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Week 3: Reflecting and Improving

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1 Week 3: Reflecting and Improving
Coursework September 2018 Week 3: Reflecting and Improving Check planners are present and collect themes before starting the lesson

2 Coursework Week 3 : Reflecting and Improving
Even better: Evaluate your progress and skills compared to examples Good learning: Understand where you are with your coursework Great learning: Explain how you are going to progress Key Words:

3 In the context of , to what extent was the anti-Semitism of the German people during Nazi rule ( ) an anomaly? In the context of , to what extent was Martin Luther King the most important Civil Rights leader? Do you have a firm grip of what your question means? Is everything you are writing helping answer the question? Are there parts of the timeframe that you have not covered?

4 Where am I: Themes Key Areas Response Number of completed themes
Good learning: Understanding where you are with your coursework Great learning: Explain how you are going to progress Even better: Evaluate your progress and skills compared to examples Where am I: Themes Key Areas Response Number of completed themes Length of Themes Properly Footnoted? Addressing the Question? 100 Years Coverage? Have you done enough research on each area?

5 Where am I: Sources Key Areas Response Have you chosen 3 Sources?
Good learning: Understanding where you are with your coursework Great learning: Explain how you are going to progress Even better: Evaluate your progress and skills compared to examples Where am I: Sources Key Areas Response Have you chosen 3 Sources? Have you written up three Sources? Have you addressed provenance, tone and content? Do you have enough OK to write confidently about all aspects of the source? Do you have at least 2 different types? Do your sources fit into at least two different themes? Do your sources come from different time periods?

6 Previous Examples You are going to read some previous examples of coursework This should help you get an idea of big picture of your question It should also show you where you need to get to from where you are now Make notes of events you need to cover Arguments you need to think about Sources you want to look up Grade Mark A 33 B 29 C 23 D 19 E 15 Good learning: Understanding where you are with your coursework Great learning: Explain how you are going to progress Even better: Evaluate your progress and skills compared to examples

7 Author/Title ARGUMENTS 1 2 3 4 Key details Key Details Event Date
Theme ARGUMENTS 1 2 3 4

8 Time for Action come up with an action plan
Consider what you will do each day this week Think about what issues need addressing: Good learning: Understanding where you are with your coursework Great learning: Explain how you are going to progress Even better: Evaluate your progress and skills compared to examples Themes Sources RESEARCH SOURCE SELECTION HIGH LEVEL RESOURCES SOURCE UNDERSTANDING 100 YEAR COVERAGE contextual knowledge relating to sources argument/ judgement where sources fit with your themes adding detail cutting narrative


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