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Future Internet: Infrastructures and Services

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1 Future Internet: Infrastructures and Services

2 Cloud Virtual Machine (VM)
Future Past/Present CPU MEMORY STORAGE OS Cloud Virtual Machine (VM) Local Workstation Terminal & Browser based OS

3 Desktop Apps Cloud Apps Multi-user Applications
No installation for user Accessible over the network User subscribes to service Single-user Applications Machine specific installation User buys software

4 Desktop Apps Cloud Apps Local Storage Cloud Storage MS Office
E.g., DropBox MS Office Google Docs

5 Cloud Infrastructures
Virtualization 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

6 Cloud Infrastructures
How the Cloud works… Virtualization of resources: Compute, Network and Storage 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

7 Cloud Infrastructures
How the Cloud works… Cloud provisioning models 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

8 Cloud Infrastructures
Cloud Services 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

9 Cloud Infrastructures
Cloud Main Advantages Scalability Elasticity High Availability Access from anywhere Pay as you go Reduced maintenance, equipment costs Competitiveness Security Disaster recovery Environmental friendly technology 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

10 Cloud Main Disadvantages
Limited control, flexibility Agility and vendor lock-in Downtime, depending on Internet Data portability, services interoperability Service and application migration Intercloud communications Data privacy, security Cloud computing costs 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

11 Cloud Infrastructures
Scalability Two types: Add nodes on the fly! Create new VMs through software rather than setup new machines. Upgrade VMs with the click of a button Add nodes to extend the cloud infrastructure without downtime 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

12 Cloud Infrastructures
Elasticity Allows automated scaling in order to adapt to the current demands (by adding new VMs to do the work ?) Video streaming company 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

13 Cloud Infrastructures
Refers to the hardware and software components (servers, storage, networking and virtualization software) that support the computing requirements of a cloud Include a software abstraction layer that virtualizes resources and logically presents them to users through programmatic means Back-end components 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

14 Cloud Infrastructures (open source)
Most Cloud Computing platforms are tied to particular cloud providers (Amazon AWS, Micosoft Azure) Available also as stand-alone software package (mainly IaaS services) OpenStack ( OpenNebula ( CloudStack ( ) 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

15 Cloud Infrastructures
An operating system for cloud infrastructures that controls large pools of compute, storage and networking resources managed through a web-base dashboard, command line, RESTful APIs 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

16 Cloud Infrastructures
OpenStack Components OpenStack is made up of many different parts Horizon: Dashboard, Web GUI, RESTful API Nova: on-demand access to compute resources by provisioning and managing networks of VMs Glance: “image” services, store/retrieve, catalog and repository of virtual disk images (disk format), calls to Swift image store Swift: store/retrieve object storage system, uses API and ids for referring to files, OpenStack decides storage location, backup, scale Cinder: block storage Neutron: define Networks, VM communication as a service Keystone: authentication and authorization services, user management, permissions to users to access/use services Ceilometer: Monitoring, counters for billing Heat: Orchestration service, automates deployment for compute, storage and network resources. 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

17 Cloud Infrastructures
Horizon: Provides a GUI for basic cloud administration functionality KeyStone: Authorization. Manages users, tenants, roles etc. Ceilometer: Monitors, collects and stores usage data 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

18 Cloud Infrastructures
Heat: Orchestration. Automates deployment for compute, storage and network resources. Cinder: Block storage for VMs Neutron: Networking 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

19 Cloud Infrastructures
Swift: Object storage service for storing and retrieving data. Glance: Disk image service Nova: Compute Service. Schedules and manages VM instances 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

20 Example OpenStack: Intellicloud (
19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

21 Cloud Infrastructures
IintelliCloud Cloud Compute Cloud Compute Cloud Compute Cloud Controller Cloud Network Cloud Compute Cloud Compute c06.intellicloud cloud.intellicloud network.intellicloud c01.intellicloud Identity Service (Keystone) Image Service (Glance) Compute Service (Nova) Block Storage (Cinder) Network Service (Quantum) Dashboard Service (Horizon) MySQL Server RabbitMQ Server NTP Server Zabbix Network Service (Quantum) Virtual Network Service (OpenVSwitch) NTP Server Compute Service (Nova) Network Service (Quantum) Virtual Network Service (OpenVSwitch) KVM Hypervisor NTP Server Openstack Grizzly, 8x8 x Dell PowerEdge R320 Intel C600 series 96 CPU Cores (Intel Zeon E5-2420, 1.6GHZ, 15MB Cache 256 GB Ram 16 TB HD drive (8tB with mirroring) 1Gbps up to 10bps backbone, GRNET, Centralized firewall NOC/TUC 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

22 Physical Network Architecture
Internet Physical Network Architecture eth0 c02 c03 c04 c05 c06 c01 cloud eth0 eth1 /141 eth0 br-ex network /142 eth1, br-int local switch 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

23 Cloud Infrastructures
Creating VMs Launch a new VM instance using the glance images Set flavor (computational capabilities) Set image (e.g. Ubuntu64) Set public key Set security group Set network Allocate a new floating IP (based on the intellicloud subnet ) Assign a floating IP to instance (Access & Security) SSH from remote host using (set: chmod 600 key_name.pem) ssh -i my_key.pem 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

24 Cloud Infrastructures
VM Parameters When you launch VM, you can inject a key pair, which provides SSH access to your instance You can create at least one key pair for each project. You can use the key pair for multiple instances that belong to that project. If you generate a key pair with an external tool, you can import it into OpenStack. A key pair belongs to an individual user, not to a project. To share a key pair across multiple users, each user needs to import that key pair. A security group is a named collection of network access rules that are use to limit the types of traffic that have access to instances. You specify the following parameters for rules: Source of traffic: Enable traffic to instances from either IP addresses inside the cloud from other group members or from all IP addresses. Protocol: Choose TCP for SSH, ICMP for pings, or UDP. 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

Storage System File system: defines how files are named and where they are placed for storage and retrieval Hierarchical storage, you need to know the path to retrieve a file Block storage: data stored in volumes (block), flat address space Separate pieces of data, no folder structure, no metadata Each block has an id  by which it can be stored and retrieved Allows a storage system to spread the smaller blocks on disk, and re-assemble the pieces upon retrieval   Database storage is a common use for block storage High performance Object storage: addresses and manipulates data in units (objects) keeps the blocks of data that make up an object together and adds all of its associated metadata to that file Objects are stored inside a single repository, not nested as files inside a folder inside other folders 19/10/16


Managing Key pairs Instances launched using Oracle Linux, CentOS, or Ubuntu images use an SSH key pair instead of a password to authenticate a remote user A private key and public key Keep the private key on your computer and provide the public key every time you launch an instance When connecting to an instance using SSH, you provide the path to the key pair file in the SSH command. You can have many key pairs or just use one key pair for all instances Create key pairs using OpenSSH on UNIX-style systems (including Linux, Solaris, BSD, and OS X) or PuTTY Key Generator on Windows 19/10/16

28 Building Applications on the Cloud

29 Cloud Application Use Generic Enablers as building blocks for apps!

30 Cloud Application Business Logic Authentication Database connect GE2

31 Cloud Infrastructures
Generic Enablers A GE consists of a set of services with common background all designed using the REST architectural style. Example GE Services: Get users Get user Delete user Create new user 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

32 GE Generic Enablers REST API services GET – POST -DELETE Output:
Call service using the URL: GET GE POST DELETE Output: JSON or XML & response code GET – POST -DELETE

33 SE Specific Enablers GE2 GE1 REST API Output: JSON or XML
Combination of services from at least 2 different GEs GE2 GE1 SE REST API Output: JSON or XML

34 Example Architecture: Interact

35 Cloud Infrastructures
Interact Motion Sensors Cloud Driven Gesture Recognition e.g. Leap motion sensor ( Cloud open source software based on FIWARE Generic Enablers. It operates FIWARE cloud platform and offer their functionality through RESTful APIs Uses the Protocol Adapter module to adapt to the specific connectivity protocol that the sensor is using (e.g., Bluetooth). Converts data into the desirable format (e.g., JSON, XML etc.) and schema so it can be processed in the back-end Developed in TUC ( ) 19/10/16 Cloud Infrastructures

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