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Critical Thinking You will only have one minute and one chance on this one. Bring your answer up to me. If you don’t get it correct, no second chances.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Thinking You will only have one minute and one chance on this one. Bring your answer up to me. If you don’t get it correct, no second chances."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Thinking You will only have one minute and one chance on this one. Bring your answer up to me. If you don’t get it correct, no second chances on this one. No talking or cheating.

2 If teapot A holds 32 ounces of tea, about how many ounces does teapot B hold?

3 The Answer: 16 ounces (about half of pot A).  The amount of tea that can be kept within each pot is determined by the height of the spout opening.  The tea level cannot rise above the spout opening since any extra tea would merely spill out from the spout.  A simple visual estimate would conclude that the spout of teapot B is approximately half the height of that of teapot A, therefore providing only half of the capacity, or 16 ounces.

4 Goals for the Day I can use a rhetorical precis to analyze the rhetorical situation of a text. I can utilize a variety of strategies to help me comprehend difficult texts. I can analyze and explain how an author uses rhetorical strategies to develop their argument.

5 So you didn’t understand the text….

6 Comprehension Strategies
Annotate the text – this includes trying to figure out words you don’t know from context and then looking them up to check whether you were correct. Take it one sentence at a time. Use grammar – break down the sentence to the basics. Pay close attention to conjunctions and transitions Remove non-essential phrases and clauses initially, then add them back in one by one. Ask questions – lots of questions Use graphic organizers if necessary Read it OUT LOUD! Discuss it with a friend.

7 Quick Quiz When you finish, write your precis and your rhetorical analysis paragraph. DUE BY THE END OF CLASS: Turn in your rhetorical device books and be sure you’ve completed the rhetorical device log. Albert assignment - Dwight Eisenhower text DUE BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT: Journal – Controversy of the Week topic. 4 Rhetorical Analysis Paragraph from the JFK text.

8 Homework – Due Monday Annotation Assignment
Turn in Annotated Text Complete the Precis Write a rhetorical analysis paragraph Read pages in your textbook – bring book to class Monday. Come with any questions about Rhetorical Analysis

9 Adjusting Understanding
You may: Work with me on a variety of skills beginning with parts of a sentence. Ensure you fully understand all of the rhetorical devices we’ve discussed so far – including the rhetorical device log and exercises in the book. Work with a partner/small group to determine why multiple choice answers are correct/incorrect – AP MC Quiz or Albert. Work on writing either partner or individual rhetorical analysis paragraphs from JFK’s inaugural address – 4 paragraphs due Thursday. Go back and review student rhetorical analysis essay from A. Adams text – scored an 8. What did the student do? Can you identify the elements that made it successful? Review AP commentary on rhetorical analysis scoring. Examine another rhetorical analysis prompt – try to write it if you’d like. Request more challenging AP MC questions. Discuss answers choices on the tone worksheet – explain viewpoints.

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