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Equality Delivery System

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Presentation on theme: "Equality Delivery System"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equality Delivery System

2 Content Background Recommendations Benefits Questions

3 Background EDS is a product from the DoH Equality and Diversity Council Based on good practice in the NHS and beyond Driven by good engagement and evidence

4 What is the EDS? The EDS is a set of 18 outcomes grouped into 4 goals:
Better health outcomes for all Improved patient access and experience Empowered, engaged and included staff Inclusive leadership at all levels

5 What it delivers Helps the NHS comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation Advance equality of opportunity and Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not Information on compliance Equality Objectives

6 Protected Groups Age Disability Gender Sexual Orientation
Gender Reassignment Marriage & Civil Partnership Pregnancy & Maternity Race/Ethnicity/Nationality Religion or Belief + Include other disadvantaged groups

7 Grades For each outcome, one of four grades can be chosen:
Excelling Purple Achieving Green Developing Amber Undeveloped - Red

8 Making the Grade Generally protected groups are referred to as:
All means all 9 protected groups Most means 6 to 8 protected groups Some means 3 to 5 protected groups No/Few means 2 or less protected groups

9 EDS at Goal Better health outcomes for all
Improved patient access and experience Empowered, engaged and included staff Inclusive leadership at all levels Lead Libby McManus and Alastair Turnbull Peta Hayward Sue Holden

10 EDS at 25th May 2011 Board of Directors agreed to adopt EDS
29th July 2011 EDS grades manual published 7th October 2011 NHS North of England EDS Workshop November Board of Directors briefing December 2011 Identify Local interest groups January 2012 Leads complete gathering evidence and identify gaps. Trust publish information showing compliance with the Equality Duty February 2012 Undertake grading and agree objectives March 2012 Board sign off objectives By April 6th 2012 Publish grades and equality objectives

11 Benefits Help improve equalities performance Reduce inequalities
Assure progress Demonstrates “Our Commitment to you ” EDS also helps the NHS to deliver on the: NHS Outcomes Framework NHS Constitution for patients & staff CQC Essential standards

12 Questions

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