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INSPIRE-based e-reporting pilots

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1 INSPIRE-based e-reporting pilots
Exploration of opportunities under the ISA programme

2 Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations
A Commission-driven EU programme to facilitate the efficient and effective electronic cross-border and cross-sector interaction between European public administrations … enabling the delivery of electronic public services supporting the implementation of Community policies and activities …by ensuring the availability of common frameworks, common services and generic tools …by increasing the awareness of ICT aspects of Community legislation.

3 Pilots for INSPIRE-based reporting: possibilities in ISA programme
Following the experience with the INSPIRE Air Quality reporting pilot, DG Environment, JRC and DG Informatics started discussions on possibilities to include pilot to support INSPIRE-based e- reporting in ISA work programme ISA Unit indicated that possibilities may exist to get funding Next slides focus on scope, process, and possible outline of the pilot

4 INSPIRE-based e-reporting pilot (1/3)
Proposed scope: implementation pilots for a number of e-reporting streams Vertical: from the Member States to the European Institutions and Bodies, based on INSPIRE Horizontal: Between Member States’ organizations What: operational e-reporting systems and e-learning platforms that will help MS fulfill their obligations in the selected policy domains. How: Further use and develop the framework, guidelines and tools developed by ISA actions (including the European Union Location Framework, the Re-usable INSPIRE Reference Platform, and CISE), and further develop any required open source tools Why: streamline e-reporting, make it easier for Member States to report, reaping the benefits of INSPIRE

5 INSPIRE-based e-reporting pilot (2/3)
Requirements for ISA proposals: Address multiple policies (environment alone is not enough!), eg, Environment Transport Security Involvement of multiple DGs (eg, JRC, DG ENV, DG MARE, ESTAT) Involvement of Member States organizations

6 INSPIRE-based e-reporting pilot (3/3)
Pilot can consist of different phases, e.g. Inception / Definition / Design phase Preparation / realization / Introduction phase Use and maintenance Phase 1 could be covered already by part of the budget Other phases to be funded from the budget

7 Process for proposal submission and evaluation
Proposal (about 5 pp.) to be submitted to ISA by one of the lead DGs (eg, JRC) asap but not later than beginning of May 2013 Evaluation by ISA Assignment of the budget (2nd quarter 2013) Lead DG to issue calls for tenders to carry out the work

8 What’s in it for participating organizations?
Directly involved in definition of requirements of system Testing of solutions Training of staff Easy sharing and re-use of e-reporting data, embedded in e-Government context

9 Conclusions and next steps
Important window of opportunity You need to indicate if your organization would be willing to participate in the pilot Ideally 2-5 countries with the involvement of local, regional, and national organizations with an obligation in the reporting stream EEA, ESTAT, other? Interested? Please contact inspire- by 7 April 2013

10 Welcome to the INSPIRE Conference 2013! Florence, 23-27 June 2013
Thank you for your attention! Welcome to the INSPIRE Conference 2013! Florence, June 2013

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