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You will be moving so don’t get too comfortable

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Presentation on theme: "You will be moving so don’t get too comfortable"— Presentation transcript:

1 You will be moving so don’t get too comfortable
Find a seat anywhere You will be moving so don’t get too comfortable

Procedures and Expectations


4 Meet someone new Find someone who you haven’t talked to today or that you haven’t met before Ask their name and find out 3 things about them How old they are Their favorite movie Their least favorite class After you have done those 3 things find seats beside each other

5 Coach Duensing From Columbia Both Parents are teachers 1 Sister
A dog named Steinway No Kids Went to Newberry College Played Football President of Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity Taught Previously at Andrews High School Pontiac Elementary School Edisto Elementary School


7 Scars Everyone in the room will show a scar to the class
People in the class will try and guess how you got your scar After a few guesses you tell the story of how you got your scar Once everyone has gotten to show a scar you we will vote on who has the best one

8 Paperwork. In your packet there are a few things that need to be filled out and signed by your parent or guardian and returned to me ASAP Health Statement Rule Sheet Comprehensive health permission This is your first grade Return tomorrow for 110 points Return Thursday for 100 points Return Friday for 90 Goes down by 10 every day until you get a zero

9 Expectations You MUST dress out every day we are in the gym
We will be in the gym Monday, Wednesday, and Friday almost every week unless something special is happening On Tuesdays and Thursdays we will be in class either working on health or logistical aspects of the sport we are learning You MUST bring a pencil to class on Tuesdays and Thursdays You also need to bring a notebook either spiral or composition to keep in class in one of the crates.

10 Expectations Always Try. Respect each other.
Be prepared for class each day. If you have a question ask. Not having materials is not a reason to not participate. I will treat you how you act.

11 Grading Each Student will be graded on the following scale
Skills = 30% PE Skills test, self analysis, peer evaluation, teacher evaluation Cognitive = 30% Health and PE written tests, homework Fitnessgram = 30% Participation, goal setting, improvement Affective = 10% Teamwork, attitude, dressing out

12 Dressing Out You must follow a few guidelines when dressing out.
Wear your provided PE uniform, the order form is in your packet if you would like to purchase Wear a Blue, Red, or Grey t-shirt that has no writing or logos on it, OR, an LMS shirt Wear Blue, Red, or Grey shorts with no writing or logos on them. You must wear an Athletic shoe that can be tied, no slide on shoes or crocs. Even if you are sick you still need to dress out unless you are disabled (broken arm, wheelchair, etc) You will complete an alternate assignment for credit that day. If you say you are sick and do not have a doctor’s excuse you will lose points that day. Notes from home WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED

13 Locker Room Procedures
Using the Locker Room is a privilege not a right. There will be ABSOLUTELY NO HORSEPLAY in the locker room Any issues in the locker room will result in an immediate referral and a parent conference. You may NOT use the Athletic locker room to store your things but you can use those restrooms. Bring your own lock. You MUST give me either a copy of your key or the combination. Don’t bring anything valuable to the locker room.

14 Desk Formations We are going to be moving our desks a bit in class so I have created a few different formations so we can move quickly to them Cheraw or Base The way the classroom looks now with the half circles Iso or Rows Place your desks in straight rows, mostly for testing Power Teams Put your desks in groups of 4 Huddle Place your desks in a circle or square so that everyone can see everyone

15 Questions?

16 You will be moving so don’t get too comfortable
Find a seat anywhere You will be moving so don’t get too comfortable

17 Jedi Numbers

18 Jedi Numbers Move Desks into Huddle Formation.
I will give you a goal number that as a class we have to reach. For Example 15 As a class, saying only numbers we must add up to the goal number. There will be rules on what numbers you can say. For example: Only odd numbers from 1 to 5 Once the game starts there can be no talking other than numbers. If two people speak at the same time we start over at zero. If we go over the number we have to start over at zero.

19 AKA What we’re doing in Class
6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Syllabus AKA What we’re doing in Class

20 6th Grade

21 FitnessGRAM (3 Times) Volleyball Pickleball Flag Football Basketball
6th Grade PE FitnessGRAM (3 Times) Volleyball Pickleball Flag Football Basketball Badminton Bowling

22 Health and Wellness Making Good Decisions Self Esteem Body Image
6th Grade Health Health and Wellness Making Good Decisions Self Esteem Body Image

23 7th Grade

24 FitnessGRAM (3 Times) Volleyball Pickleball Flag Football Basketball
7th Grade PE FitnessGRAM (3 Times) Volleyball Pickleball Flag Football Basketball Badminton Bowling

25 7th Grade Health Healthy Relationships Your Changing Body
Infectious Diseases Health and Wellness Decisions and Goals Nutrition Healthy Body Building Self Esteem Physical Health

26 8th Grade

27 FitnessGRAM (3 Times) Volleyball Pickleball Flag Football Basketball
8th Grade PE FitnessGRAM (3 Times) Volleyball Pickleball Flag Football Basketball Badminton Bowling

28 8th Grade Health Stages of Life Growth and Development
Infectious Diseases Health and Wellness Stress Management Physical Fitness Healthy Decisions Body Systems Mental/Emotional Health

29 Bowling Field Trip

30 Field Trip December 8th for 6th Grade December 9th for 7th Grade
Only those students that have had ZERO behavior issues will be allowed to take the trip. No Referrals Always Dress out Always participate Always have a good attitude


32 What is the FitnessGRAM?
It is a series of tests to determine your overall level of fitness It measures several things Body Composition Aerobic capacity or VO2 max Flexibility Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Using Several tests Pacer Curl ups Push Ups Sit and Reach Trunk Lift

33 FitnessGRAM part 1 Height and Weight Find a Partner
Get a piece of paper and a pencil Measure your heights and write them down Weigh yourselves and write it down Once you finish tell me your numbers so I can write them in my chart.

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