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Clinical Trials Website Redesign

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1 Clinical Trials Website Redesign
Anna Doyle and Kim Sprenger Thursday, September 27, 2018

2 Meet our team Michele Countryman Heath Davis Bob Domsic Anna Doyle
Clinical trials website redesign project core team members Michele Countryman Subject Matter Expert (IRB) Heath Davis Project Manager Bob Domsic Technical Lead Anna Doyle Technical Lead Cena Jones-Bitterman Subject Matter Expert (HCCC) Kim Sprenger Subject Matter Expert (ICTS/CRU)

3 Starting point Manually added information Cannot search or filter
Look back on the current clinical research website Manually added information Cannot search or filter Hard to find Information varied Old information

4 Project purpose How can we make this website better and more efficient? Replace Clinical Research website at The University of Iowa Charge from Executive sponsors  Recruit more clinical research subjects  In support of the Healthcare Strategic Plan & University of Iowa Institutional goals Improve effectiveness and efficiency of the website Automate the publishing process  Create one spot for all clinical studies Create consistent messaging and template for all studies

5 Project steps This is a phased project. Currently on Phase I. Steps:
Steps we have taken so far in this project. This is a phased project. Currently on Phase I.  Steps: Discovery at the University of Iowa Reviewed top 50 research institution's clinical research websites  Interviews with four exemplar institutions Share this process Design based on requirements and constraints Community review of wireframes Testing development website Internal education*  Website deployment

6 Process Former Process New Process Submit study to IRB
How to get your study information onto the website. Former Process New Process Submit study to IRB Type up advertising information Send modification to IRB for approval Contacts a source Source contact Kim Kim contacts Anna Anna submits a website edit through Bugzilla Web editor makes change on website Submit study to IRB Within the IRB select option to publish to UI Health Care Clinical Research Study website *Can edit current studies with data map information

7 Workflow Visualization
Submit Study to IRB R Option:  "Publish to Clinical Research Website' R IRB-01 or WIRB? Require ROC in Epic? YES YES NO Not Eligible NO NO Not Eligible Not Eligible R Research Team CT.Gov Data Added  A YES Automated A HawkIRB API passes Study info to Website A NCT# Available? Study Created on Clinical Research Website A REDCap project created for   "I'm Interested"  A NO Study Web Page Published A Status: 'Open to Accrual'? Study Web Page Un-Published A Status: Closed'? Study Web Page Deleted A YES NO YES Discuss the difference if there isn't an NCT number

8 Website demonstration
Let’s go through the site to show you examples. This is the development site. Does not contain the branding or design elements yet. View the site Show couple examples of studies (variation, 1 cancer, 1 without a lot of information) Studies to show COPDGene = cancer study, bone sarcomas in adults

9 User testing feedback "The search is really easy to use"
Some common comments we have gotten from users so far. "The search is really easy to use" "The titles are hard to understand. I would skip these" "I wouldn't go further because there is no description" "Loved the FAQs" "Very technical. A normal person can't understand this" "Would expect to give health information after I'm Interested" "Not sure if adolescents are children or adults" "I like the icons"

10 How to make it better Review your studies
You have the power to make your studies better for the public. Review your studies Go into the IRB and update this information Utilize the data map to make changes in the right spot Use lay language Add descriptions Add NCT in correct format NCT

11 How to make it better Field Label Source Notes Study Title
Hawk IRB/ Pulled from Hawk IRB public title field. If empty, title is pulled from brief title field if the study has a valid NCT number in Hawk IRB. Selection made in ROC.2 Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center Header Hawk IRB Pulled from HCCC resources used field. V.22 Overview Pulled form detailed description field first, otherwise the brief summary is used.  Study description from IRB Number Pulled from Hawk IRB ID number field. Assigned upon submission to HSO/IRB. NCT Number Only available for studies registered in Can only be used if information from Hawk IRB is valid. NCT VII.B.1.b Study Status (Open/Closed) Pulled from project status field. Assigned based upon study status Study Type Pulled from study type field. Primary Purpose Only available for studies registered in Can only be used if information from Hawk IRB is valid. Study Phase Pulled from the phase field.

12 How to make it better Field Label Source Notes Cancer Study Hawk IRB
Pulled from HCCC resources used field. Compensation Available Pulled from compensation field. VII.E.9 (yes or no only) Principal Investigator Name Pulled form principalinvestigator.firstname and principalinvestigator.lastname fields. II.1 Principal Investigator Department/Unit Pulled from principalinvestigator.department field. Pulled from identity management Principal Investigator Hawk ID Information is hidden. Used for REST API and data associations. Principal Investigator University ID Study Contact Name Information is hidden. Used to populate the I'm Interested contact information. II.5 Study Contact Study Contact Phone Number

13 How to make it better Field Label Source Notes Eligibility: Adults
Hawk IRB Based on provided adult age range. Age range(s) VI.1, VI.2, VI.3, VI.6, VI.7, VI.8 Eligibility: Kids Based on provided pediatric age range. Eligibility: Males Pulled from study gender males. Gender(s) VI.4, VI.5, VI.9, VI.10 Eligibility: Females Pulled from study gender females. Healthy Volunteers Pulled from eligibility healthy_volunteers. Only available for studies registered in Can only be used if information from hawk IRB is valid.  I'm Interested Custom Built Sends users to a study specific project for subjects to provide info in a secue manner. Share Study via Allows users to share that specific study through . Share Study via Facebook Allows users to share that specific study through Facebook and display correct information. Share Study via Twitter Allows users to share that specific study through Twitter and display correct information. Last Updated Provides last updated date.

14 Thank You Questions Can always me

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