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Aim: Would I rather be Athenian, Spartan or Persian?

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1 Aim: Would I rather be Athenian, Spartan or Persian?
Do Now: You are creating your own civilization. Will you focus the most on the arts and sciences or the military? Write an answer on your handout  turn & talk

2 I Rise of the Greek City-States
A) After the decline of the Mycenaeans, the Dorians invaded Greece the Peloponnesus. Greece fell into a dark age. People sought protection by an acropolis (large hill). B) By the 8th century BCE, Greek city-states (poli) began to emerge. Most were isolated due to Greece’s mountains. C) Greeks adopted the Phoenician alphabet.

3 The Athenian Acropolis
II Athens A) On the highest hilltop was the acropolis with marble temples. B) On flatter ground was the walled city with the agora (marketplace), theatre, public buildings and homes. The Athenian Acropolis

4 The Athenian Agora As it Would Have Been…

5 Athens Continued… C) The Birth of Athenian Democracy:
Athens evolved from an oligarchy to a direct democracy “rule by the people.” Checks and balances (legislative lawmaking body, a council of representatives, and courts with juries of citizens) Only free males (no slaves) who owned property were citizens and could participate. Women were not citizens. The democracy could vote to ostracize (exile)someone believed to be too powerful or corrupt. Oligarchy: A government controlled by a few wealthy & powerful people Direct Democracy: Citizens vote & most votes win "Our constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states... Its administration favors the many instead of the few; this is why it is called a democracy…” – Pericles Funeral Oration, 5th century BCE

6 Athens Continued… D) Athenian boys were given a well rounded education; they studied reading, writing, rhetoric (public speaking), science, the arts, and philosophy. From years old they trained for the military or navy. E) Athenian women were mostly kept indoors, and had a similar status to slaves.

7 “Spartans are willing to die for their city because they have no reason to live.”

8 Child Soldiers, South Sudan, 2015
II Sparta A) By the 8th century BCE, the Spartans (descended from the Dorians) had turned the conquered people of the Peloponnesus (southern Greece) into slaves (helots). Helots outnumbered the Spartan soldiers 7 to 1, and did all of the farming and manual work. B) Spartan Government was ruled by 2 kings, but their power was limited by a Council of Elders. C) At 7 years old all boys moved to barracks to train to become soldiers. Child Soldiers, South Sudan, 2015

9 Primary Source: Xenophon “On the Spartans” 428 – 354 BCE)
“Instead of softening their feet with shoe or sandal, [the military trainer’s] rule was to make [the boys]…hardy through going barefoot…his rule was to habituate them to a single garment the whole year through…. [they should become used to starvation] On the other hand, to guard against a too great pinch of starvation, he did give them permission to steal this thing or that in the effort to alleviate their hunger.”

10 Sparta Continued… E) Unlike in Athens, Spartan women were educated in reading, writing and athletics. Women were allowed to own property so they could protect the family’s home while the men were away at war.

11 III The Greek Military A) All Athenian citizens had to serve in the army for 2 years. B) Both the Athenians and the Spartans used the phalanx: massive form of heavily armed foot soldiers (like a human tank). Phalanx soldier = hoplite. C) Athens had a strong navy, and used triremes. As Sparta was more inland, they did not have a navy.

12 The Persian Empire 553 - 330 BCE

13 The Persians Continued…
A) The Persian Empire was founded in 550 BCE by Cyrus the Great. Persians are of Aryan descent. B) Cyrus the Great made a policy of tolerance towards different religions, cultures, and women. He banned slavery! C) The Royal Road allowed easier access for their army and postal service. D) The official religion of Persia was Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrians believe God has an evil rival. You must choose between good and evil. E) 331 BCE the Persian Empire was conquered by Alexander the Great! Aryans were Indo-European (“white”) nomads who conquered northern India. Cyrus the Great

14 Persepolis, Iran

15 The Persian Royal Road “There is nothing mortal which accomplishes a journey with more speed than these messengers, so skillfully has this been invented by the Persians…Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor darkness of night prevents them from accomplishing the task proposed to them with the very utmost speed…” History of Herodotus 8.98

16 Key Vocabulary Acropolis Agora Athens Cyrus the Great Dark Age Democracy Direct Democracy Helots Peloponnesus Persian Empire Phoenician alphabet Polis/Poli Royal Road Solon Sparta Trireme Zoroastrianism

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