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Identity & Double Consciousness

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1 Identity & Double Consciousness
What are the effects of double Consciousness?

2 Steps to Approach an Informative Explanatory Writing Task
The Prompt: Using the anchor text and at least two other texts (including the painting, poems, and quotes), write an informative essay analyzing the effects of the feeling of double consciousness. Your essay must be based on the ideas and information found in the unit set. Reminder: Analytic Response: Main idea = topic or subject + the point (claim) cited and well-incorporated evidence from text interpretation/explanation of how the evidence supports the point + interal/external transitions as necessary wrap up sentence Step 1: Break down the prompt. What is the prompt asking me to do with the texts? What is my purpose for reading the texts? What am I supposed to find in the texts? Step 2: Read & take notes to meet the purpose. How can I take notes to help me meet my purpose for reading? What kind of organizer will help me take notes? Step 3: If comparing or synthesizing, identify and group related ideas. What ideas do the texts have in common? What ideas or words are repeated across the texts? Step 4: Draft a plan or outline of the response. Does my thesis answer ALL parts of the prompt? Do each of my main ideas make a clear point that supports the thesis? How will I organize my points in my body paragraphs? What evidence from the texts will I use to support my ideas?

3 Masangkay & Bley DuBois Kahlo Staples
Step 2: how we will take notes to meet the purpose – take out a piece of loose-leaf paper, turn it sideways and copy the chart. Use the entire page. As we complete each text we will document how each author defines the effects of “D.C.” along with evidence. we will do the first one together. Step 1: make a claim (Main idea) and underline in red Step 2: bullet point an example under the main idea. only use * if it is an example. Underline in green. Masangkay & Bley DuBois Kahlo Staples

4 Double consciousness : Two Videos
1. In your journal on page 15 on your interactive journal please respond to the following prompt: * What is double consciousness? How would you define it in your own words? 2. View the video on the right and take notes on what double consciousness looks like and how the video defines the concept. Then respond – Has your definition of double consciousness changed? Explain. What are some examples of people who have experienced the concept? Have you ever experience d.c.? Or known someone who has? 3. View the spoken word slam Double Consciousness – A Slam. (below) According to Masangkay and Bleyl, what are the effects of double consciousness? (Use your notes chart that you created)

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