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Exercise Physiologist

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise Physiologist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise Physiologist
College and Career Awareness

2 What is an Exercise Physiologist?
Exercise Physiologists find ways to improve and maintain a person’s overall health and wellness through exercise. They help people with diseases and illnesses. They work with athletes and others interested in sports training.

3 Is it the same as a Personal Trainer?
No – an Exercise Physiologist has to be Board Certified by passing the Exercise Physiologist Certified exam (EPC)

4 How do I become an Exercise Physiologist?
Bachelor’s degree (4 years of college) Pass the Exercise Physiologist Certified Exam (EPC) Certified by American Society of Exercise Physiologists (ASEP)

5 Where can I work? Health promotion Fitness development
Colleges and universities Clinical rehabilitation Sport and athletic programs

6 What kind of job will I have?
Sports and wellness instructors Strength coaches for sports programs Researchers in companies that make exercise equipment Managers and exercise leaders for corporate wellness programs Instructors in health and fitness clubs

7 What kind of job will I have?
Supervisors of fitness and wellness programs Fitness instructors Exercise technologists Sports consultants

8 How much will I make? Salary ranges from $23,520 to $56,000 based on employer, education, and experience.

9 How hard will it be to find a job?
More jobs will be available all of the time to promote good health.

10 It’s Your Turn Now, you have the task of designing and implementing an exercise program. You will have to be able to find your radial pulse to find the Target Heart Rate Zone.

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