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Dr Neil Hunt Consultant Psychiatrist

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Neil Hunt Consultant Psychiatrist"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Neil Hunt Consultant Psychiatrist
Depression & Mood Instabilty : recognition and management Dr Neil Hunt Consultant Psychiatrist


3 Elation Depression Anxiety Anger
What Moods do we recognise? Elation Depression Anxiety Anger

4 What is Personality? Temperament is what we are born with Personality is what develops through your life

5 Personality disorders: recognition and management
Borderline personality Antisocial personality Paranoid personality Anankastic personality

6 Recognition Self harming Relationship problems Emotional crises
Behavioural problems Addictions Somatic complaints Difficulties in multiple domains

7 Recognition Emotional instability
Intense episodes of dysphoria Irritability, anxiety, depression Emptiness, boredom, intolerance of being alone Highly reactive to interpersonal events – esp criticism, rejection

8 Hans-Ulrich Wittchen

9 Diagnostic criteria for mania
A. Elevated, or irritable mood I N S G H T B. with at least 3 of: Grandiosity Decreased need for sleep Increased talkativeness Flight of ideas (or racing thoughts) Distractibility Increased energy Loss of inhibitions C. Marked impairment of social or occupational functioning D. No psychotic symptoms in the absence of mood disturbance E. No organic factor (except antidepressants)

10 - + Five or more of the following for BPD: Present in (hypo)mani a
Present in depression Present in euthymia frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment - a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships - extremes of idealization and devaluation identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self Impulsivity, self-damaging (e.g., spending, sex, substances). + recurrent suicidal behavior, gestures, or threats, or self-mutilating behavior affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood chronic feelings of emptiness  inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger transient, stress-related paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms

11 Differentiating between BPII and EUPD
Symptoms Course Family history How to manage Treatment response

12 Differentiating between BPII and EUPD
Family history Breeding true History of bipolar or severe depression Differentiating between BPII and EUPD

13 Differentiating between BPII and EUPD
Age of onset Bipolar starts late teens / early 20s EUPD – “always been there” Differentiating between BPII and EUPD

14 Clinical staging model of bipolar disorder
Clinical staging model of bipolar disorder in high-risk offspring subgroups. Duffy A et al. BJP 2014;204: ©2014 by The Royal College of Psychiatrists

15 Differentiating between BPII and EUPD
Symptoms Depressive – suicidal BPII – melancholic persistent EUPD – self disgust / hatred reactivity Differentiating between BPII and EUPD



18 Differentiating between BPII and EUPD
Symptoms Elated BPII overconfident , grandiose loss of anxiety impulsive EUPD – agitation, anger , hyper Differentiating between BPII and EUPD

19 Differentiating between BPII and EUPD
Symptoms BPII Persistence dysphoric low energy but episodic EUPD reactive – criticism, rejection abandonment Differentiating between BPII and EUPD

20 Identity Do you know who you are? Beliefs, fantasy, sexuality
Is your body part of you? Self Disgust

21 Relationships BPII - affected by mood states
EUPD – intense and coflictual idealise / denigrate friendships centre around difficulties

22 Is borderline personality disorder a type of bipolar disorder?
Family history: only 2% of relatives are bipolar I 10% of borderlines also have a bipolar diagnosis Paris et al 2007

23 & Mood Instabilty : recognition and management
Depression & Mood Instabilty : recognition and management Dr Neil Hunt

24 & Mood Instabilty : recognition and management
Depression & Mood Instabilty : recognition and management Dr Neil Hunt

25 How do you discuss diagnosis?
Continuous v episodic disorder? Has there always been a problem? Does it affect every aspect of life? Patient choice (as long as its the right choice!)

26 Prognosis How much did your personality change between 15 and 25 years old? But what is the residium?

27 Treatment of comorbid conditions
Depression Anxiety Substance misuse

28 Treatment Recognition Social change Consistent approach
Optimism tempered by realism Help them to use their own solutions

29 Treatment Non directive counselling is probably counterproductive
Need a well supported therapist Specific therapies: Mentalisation DBT

30 Thinking patterns Black and White – “need to learn to live in the Grey” Split you – perfect to rubbish Need you to sort me

31 Medication Antidepressants BPII Either not effective or destabilising
Quetiapine lamotrigine Lithium is an effective preventitive Lamotrigine not effective for EUPD

32 Medication Crawford et al 2018

33 What not to do Help them to get addicted to benzos
Piss them off by being judgemental Be unrealistic and give solutions

34 Suicidal acts Self harm and suicide are connected behaviours
Risk taking with your own life and impulsivity

35 Suicide In those with a severe borderline personality disorder
1 in 10 die by suicide

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