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The President and Executive Branch

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1 The President and Executive Branch

2 US Constitution has 3 rules to be President:
35 years or older A native-born American citizen A resident of the US for at least 14 years Textbook p. 166

3 Electoral College The Electoral College is an indirect method for choosing the President When you vote, you are selecting a group of electors from your state to vote for that candidate Each state has a total number of electors that is equal to the number of Senators and Representatives from the state NC = 15 (2 Senators + 13 Representatives) Textbook p. 167

4 Election of 2016

5 How many members are in the Electoral College?
538 How many electoral votes are needed to win the Presidency? 270 Textbook p. 167

6 Elections are every 4 years…

7 Presidents are limited to two full terms
22nd Amendment 1951 ~ In response to FDR being elected 4 times as president, the nation set a two term limit on the President

8 President’s Salary The President makes $400,000 per year plus the benefits of staff and transportation Textbook pp

9 Vice President “I am Vice President. In this I am nothing, but I may become everything.” --- John Adams

10 Vice President Responsibility
Very little duties TIE-DIE Serves as the “President of the Senate” and breaks any ties with his/her vote, takes over if the President dies or leaves office

11 Presidential Succession Act (1947)
Determines who will be president if both the president and vice president resign or die at the same time SEE CHART OF SUCCESSION

12 Who is 3rd in line to be President?
A: President Pro Tempore of the Senate Who is 6th in line to be President? A: Secretary of Defense Who is the current Secretary of Defense? A: Jim Mattis

13 Presidential Powers Veto Bills from Congress
Call Congress into special session Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces Pardon federal criminals Make treaties with other countries (with Senate approval) Appoint ambassadors, federal court judges, Supreme Court justices, top government officials (all with Senate approval)

14 State of the Union Constitution requires that the President report annually to Congress about the state of the country; this has become known as the “State of the Union Address”

15 Executive Orders Defined: a rule or command that the President issues that has the force of law Only Congress can make laws President can issue Executive Orders to ensure laws are being carried out properly On November 29, 2004, President Bush issued an executive order to establish the Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign Medals. Textbook p. 172

16 Criminal Assistance The President can assist those being charged with federal crimes in 3 ways: Pardon ~ a declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment Amnesty ~ a pardon toward a group of people Reprieve ~ order to delay a person’s punishment until a higher court can hear the case Textbook p. 172

17 Going to War Only Congress has the power to declare War
Only the President has the power to order American troops into battle

18 M&C 2

19 M&C 3

20 M&C 4

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