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October Happenings SCHOOL for students 2 Hour Teacher In-service

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Presentation on theme: "October Happenings SCHOOL for students 2 Hour Teacher In-service"— Presentation transcript:

1 October Happenings SCHOOL for students 2 Hour Teacher In-service
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Day 6   Gym Day 1 Library Day 2   Social Skills Day 3 Gym Day 4  Music Fire Prevention Assembly  6 7    NO SCHOOL for students Teacher In-service Day 5 Art 2 Hour Late Start  Day 6 Day 1  Library Picture Retakes Day 2  Social Skills Scholastic book orders due ONLINE CODE: HJQWY  13 14 Day 3  Gym Day 4   Music 7pm Derry Township Halloween Parade Day 5 Art   Day 6 Day 1 Step Back Into the 80’s Day (dress in 80’s fashion) 20 21 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Music  Day 5  Art Day 6   Gym Fall Class Party  27 28 Day 1 Book Fair Class Visit  Day 2 Social Skills   Day 3 Halloween Safety with Officer Mary  Trick or Treat Night 6-8pm

2 Kindergarten News Book Orders school delay info
January 2018 Things We Will Be Learning Things to practice at home * Math Home Links reinforce our math * Weekly Reading Street homework sheet * January reading incentive recording sheet * All of our sight words (read, spell, and write) * January silly/nonsense words Letter Naming Fluency Zipping and putting on winter coat, mittens and hats *Using calculators—introduction (counting on calculators, displays on calculators) *Segmenting and blending sounds in words *Counting the number of words in a sentence or number of syllables in a word *Counting by 10’s, 5’s and 2’s *Exploring addition and subtraction concepts and strategies (number lines, *Identifying and producing rhyming words number stories, etc.) *Recognizing/reading familiar words *Count by 1s through at least 50 using different starting points *Reading color words *Exploring with shapes, pattern blocks, and attribute blocks *Reading nonsense words *Retelling a story *Reading 2 digit numbers to 75 *Writing simple sentences *Letter naming fluency *Identifying concepts of print *Identifying and producing beginning and ending sounds in words *Vowel sounds Book Orders New book orders are coming home soon. Please remember that if interested in ordering, return the book order form and a check made out to the book club in an envelope marked with your child’s name and room number. All orders due back by Thursday, January 18th. Our class online code is HJQWY. school delay info If we have any delays due to inclement weather, please follow the schedule below for AM and PM Kindergarten. Remember to always listen to your local television/radio station for updated information relating to any school delays/closings. 1 Hour Delay: Hour Delay: AM 9:40am-11:30am AM 10:40am-12:30pm PM 12:45pm-3:35pm PM 1:45 pm-3:35pm Reading Incentive Program Your January “A School of Fin-tastic Readers” student reading record paper will be sent home soon. Please keep reading with your child. Remember to return the reading record when it is completed so your child can be entered into a drawing to win a free book!

3 What has been going on? What have students been learning about?
edit text here Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? space is editable Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Save the dates for important events, due dates, or let parents know the next units!

4 What has been going on? What have students been learning about?
edit text here What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? space is editable Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Save the dates for important events, due dates, or let parents know the next units!

5 What has been going on? What have students been learning about?
edit text here What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? What has been going on? What have students been learning about? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? Here you can write current news in your classroom! What are you doing in the subject areas? space is editable Save the dates for important events, due dates, or let parents know the next units!



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