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Simple manipulation in the electronic darkroom

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1 Simple manipulation in the electronic darkroom
Visual Communication Simple manipulation in the electronic darkroom

2 Underexposure When not enough light entered the camera; there’s little image to work with…. The photo is considered “flat” Photos look too dark

3 Overexposure When too much light entered the camera
The photo is considered “washed out” Photos look too light, no details in highlights

4 Exposure Overexposure Correct exposure Underexposure

5 Exposure Overexposure Correct exposure Underexposure

6 Underexposure Possible ways to compensate in PhotoShop
Auto Levels-examines images and makes a quick judgment Can work with images that aren’t dramatically underexposed and don’t contain single strong colors Can throw color balance off

7 Underexposure Possible ways to compensate in PhotoShop
Auto contrast will alter levels but not color balance Brightness/contrast is a manual version of auto contrast BEST BET is Levels - reset the black and white points on the histogram

8 Underexposure Possible ways to compensate
Whichever you choose remember to do it only ONCE Repeated changes will cause loss of detail - in digital imaging, when detail is gone it’s gone

9 Underexposure Possible ways to compensate
Also, once you’ve applied a set of levels you don’t like, select Edit>Undo rather than try to correct back to the original Always remember to keep an “original” copy of the file

10 Underexposure Alternative method uses layers - we will explore this later Masking allows you to correct underexposure in part of an image - we will explore this later

11 Overexposure Correct on many pictures by using Adjustments>Shadow/Highlights Move the sliders until you find the shadows in the areas overexposed

12 Dodging and Burning Enhancing an image by holding back or intensifying the amount of light Avoid shadowy dark tones (dodge) Bring out hidden details (burn)

13 Dodging and Burning Options to dodge or burn in
Highlights Midtones Shadows Don’t burn in highlights too much Gives an unpleasant “gray” effect

14 Sponge Allows you to saturate color in small areas Can also desaturate

15 Perspective Images of tall objects, especially buildings, suffer from converging verticals; photographer shoots at an “up” angle

16 Perspective Images of tall objects, especially buildings, suffer from converging verticals; photographer shoots at an “up” angle

17 Perspective Again, use the crop tool to align the edges of the image, with the verticals of the building. Do this by using the “perspectives” selection in the crop tool

18 Perspective Second method to correct perspective:
Select all (apple + A) Go to Edit>Transform>Perspective Use the handles to straighten the building Hit enter; deselect (apple + D)

19 Perspective Be careful to only correct the perspective
Don’t skew the photo in any other way - width or height

20 Hints for people pictures
Skin tone - does it look natural? Color balance Eyes - are the whites “white”? Dodge tool at 10 percent

21 Layer technique Create a duplicate layer
Set opacity at 50% and mode to “screen” Add more duplicate layers (blending continues) Flatten layers, use levels to adjust if needed

22 Layer technique The original shot is very underexposed

23 Layer technique Adding layers and blending gives you a more workable shot

24 Layer technique Continuing with levels and sharpening, and the underexposure seems to go away

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