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Definite and Indefinite Articles

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1 Definite and Indefinite Articles
Created by Mrs. Ochoa for Spanish 1 students at Vista Murrieta High School

2 The Gender of Nouns In Spanish, every noun has a gender. It is either feminine or masculine. Most words that end in a are feminine. Most words that end in o are masculine. Some nouns don’t follow a particular rule so you must learn the gender of each these words individually.

3 Articles In Spanish, as in English, there are definite and indefinite articles. They are a, an, the In Spanish, the article used will depend on the gender and number of the noun that follows it.

4 Definite Articles Use when you are talking about a specific noun or group of nouns. el (masculine, singular) la (feminine, singular) los (masculine, plural) las (feminine, plural) These articles are equivalent to “the” in English.

5 In Spanish, articles and nouns must agree in number and gender.
Definite: Singular Definite: Plural la chica (feminine) el chico (masculine) las chicas (feminine) los chicos (masculine)

6 Some nouns can be both masculine and feminine.
el estudiante la estudiante el modelo la modelo el policía la policía index

7 What is the definite article for each of the following nouns.
LET’S PRACTICE What is the definite article for each of the following nouns.

8 casa la index

9 doctores los index

10 taco el index

11 amigos los index

12 maestra la index

13 hombre el index

14 estudiante el, la index

15 doctor el index

16 policía el, la index

17 apartamento el index

18 amigas las index

19 señores los index

20 estudiantes los, las index

21 señorita la index

22 familias las index

23 comunidad la index

24 mundo el index

25 país el index

26 Indefinite Articles Use when you are not talking about a specific noun or group of nouns. un (masculine, singular) una (feminine, singular) unos (masculine, plural) unas (feminine, plural) These articles are equivalent to “a, an, some” in English.

27 In Spanish, articles and nouns must agree in number and gender.
Indefinite: Singular Indefinite: Plural una chica (feminine) un chico (masculine) unas chicas (feminine) unos chicos (masculine)

28 What is the indefinite article for each of the following nouns.
LET’S PRACTICE What is the indefinite article for each of the following nouns.

29 muchachos unos index

30 hombre un index

31 casa una

32 mujeres unas index

33 estudiantes unos, unas index

34 señores unos index

35 estudiante un, una index

36 casas unas index

37 chico un index index index

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