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How to help your student reach his/ her potential

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1 How to help your student reach his/ her potential
Brenda Vishanoff and Mike Connolly Curriculum Symposium March 6, 2017

2 Learning Zone Wheaton Academy desires that all students achieve the academic success appropriate to their personal learning profile.

3 We want to challenge all students to achieve proficiency with appropriate effort.  Many students find their personal learning zone through the various levels of classes offered at Wheaton Academy: advanced placement, advanced, regular or lab/ tutor supported.  In addition, students also participate in co-curricular activities according to their gifts and interests.

4 Mastery of Executive Function Skills is a better predictor of success than IQ Duckworth, A.L. & Seligman, MEP, 2005 Psychological Science Executive Function predicts SAT scores (Shoda et al., 1990) Foundational Skills Setting goals Planning Organizing Materials Managing time Initiating/ Inhibiting Self-awareness (Rush Neurobehavioral Center Executive Function Workshop 2013) Higher-Order Thinking Skills Monitoring, including goals Self-regulation Reflection and self-evaluation Strategic thinking and acting, socially and cognitively Problem solving

5 Study skills and Executive Functioning
Student responsibilities Understand the right “load” of activities and classes for their personal goals Be proactive in learning foundational material- don’t procrastinate as much of secondary learning builds upon itself Be OK with personal best, not perfection Show discipline in using technology Learn organize assignments in planner or Google/ Academy Central calendar Plan through different class lengths: Wed/ Thurs block day planning of assignments Advocate for self if concepts are difficult or if something “big” is going on Demonstrate learning on a variety of assessments

6 Study skills and Executive Functioning
Parent responsibilities Align parent expectations with the student’s learning zone and “personal best” achievement Counsel co-curricular activity involvement for balance Allow students to experience benefits of responsibility or consequences of failure for schoolwork Have family conversations around Academy Central Allow your student to take ownership and responsibility for learning Come alongside your student in area of struggle for understanding Help kids mindfully manage technology and separate from your student Emphasize real face to face communication

7 What if my student struggles?
WA student services team will come alongside your family to discuss and help. Help student determine “Who am I and how do I learn?” At times, students are required to obtain private academic and/or social emotional testing to determine learning needs.    After the results of this private testing are shared, an Individualized Service Plan and other supports will be put into place to help the student succeed. 

8 Conclusion We know that our God makes us unique learners.
Students grow resilient when they struggle and are supported to grow. We celebrate the successes students experience every day.  We look forward to partnering with your family and your students so they can realize their potential in high school.

9 Case study #1 Suzy is in 10th grade at WA. She is very smart but often forgets homework and forgets to turn in homework. What would you recommend to Suzy? How can Suzy’s parents and teacher help her?

10 Case study #2 Johnny was recommended for and is currently taking AP world history. Johnny is struggling with his writing assignments for class. What would you recommend for Johnny? How can Johnny’s parents and teacher help him?

11 Brenda Vishanoff Director of Student Services Mike Connolly Academic Support teacher

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