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1 X-mas Joke 
More contact info X-mas Joke 


If it’s any consolation = if it makes you feel better. We say this when a listener hears upsetting information, and want to make them feel better. What is “chicken scratch?” Translate: 음력 / 양력 What is “죽” in English? What do Americans “need” on the Fourth of July? What is the “best translation” for 추석/설날? When are they? What does “half-mast” mean? (Hint: Flag) How many chances a year do Americans have to take the “College Entrance Exam?” If it’s any consolation, it’s not free. It’s usually 150 USD per test.

4 Independence Days USA (NO WORK!!) July 4th BBQ Korea (NO WORK!!)
Burgers and Franks Hot Dog BEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fireworks!! The president must come Korea (NO WORK!!) March 1st School Prep Hang the Flag/ Hang the national colors Gov’t Sponsored Event The president must come

5 송편/제사 Sales?? 한복 Food!!!! Sales – BLACK FRIDAY 70 – 90 percent
USA BOTH S. KOREA Whoever’s home Both are in “Fall/Autumn” First – husband home 2nd wife home Main food is THAT BIRD! (TURKEY) …wake up very early 송편/제사 FOOTBALL GAME …not really changing (because men can’t cook) …families gather together THE WOMAN MAKES EVERYTHING!!!! HUSBAND WATCHES TV DRINK/SPORTS CHANGING…?  Last Thursday of November Almost exact day August 15th on the Lunar Calendar Just nice shirt Sales?? 한복 Food!!!! Visit family graves Sales – BLACK FRIDAY 70 – 90 percent Sales – gift sets During (holiday) we usually…. During (Thanksgiving) Americans usually…. During (Korean Thanksgiving) we usually….

6 ..but there’s a catch 1000USD  350 USD, but the store only has 20 TVs ..but there’s a catch == you must remember …..

7 Next on the agenda The other handouts
Start chapter 1 of Let’s Talk Book Short reading exercise (?) Somewhere in the middle of this, there will be a ten-minute break

8 We need a break~!~~ 10 min break~ Number 010-5538-3086
7:26 PM How can I improve my speaking skill? YouTube: slow the speed Nice job~ 가브리엘라 가비

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