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Mary Martin, Director of Payment Services & Travel

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1 Communication and Engagement: How can Data Analytics and Reporting Help
Mary Martin, Director of Payment Services & Travel Shannon Miller, Travel Manager Share information on how we engage with our travel community using data, reports, and other methods

2 University of Colorado
65,000 students across 4 campuses 35,000 faculty and staff $4.5B annual budget FY19 65,000 students across 4 campuses 35,000 faculty and staff $4.1B Annual Budget

3 Travel Program Stats Airfare $16.7M Hotel $16.4M Purchase Order $ 5.8M
Transportation $ 2.4M Car Rental $ 1.5M TOTAL $42.8M Travelers 10,000 Dom Flights 25,000 Int’l Flights 3,500 In Program Booking 94% Managed travel program for faculty and staff.

4 Transaction Reports Challenge of every travel program is reconciliation after the trip. We use several tools/strategies to remind Travelers / Delegates / Departments of outstanding travel expenses and/or to provide guidance to them.

5 Incoming Card Transactions
Company liability travel card Provides supplier name and transaction amount Consolidates card transactions that import each day Meaningful instructions to the user sent to cardholder and delegate Notify traveler and delegate when a card charge has come into the Concur T&E system

6 Aging Card Transactions
Travel card transaction aging reports are automatically sent out each month – Using reporting functionality within Concur to burst out the information. Depending on the recipient the message will vary slightly. Cardholder & Delegate – monthly report of all transactions older than 30 days Supervisor – monthly report for all employees that have outstanding transactions older than 60 days

7 Back Office Run monthly reports that show unassigned / unapproved transactions > 90 days old Use Access database to sort data and manage process – goal to be current w/n 6 months of transaction date Work directly with users to help them reconcile Even though we have sent out multiple reminders, there is still reconciliation work for the back office.

8 Travel Program Reports

9 Travel Program Reports
Advance booking Top 10 carriers Monthly airline spend Top 10 travel departments Payment of airline tickets (compliance) Frequent / Infrequent travelers Travel data comparison by campus Concur online adoption rate Developed a suite of travel program reports to measure the effectiveness of our travel program. Sample list of our report - Will share a few of them with you in the following slides Reports developed internally by business analysts team Static reports that are provided each quarter to the travel team.

10 Travel Program Reports
Effectiveness of travel program Identify opportunities for improvement Aids in discussions with key travel suppliers Aids in discussion with departments

11 Example of Top 10 Domestic Carrier report – also have a report for international airfare.
Use to determine what carriers are being used – Contracts with United & Southwest We share these reports at our quarterly business reviews – Helps us know how we are meeting our contractual commitments with our preferred carriers United & Southwest. Both airlines look at the data and ask how they can gain more market share.

12 A very important report for us is Payment of Airline Tickets – In Program “Compliance” measurement – goal is not to fall below 90% When employees are booking within the travel program – benefits in the following areas: Duty of Care Airline discounts Recovery of unused ticket value Agent Assistance Airfare reconciliation Administrative costs

13 Aware of our high-travel departments – make sure they are happy and address their concerns
Meet with them on a regular basis to understand their challenges – get their feedback. Sometimes include our TMC in the meeting. Discuss department specific data and areas to target for improvement – sample of department scorecard coming Get their input on changes to our program / pilot test

14 Keep track of our monthly airline spend
Keep track of our monthly airline spend. The trend has been very consistent year-over-year. Helps us manage peak travel periods better. Also, valuable to share with our TMC so they can move staff to handle the volume.

15 Department Scorecards

16 Department Scorecards
Quarterly reports sent directly to key departments Send out 225 reports each quarter Reports include summaries of: Procurement Purchase order detail Accounts payable Managed spend Expense (procurement card & travel card) Airfare Will share with you the airfare summary page data from the department scorecard -

17 Provides department ticket count and total air charges for airfare and their average ticket price.
Also provides advanced booking data for domestic airfare and the ticket price based on when the airfare is booked.

18 Further provide comparison of the department’s average ticket price as compared to their campus and the university system as a whole. We’ve found that our departments are very competitive and they pay attention to this data. In this example, the departments average ticket prices is higher than the campus and university averages. It’s great information to help them change the behavior of travelers within their department.

19 Comparison of the department’s advance booking behavior
Comparison of the department’s advance booking behavior. Again, campus wide and university wide.

20 This section provides airfare booking data.
Comparison of domestic booking through Concur versus calling an agent, and info. on how the department compares to other departments on the campus. Opportunity for departments. There is a cost savings when booking through Concur – valuable information to try and change behaviors and save money for the department.

21 Annual Satisfaction Survey

22 Satisfaction Survey Annual travel & expense survey
Gauge effectiveness year over year Measure Concur Travel Travel Management Company Mobile travel apps Concur Expense Enhancements Comments provided – what do you like / what don’t you like Use feedback to drive optimization

23 Satisfaction Survey Themes
Users were unsure which account code expense types were mapped to Edited expense type descriptions to include 6-digit account code Users expressed an interest in travel apps Introduced “Go Mobile” campaign for TripIt Pro and Concur Mobile Feedback helps us to solidify our roadmap. We always want to improve the user experience. Examples of feedback through our surveys and actions taken to improve the user experience When we embark on our optimization projects, we use data to drive our decisions and to measure the results.

24 Satisfaction Survey Themes
Occasional travelers were confused by the travel and expense process Introduced Infrequent Traveler Messaging program Card transaction information coming into the system does not provide meaningful information Introduced enhanced incoming card transaction messages Feedback helps us to solidify our roadmap. We always want to improve the user experience. Examples of feedback through our surveys and actions taken to improve the user experience

25 Satisfaction Survey Themes
Request for improved pre-approval process for international travel Introduced Concur Request module to include higher-level approval for travel to high-risk destinations. Included campus specific information about Export Control / Regulatory Compliance Request for a better way to manage non-employee travel Introduced Concur’s “Book for a Guest” feature to allow departments to book travel through the system for non-employees Feedback helps us to solidify our roadmap. We always want to improve the user experience. Examples of feedback through our surveys and actions taken to improve the user experience

26 Survey Results

27 Survey Results Sample survey results
We know through our surveys that Flight Schedule consistently remains the #1 criteria when employees are making their travel reservations. We always keep this in mind.

28 Survey Results Find that our surveys provide valuable feedback. We use the information to solidify our roadmap of things we can work on to improve the traveler experience. Mission is to continuously enhance customers experience with our systems and our travel program.

29 Travel Report Evolution
Transitioning to a dynamic on-demand reporting tool Allow the travel management team to generate reports with real time data when needed Travel program and reporting tools continue to evolve over time We are currently in the process of transitioning to a dynamic on-demand reporting tool. So, in summary no matter what level your travel program is at, Communication and Engagement with your travel stakeholders is key to your overall program success. And, data analytics and reporting will be an essential tool to help you change behavior and measure your success.

30 Thank You We appreciate the opportunity to share how we use data and our reporting tools with you. Hopefully, you can take away something of value that will also work for your travel program.

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