assign special guests with a personal host If you are doing a demonstration make sure you assign someone who can recover fast if the demonstration crashes

13 Summary Set the goals for the launch, and plan a post launch follow up
Check the seed words, branding, positioning and tag lines Think big, present something really special – how will your product change the world? Get great speakers, your evangelists? Plan an integrated marketing programme Get trusted customers and opinion leaders to read marketing material well in advance of the launch and get their feedback Competitive analysis for the product and website Get your website audited with the new product or service included Prepare an FAQ Dress rehearse the big day, plan for failures



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