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Red Class Curriculum Overview

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1 Red Class Curriculum Overview 2018-2019
Our curriculum is delivered through a thematic approach. Key skills in Art and Design, History and Geography are taught through 6 themes across the year THE HOME FRONT INDIAN SPICE ‘WONDER WOMEN’  LONDON’S BURNING  PIONEERS WHOLE SCHOOL THEME World War II from a local and UK view   India as a contrasting locality Famous women in history The Great Fire of London Innovative individuals Literacy Genres and SPaG Children will read, analyse, and find features of the following text-types, before planning ,writing and evaluating their own in the context of the class theme and incorporating the elements of SPaG below. Stories, instructions,   recounts of trips and visits, historical recounts, factual reports, persuasive writing, diary entries, simple playscripts, descriptive writing, character descriptions,   information texts, letters SPaG Adding suffixes to nouns, –s, -es,. Adding suffixes to verbs, -ing, -ed, -er. Forming nouns using -ness. Creating adjectives using -ful, -less, -est. Creating adverbs using –ly. Adding prefix un-. Joining ideas using and, when, if, that, because, or, but. Using capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks. Using commas in lists. Using possessive apostrophe. Using apostrophes to indicate missing letters Using adjectives to create expanded noun phrases. Using different sentence types. Using present and past tense correctly. Maths Count forwards and backwards in 2, 3 and 5. Partition 2 digit numbers. Use &understand place value eg find 10 more, order numbers, know which are the nearest multiples of 10, compare numbers. Read & write numbers to 100 in words & numbers. Solve addition and subtraction problems using 1 and 2-digit numbers mentally, with objects, number lines, pictures, and by writing them. Use number bonds for numbers up to 20. Check answers by estimating. Know and use x tables facts for 2, 5 and 10 times tables to solve multiplication and division problems – mentally, using arrays and with objects. Find and record fractions of a shape or number of objects. Measure length, mass and capacity, read scales marked in 2s, 5s, 10s. Use symbols <, >, =, £, p. Use notes and coins to make amounts. Add money, give change. Tell the time to 5 minutes. Know minutes in an hour and hours in a day. Order objects in sequences. Use vocab to describe movement. Compare, sort and describe 2D and 3D shapes. Read and construct pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams and tables. Science Everyday Materials Identify and name a variety of everyday materials, describe the physical properties of these materials, compare and group together these materials, Use of Everyday Materials Identify and compare suitability of different materials for purposes, effect of heat on different materials used for buildings during the fire, find out how the shapes of objects can be changed Seasonal Changes Observe changes across the four seasons Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons and how day length varies RE Units of work from London Borough of Islington Agreed Syllabus: What can we learn from sacred books? What makes some places sacred? How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times? What does it mean to belong to a faith community? PE Games Travel with ball. Pass, move, shoot. Throw, catch. Sending skills, hitting and striking. Partner work, small sided games. Dance Explore patterns and pathways; Develop repertoire Gymnastics Balance, body parts high and low. Body shape aware, link movements with control. Fundamentals Balance, climb, bench walk, roll, throw, catch, strike, dribble, kick. Sprint, run, skip, hop, gallop, jump for height and distance. Simple games with object control skills. COMPUTING online safety and digital literacy eg ‘we are not online bullies’, ‘we are safe searchers’ ‘we are code masters’ online drawing and caption writing, creating animations. Publishing writing to share on blog, review other blogs navigations skills eg using shortcuts using favourites and bookmarks programming using pro-bots and turtle creating graphs linked to science work PSHE Cooking including: healthy eating habits, food groups, hygiene, spreading, chopping, measuring, peeling, mashing, presenting food. PSHE: Keeping safe: feeling safe; indoors and outdoors. Looking after the body. Body parts, boys and girls. What do we put into and onto our bodies? Medicines and me. Financial capability – how much does it cost?

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