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Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts

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1 Foundations of Restaurant Management & Culinary Arts
Chapter 1: Welcome to the Restaurant & Foodservice Industry

2 Section 1.1 Overview of the Industry
$550 billion in annual sales 945,000 restaurant and foodservice operators 13 million people employed (9% of workforce) Largest private-sector employer in the country Growth is expected, with nearly 15 million jobs by 2019. Food has been served and sold throughout history, and has contributed to many of the world’s advancements. Foodservice is part of the travel and tourism industry.

3 Is this the career path for me?
Do you like to cook, eat, and learn about food? or Are you a “people” person? or Do you enjoy working with teams and leading others? Do you appreciate a challenge?  This is an industry that serves people… challenges?

4 Two Segments of the Foodservice Industry
Commercial Segment (80%) Restaurants, catering/banquets, retail, stadium, airline/cruise ships Examples? *Fast Fact* See: “Restaurant Segment Definitions” 2. Noncommercial Segment (20%) Prepares and serves food in support of some other establishment’s main function or purpose Examples? 2 methods: contract feeding & self-operators

5 The Big Picture: The Hospitality Industry & Travel & Tourism
Defined as the combination of all the services that people need and will pay for when they are away from home. *Activity: road trip!* Tourism: travel for recreational, leisure, or business (1.2 billion trips taken in the US in 2005) Transportation: planes, trains, automobiles, buses, cars, ships, charter services. Hospitality: because travelers need a place to stay and eat. See: “Hospitality Segments.”

6 The History of Hospitality & Foodservice
Ancient Greece & Rome Few foodservices available, although the Greeks were social and had lesche & phatnai clubs, which housed grand banquets. *what’s an epicurean?* After the Romans conquered the Greeks’ land, although they did not party like the Greeks, as they conquered more land and acquired more exotic foods and spices, they began to prepare lavish banquets for political purposes… *Marcus Apicius*

7 The History of Foodservice (cont’d)
The Middle Ages (post Roman Empire) Slow changes in religion and beliefs moved society from a nomadic group of hunters and foragers to an agrarian society. Feudal Societies developed Landowners lived well, when not fighting Medieval Feasts focused on the FOOD (and nothing else) Because travel was dangerous, Europe was isolated from the Far East & India, and for 200 years they missed out on exotic spices…

8 The History of Foodservice…
The Renaissance through the French Revolution Noblemen instructed their cooks to use large amounts of exotic ingredients in their foods. The expansion of world travel inspired artists, philosophers, and the wealthy to again adopt Epicurean lifestyles, along with other things Greek and Roman… International Trade greatly improved the European way of life This is where we find the origins of haute cuisine. *Fast Fact : Medici*

9 The History of Foodservice…
The Renaissance through the French Revolution… 1650, Oxford, England: The first coffeehouse, or café opens, and unlike the spooky pubs that only served alcohol and men, these places were pleasant, open to more patrons, and began to feature fresh pastries Guilds: Organizations of people with similar professions, formed during the reign of Louis XIV in France, to protect respective industries Rotisiers (roasters) Chaine de Traiteurs (caterers)

10 The History of Foodservice…
The Renaissance Through the French Revolution… 1765: Boulanger began serving hot soups called restaurers (restoratives) for their health-restoring properties at his café, which he called a restaurant. (initially viewed as a threat to the guild) Things got so divided (“let them eat cake”)…rich were super rich, poor were destitute…and finally, inspired by the American Revolution, the people overthrew the government… When the revolution ended, many of the cooks and guild members found themselves unemployed, so they followed Boulanger’s example…and within 30 years Paris had over 500 restaurants serving meals…meanwhile…

11 The History of Foodservice
Colonial North America First settlers were city folk, poorly equipped for farming Major trade centers were found in New York and Boston… 1634: an inn in Boston called Cole’s offered food and lodging to travelers (these establishments were quite rustic, with scheduled meals poorly prepared…it was not until the 1700s that American inns began to resemble modern hotels in the basic services they offer)

12 The History of Foodservice…
The Industrial Revolution Cottage Industries Factories Families moved to cities to work, and cities quickly became crowded and unsanitary. As transportation options became available, allowing people to live out of town, more dining and lodging options also became available. 1825: invention of railroad, resulting in inns, taverns, and foodservice facilities opening near rail stations.

13 Early American Hotels, Coffee Houses & Diners
1794: The City Hotel in NYC opened, the first building in the US designed specifically as a hotel. 1828: The Tremont House in Boston was built, the first hotel to offer private rooms with locking doors. 1800: European-style coffee shops appeared The first diners (actually food trucks) began during this period, to meet the needs of workers. 1837: The Delmonico Brothers open additional restaurants in NYC, beginning the first restaurant chain.

14 Scientists and their advancements in Foodservice
Louis Pasteur: pasteurization Nicholas Appert: the father of canning Nurse Florence Nightingale: health pioneer (diet, surroundings, activity, hygiene) Vitamins were discovered in 1919 Widespread Commercial use of refrigeration also occurred in the early 20th century

15 The History of Foodservice…
The Gilded Age Prosperous time in American history The wealthy dined out in STYLE Delmonico’s and the Astor house were opened CA gold rush prompted the opening of the first cafeteria, an assembly-line process of serving food cheaply without the need for servers.

16 The History of Foodservice…
The 20th Century (1900s) Employment and the economy continued to grow at the beginning of the century, until… During the Depression of the 1930s, fancy restaurants began to close, but a very important advancement was born during this time… FAST FOOD!!! (quick serve) 1921: The first White Castle Restaurant opened in Wichita, Kansas After WWII, the quick-service restaurant segment of the industry grew rapidly.

17 The History of Foodservice…
The 20th century… Mid-century found advanced technology and wider availability of commercial flights for travel… National chains have exploded in numbers since the 1970s…because of them and quick-serve, the concept of “eating out” has evolved dramatically since the early 20th century. 1993: Food Network was launched 1990s: home meal replacements

18 The Future of the Industry…
What has made foodservice the successful industry that it is today? What foodservice trends do you see now and into the future?

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