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Skeletal System Trivia

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1 Skeletal System Trivia

2 ROUND ONE – Intro & Osseous Tissue
1) What material makes up approximately 25% of osseous tissue? 2) Where long bones form joints, the epiphyses are covered with what? 3) Each osteon consists of concentric layers, or lamellae, of compact bone tissue that surround what canal? 4) The skulls of infants contain fibrous membranes that connect the cranial bones of the skull. What are these membranes called? 5) How many bones are there in the cranium and face? (Hint: take 80 and subtract bones of vertebral column, the hyoid bone, the ossicles, the bones of the thorax).

3 ANSWERS ROUND ONE – INTRO & Osseous TISSUE 1) collagen
2)  articular cartilage (hyaline cartilage) 3)  central canal (Haversian canal) 4)  fontanels 5)  22

4 ROUND TWO – Axial Skeleton
1) How many total ribs are there in the human body? 2) What are the tiny holes of the skull called that allow passage of nerves and blood vessels? 3) The vertebrae are examples of what classification of bones (bone type)? 4) List the regions of the vertebral column, along with how many vertebrae there are in each section, and what type of curve each section is (anteriorly). 5) What are the air cavities found within bones of the skull that help resonate sound?

5 ANSWERS ROUND TWO – AXIAL Skeleton 1) 24
1)  24 2)  Foramina = tiny hole  (Foramen = hole) 3)  irregular 4)  Cervical 7 convex, Thoracic 12 concave, Lumbar 5, convex, sacrum 1 concave, coccyx 1 concave 5)  paranasal sinuses

6 ROUND THREE – Appendicular Skeleton
1) What bones articulate with the femur? 2) What is the concave surface of the coxal bone that articulates with the head of the femur called? 3) What is the bone breakdown (#’s) for the 3 sections of ONE foot? 4) What are the two very large, blunt, irregularly shaped processes (bone markings) that are only found on the femur? 5) What are two functions of an intervertebral disc?

1)  Tibia, Coxal Bone, (Patella) 2)  Acetabulum 3)  Tarsals 7, Metatarsals 5, Phalanges 14 4)  Greater trochanter, lesser trochanter 5)  cushion vertebrae, prevent friction between bones, allows flexibility between vertebrae

8 ROUND FOUR – Bone Metabolism
1) What bone cells cause a decrease in bone mass (bone becomes less dense)? 2) What is the specific hormone that promotes the absorption of calcium in the digestive tract (including the small intestine)? 3) What hormone of bone metabolism is used for hormone-replacement therapy in osteoporosis when calcium levels in the bone are low? 4) What cell type serves as an effector when blood calcium is low? 5) What organ serves as an effector when blood calcium is low?

9 ANSWERS ROUND FOUR – Bone METABOLISM 1) osteoclast 2) calcitriol
3)  calcitonin 4)  osteoclast 5)  kidney

10 ROUND FIVE – Skeletal Disorders
1) What is the disorder in which bone ossification fails and bones become soft and rubbery and are easily deformed in adults called? 2) If a bone is fractured but does not penetrate the skin, what type of break would is it classified as? 3) What vertebral column abnormality is the result of excess strain on the lumbar vertebrae when a woman is pregnant? 4) What is a bunion? 5) What are two main treatments for osteoporosis?

11 ANSWERS ROUND FIVE – Skeletal DISORDERS 1) osteomalacia
2)  simple / closed 3)  lordosis 4)  deformity of big toe, bone spurs (bone growths) develop 5)  calcium, weight-bearing exercise, and hormone replacement therapy (calcitonin type)

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