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Laptop & Chromebook Cart Procedures

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1 Laptop & Chromebook Cart Procedures

2 Difference between chromebooks and laptops
Starts up in 7 seconds and student login takes less than an minute. Web-based sites and apps only, no installed programs on the device No ability to print. Students can share files with teacher as needed online. Automatically updates as needed – updates are fairly quick. Can access and control student devices through Go Guardian. Battery lasts 7-8 hours Can take a few minutes for students to sign-in. (Especially the first time they use a particular device because it installs their settings on that device.) Has installed programs like full versions of Word, Excel, and Powerpoint that allows more features than web-based version. Can print (IF department printers are installed) Updates can take a while. Can access and control student devices with Go Guardian only if students login to and use Chrome. Battery life can be shorter than Chromebooks because it runs more processes when in use.

3 Reserving a Cart To reserve a cart, go to the Library Calendars page
Check the appropriate calendar for availability Click on the reservation tab and complete the online form. You will receive an from me when your request has been confirmed and added to the calendar. You can reserve a cart for up to 5 consecutive days at a time.

4 Picking up carts Only teachers or other staff may pick up a cart. You may not send a student. You may pick up carts before school the day of your reservation. (I usually arrive between 8:10-8:15 most days.) If the cart is not in use the day before, you can pick it up after school the day before your reservation. Do not place any food or drinks on the cart at any time.

5 Using the carts in your classroom
You must assign chromebooks/laptops to your students and complete either the online Google document or turn in the printed assignment sheet listing your class assignments. These documents can be found on the Library Calendar page under the Carts Calendar. Students must login to devices using their district usernames and passwords. Carts should be closed, locked, and plugged in when not in use. Students should not take ANY devices from the classroom. If a student needs to work on something outside of your class, provide them with a pass to use a library computer. Teachers should actively monitor student use and check condition of devices before they are returned to the cart. Make sure students log out of devices at the end of each class period.

6 Returning the carts Each device should be returned to its correct numbered slot. Each device should be plugged in. Teacher or staff member ONLY can return carts. Do not send students. Return carts by the end of the day of your checkout period. If you cannot return it until the following morning, please let Mrs. De Waelsche know. Library is closed at 4:30 p.m. if you return a cart after this time, make sure it is locked and store it behind the circulation desk and PLUG IT IN so it can charge overnight.

7 Cart reminders Chromebook and Laptop carts CANNOT be used with a substitute. If you have reserved the cart and are then absent, contact Ms. De Waelsche to have the cart picked up and leave an alternative assignment for your class. To reset student passwords, login to the Student Account Manager and reset as needed. There should be NO FOOD OR DRINKS near the devices or cart at any time! This includes breakfast items, bottled water, etc. Try to have your students use the same device every day. Since the laptops load the student’s settings the first time they login, subsequent logins should be faster if using the same laptop each day.

8 Quiz To be eligible to check out Chromebook and Laptop carts, please complete the online quiz. You will need to login to your Google account to complete the quiz.

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