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Times Tables Workshop at Launde Academy

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1 Times Tables Workshop at Launde Academy
By Hetal Sitaram September 2018

2 Overview Curriculum expectations Why learn times tables?
Teaching techniques Ways to support at home We’re very good at developing the well rounded child, our children have lots of opportunities to develop socially, work independently and creatively, We want to continue to raise standards in the school by getting our parents and school community involved. The only way we can work with you is to share; us giving you a clear outline of what we’re doing in school in terms of times tables So tonight our 2 aims there show we want to show you what we are doing and also provide you with ideas to take away and use at home.

3 Curriculum Expectations
The Department for Education announced that the Times Tables check will now be administered for children in Year 4, starting in the academic year. Times tables expectation for parents .

4 Expectations for times tables in each year group
Year 1 – Counting in multiples of 2,5,10.Recall and use all doubles to 10 and their halves. Year 2 – Recall multiplication and division facts for 2, 5, and 10 times tables including recognising odd and even numbers. Year 3 – Recall multiplication and division facts for 3,4 and 8 times tables. Year 4-6 – Recall multiplication and division facts for all times tables up to 12 x 12

5 Why learn them? Being fluent in your times tables is essential for success in mathematics. Children who can’t recall their times tables struggle in all areas of mathematics, due to cognitive overload. When we give them too much information or too many tasks to learners simultaneously, resulting in the learner being unable to process this information. For example, the question here shows that Lulu has 155 beads. Holly as 4 times as many beads as Lulu. Firstly, the child needs to know what 4 times means. Some may think it means to add 4 which it clearly doesn’t. The child needs to know their 4 times tables as be able to times by 5, 50 and 100. Then they need to add that answer to Lulu’s beads to get the final total. Not just a one step problem.

6 Why learn them? Learning the facts is essential so the mind is free to think about concepts. Children need to move away from inefficient counting strategies as quickly as possible. BUT knowing your times tables is so much more than just memorisation. Children aren’t just thinking “I know this fact” but “I know this fact therefore I can work out this…” This is essential in problem solving and reasoning which are two essential components of the National Curriculum.

7 Conceptual Understanding
This concept cartoon is asking questions about multiplication and asks to provide evidence and examples. Its tricky to answer you don’t have secure knowledge in times tables because you aren't able to provide examples that back up your rules. Let us have a few short minutes to look at this concept cartoon which poses different statements. Discuss these with a partner and decide whether you are in agreement with the statement, and provide evidence to back your answers. Share these with the people on your table to see whether you are all in agreement or not.

8 How do we do that in school?
Teaching Techniques How do we do that in school? We build on their conceptual understanding. Visual understanding of what times tables are in key stage 1 is very important. Helps children to understand what times tables means. These are called arrays and are a visual representation

9 Learning the 8x tables using a 100 square
Teaching Techniques Pattern spotting Exploring the rich patterns of multiplication deepens conceptual understanding and makes it fun/visual. Learning the 8x tables using a 100 square We use number squares to learn tables facts as a fact as well as in a pattern Right, time for another activity. Give parents hundred square to do spotting patterns and relationships activities. Discuss in your groups On your tables there are sheets with hundred sqaures. Pick a times tables and shade in multiples of that number. What patterns do you notice? What relationships between other times tables do you notice? For example are their links between the 4 x and 8 times tables. Share these with the people on your table.

10 Teaching Techniques We try to make learning our tables fun and enjoyable! Songs PE Times tables quiz games in class Games Show super movers clip to parents show fizz buzz activity to parents Play fizz buzz in groups

11 Super Movers

12 Fizz Buzz

13 Fizz Buzz for the 3x and 5x tables
Count around in a group with each person taking it in turns to say the next number. Count again, but instead of saying the number the child has to say fizz instead of the multiples of 5. For example 1, 2, 3, 4 fizz, 6, 7, 8, 9 fizz. Repeat this time saying buzz for multiples of 3. A challenge is to say fizz for the multiples of 3 and buzz for the multiples of 5. This game can be adapted for other multiples. Now its your turn to have a go and play the game. This game helps children rehearse the pattern of multiples. What do you say instead of 15?

14 Help at Home oxford owl video

15 Games How can I help at home? Times table bingo Fizz Buzz
Matching cards - Board games Play bingo We played fizz buzz Play matching cards. Show them board games times tables games from cupboard.

16 How can I help at home? Reinforcing the importance of times tables
Make it fun! Having times tables displayed at home Chanting/ singing times tables- Maths Rocks – (app) Times tables online games/ apps Hit The Button (quick fire practice) -

17 Knowledge is power and understanding is key.
How can I help at home? Knowledge is power and understanding is key.

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