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Chaplaincy Wecloming every faith, belief and culture.

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Presentation on theme: "Chaplaincy Wecloming every faith, belief and culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chaplaincy Wecloming every faith, belief and culture

2 Chaplaincy: Who we are Revd David Allen (Anglican) Sheik Musa Admani
(Muslim) Revd Andrew Baughen (Anglican) Rabbi Gavin Broder (Jewish)

3 Chaplaincy Co-ordinator
Chaplaincy: Who we are Sr Catherine Cruz (Catholic) Fr Gregory Wellington (Orthodox) Revd Ian Worsfold (Methodist) Chaplaincy Co-ordinator

4 Chaplaincy: What we do o Building support for and cohesion between faith societies/student community o Overseeing use and development of City Faith Centre o Presence at graduations and other University events o Challenging procedure & policy in institute if necessary Inter-Faith Week: Chat up a Chaplain Presidents’ Lunch SU CITY FAITH CENTRE: notice board, mirrors in female muslim prayer room Prayer Board & Memory Tree – soft ways of encouraging people to explore their spirituality & questions of life & faith Procedure & Policy This year, highlighted a gap in a robust policy regarding Religious Observance Exepmtion e.g. Jewish Sabbath, Ramadan, Sabbath for Seventh Day Adventist Presence on E&D committee



7 Chaplaincy: What we do o ‘Welcoming Every Faith, Belief and Culture’
o Support people – regardless of faith/belief; students and staff discussion groups and talks listening ear helping with faith needs and questions offering Worship opportunities referring to and from other support services – even Sport! signposting people of other faiths not yet represented weddings, memorial services etc. Inter-Faith Week: Chat up a Chaplain Presidents’ Lunch SU CITY FAITH CENTRE: notice board, mirrors in female muslim prayer room Prayer Board & Memory Tree – soft ways of encouraging people to explore their spirituality & questions of life & faith Procedure & Policy This year, highlighted a gap in a robust policy regarding Religious Observance Exepmtion e.g. Jewish Sabbath, Ramadan, Sabbath for Seventh Day Adventist Presence on E&D committee

8 Contact us:
City, University of London Northampton Square London EC1V 0HB United Kingdom T: +44 (0) E: Contact us:

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