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Japan’s National Sport

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1 Japan’s National Sport
Sumo Wrestling!!!! Japan’s National Sport

2 Information on Sumo Sumo is Japanese form of wrestling.
This sport originated in ancient times as performances to the Shinto Gods.

3 Many rituals are still followed to this day.

4 Basic Rules The wrestler that touches the floor with anything other than the sole of his feet or the wrestler that leaves the ring before his opponent loses. Fights last only a few seconds, and usually no more than a minute.


6 The ring is only 17 feet across.
Combatants compete wearing a Mawashi or silk loin cloth. The grand champion is known as a Yokozuna. A regular non champion is known as a Rikishi.



9 Reigning Yokozuna Takanohana

10 Musashimaru

11 General Facts: Most Sumo are highly trained competitors whose age ranges from 20 to 35 years old. These athletes train very hard. They also eat large quantities of food and go to sleep right after they eat in an effort to gain mass.


13 These Sumo live in special Sumo houses where the rules are very strict especially for the beginners.
Interesting fact: Some of the larger and older athletes have trouble wiping themselves after they defecate. Among the younger athletes, it is considered an honor to wipe the hindquarters of a more established athlete.



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