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How far do you agree? Explain your answer

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Presentation on theme: "How far do you agree? Explain your answer"— Presentation transcript:

1 How far do you agree? Explain your answer
1. Focus on addressing the question itself - The theory of the Four Humours was the main idea about the cause of disease in the Middle Ages. How far do you agree? Explain your answer 16 marks + 4 spag 2. Explain what the theory was and why it was important at the time 3.Were there other popular ideas about the cause of illness at the time? 4. Conclusion – making a judgement; go back to the question and answer the question 4/5 6/7 7/8 Identify how to answer an exam question Explain how to answer an exam question Analyse/evaluate the process of how to answer an exam question

2 Explain why lung cancer became a much less common disease after 1900.
1. Focus on addressing the question itself – falling rates of lung cancer -identify factors Explain why lung cancer became a much less common disease after 1900. You can use the following factors in your explanation: The role of the government p Technology p.124 you must also include information of your own. 16 marks + 4 spag 2. Explain the role of the government – worth noting the dates of interventions 3.Explain the role of technology making the interventions possible? 4.Explain the role of other factors? 4. Conclusion – making a judgement; go back to the question and answer it 4/5 6/7 7/8 Identify how to answer an exam question Explain how to answer an exam question Analyse/evaluate the process of how to answer an exam question

3 Feed forward: Go beyond identifying the answer and explaining Must make sure I have explained the impact rather than just stated that the factor was important Need to break down the information in a series of sentences rather than try to put everything in one sentence Need to think about how to start the answer and make a clear link to the question Need to write more precisely. Must try and use more key words Must include examples that are not included in the named factors Must plan the answer first to avoid errors Need to follow the structure strip/follow a clear , structured plan Need to include a conclusion which returns to the question and answers it with a judgement. Need to avoid being to descriptive and use the information in more analytical way.

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