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Created by Joanne Whitley December 12, 2007

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Presentation on theme: "Created by Joanne Whitley December 12, 2007"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by Joanne Whitley December 12, 2007
A Weed Is a Flower Created by Joanne Whitley December 12, 2007

2 Chant the words one time as they appear.
only question clothes money hours neighbor taught

3 May I ask you a question ?

4 May I ask you a question?

5 It took me two hours to do my homework!

6 It took me two hours to do my homework!

7 The teacher taught us about Mexico.

8 The teacher taught us about Mexico.

9 I wish I made more money

10 I wish I made more money.

11 My neighbor is a clown!

12 My neighbor is a clown!

13 The twins wear the same clothes .

14 The twins wear the same clothes.

15 I am an only child.

16 I am an only child.

17 Watch the words carefully as they flash on the screen. Spell the words.

18 clothes

19 hours

20 taught

21 question

22 money

23 neighbor

24 Goll-l-l-y! You’ve done it again!

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