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Contraception Lesson Objective: To know what contraception is

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Presentation on theme: "Contraception Lesson Objective: To know what contraception is"— Presentation transcript:

1 Contraception Lesson Objective: To know what contraception is
To consider different methods of contraception and to understand their effectiveness.

2 Your Task Using the sheet in front of you fill in the boxes with as much information as you can to help you produce your leaflets all about Contraception.

3 Birth Control Pill Contraceptive Pill –
It is a pill which the girl takes daily. It contains hormones which prevent pregnancy

4 Condoms Male Condom – The male condom is the only method of contraception boys can use. It's really just a rubber tube. It's closed at one end like the finger of a glove so that when a boy puts it over his penis it stops the sperm going inside a girl's body

5 Female Condom Female Condom
The female condom is a fairly new barrier method. It is not as widely available as the male condom and it is more expensive

6 IUD or Coil ‘The IUD’ – which stands for ‘intra-uterine device.’ Most IUDs are T-shaped. They’re made of plastic and copper, sometimes with a little silver inside. They prevent your partner’s sperms from getting through your womb and into your tubes

7 Diaphragm and cap Diaphragms and caps fit inside the vagina and cover the cervix (entrance to the womb). They are barrier methods of contraception and stop sperm meeting an egg.

8 Spermicide Spermicides
come in several different forms: cream, gel and foam. Most spermicides contain nonoxynol-9, a chemical that kills sperm. Spermicides can be used alone but are more effective when used with another method of birth control, such as a condom or diaphragm.

9 Implant Contraceptive Implant - The contraceptive implant is a small, flexible tube that's inserted under the skin in the upper arm. It slowly releases a hormone called progestogen and works for three years.

10 Injection Contraceptive Injection
The contraceptive injection contains a hormone called progestogen and is a long-term method of contraception. It's injected into a muscle and the hormone is released very slowly into the body.

11 Contraceptive Patch Contraceptive Patch
It's a thin, beige, sticky patch measuring 5cm x 5cm. It contains the same hormones as the combined pill: oestrogen and progestogen.

12 Natural Planning Withdrawal Method – The withdrawal of the penis from the vagina before the man has ejaculated. This is not very reliable Rhythm Method – When a couple abstain from sexual intercourse on the days when she is most fertile.

13 Tubal sterilisation is surgery to block a woman's fallopian tubes. Tubal sterilisation is a permanent form of birth control 'male sterilisation'  It works by preventing sperm from reaching the semen that is ejaculated from the man's penis during sex. It is a quick and painless surgical procedure

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