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Similar to Youre the Boss Expand on it Must be food related Create a restaurant from scratch Your goal Sell your concept to investors.

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Presentation on theme: "Similar to Youre the Boss Expand on it Must be food related Create a restaurant from scratch Your goal Sell your concept to investors."— Presentation transcript:


2 Similar to Youre the Boss Expand on it Must be food related Create a restaurant from scratch Your goal Sell your concept to investors

3 Your concept condensed to 1 page or less. What kind of restaurant? What kind of food? American, Chinese, Mexican, Cupcakes, Coffee? Target customers? Location? Hours of Operation Breakfast, lunch dinner? What is unique about your idea? IT ALL NEEDS TO MATCH

4 Gentlemen (and Ladies), START YOUR ENGINE! On The Go food truck is a fast and simple way to get a meal while you re on the go. Our food truck s main goal is to provide fast and simple food for busy people traveling, sightseeing, and having fun in ProStartville s vibrant downtown. The service we provide is fast, entertaining, and has an eye-catching racing theme. Our mobile service can be located at sporting events, corporate events, private parties, and can cater a variety of events. Our main setting is Downtown ProStartville. Our mobile food truck s striking colors and racing theme will attract a variety of customers. Our target consumers will be those in the downtown area, attending the various sporting events, museums and theatres, enjoying the nightlife, and doing one of the many other activities in ProStartville. Our medium-sized food truck is fully equipped to serve our customers on the go for lunch and dinner six days a week. The reputation of our food truck will be known through social media outlets and our own On The Go promoters. The truck s menu has fast, delicious, appealing, and affordable food for our customers that are on the go. After placing their order, customers watch their food being prepared through a large glass window on the side of the truck as it is headed for the finish line.

5 Interior (Front of the House and Back of the House) Floor Plan Dining Room and Kitchen Color Scheme Exterior Store front Color Scheme Logo



8 Kitchen and Dining Room

9 Food Truck



12 9 items that represent your menu AND restaurant concept Ex. 2 appetizer, 3 entrée, 3 dessert, 2 drinks NO ALCOHOL Name, price, and description of items Design a menu


14 How do you let customers know about your restaurant (Pick 2-show an example and a brief description how that is going to work for your restaurant and bring customers in.) Social Media Flyers Coupons Business Cards TV *expensive Ads in newspaper

15 Marketing Tactics The two main marketing tactics for On The Go food truck focuses on our social media and our own On The Go promoters. Social media is one way to get our reputation as a food truck out to the people of ProStartville. We can be viewed on Twitter, Yelp, and Facebook. Our promoter s job is to update our information on the web, pass out flyers, and pass out business cards within ProStartville. Social media is a great tactic that can be used to get our reputation out to a large population of people. This includes the three social networks listed above plus our own On The Go website. With this tactic, we would be able to update our customers with information regarding any menu updates, deals or discounts, our next location, or any other important things that they need to know, and we will also answer any questions our customers have. With all of our online marketing, we have no need for a budget since the websites are all free. Our second tactic of marketing is our promoter. Our promoter is also the owner and manager of the truck. Having the owner/manager do the promoting, instead of hiring a different person to do that, takes away the need to pay another employee. The promoter handles all of the online marketing updates to keep our customers informed of anything and everything they want to know. He would also reach individuals at sporting events, the open air market, and the RiverWalk. The extra budget would be for the flyers and business cards that will be passed out. The price for about five hundred cards and flyers plus the ink for printing is about $18 which is a good price for advertising our truck.




19 No Exceptions! No Late Work after this date! 10 Extra Credit Points for turning in a completed proposal 5/30 or before!

20 Exceptional (90- 100%)Admirable (80– 89%)Acceptable (70– 79%)Amateur (under 69%) OrganizationExtremely well organized; logical format that was easy to follow; flowed smoothly from one idea to another and cleverly conveyed; the organization enhanced the effectiveness of the project. The entire proposal was typed Presented in a thoughtful manner; there were signs of organization and most transitions were easy to follow, but at times ideas were unclear. Most of the proposal was typed Somewhat organized; ideas were not presented coherently and transitions were not always smooth, which at times distracted the audience. A small portion of the proposal was typed Choppy and confusing; format was difficult to follow transitions of ideas were abrupt and seriously distracted the audience. None of the proposal was typed Content Accuracy Completely accurate; all components were precise and explicit and matched Mostly accurate; a few inconsistencies or errors in information and restaurant concept Somewhat accurate; more than a few inconsistencies or errors in information and concept Completely inaccurate; the facts in this project were misleading to the audience and the concept did not match ResearchWent above and beyond to research information; solicited material in addition to what was provided; brought in personal ideas and information to enhance project; and utilized variety of resources to make project effective Did a very good job of researching; utilized materials provided to their full potential; solicited adequate resources to enhance project; at time took the initiative to find information outside of school. Used the material provided in an acceptable manner, but did not consult any additional resources Did not utilize resources effectively; did little or no fact gathering on the topic CreativityWas extremely clever and presented with originality; a unique approach that truly enhanced the project Was clever at times; thoughtfully and uniquely presented Added a few original touches to enhance the project but did not incorporate them throughout Little creative energy used during this project; was bland, predictable, and lacked zip

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