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Learn basic video editing with Expert These effects in Adobe Premiere are pretty much very practical and effects that anyone can use it almost every project.

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Presentation on theme: "Learn basic video editing with Expert These effects in Adobe Premiere are pretty much very practical and effects that anyone can use it almost every project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn basic video editing with Expert These effects in Adobe Premiere are pretty much very practical and effects that anyone can use it almost every project. These five effects will always work when you use them correctly. Warp Stabilizer: That is Warp Stabilizer so there's a lot of times where eclipse will have camera shake and we want to remove it and make it look like it was shot a little bit more stable without that camera shake movement. We fix this by using an effect called warp stabilizer. Stabilizer underneath to distort tap and you can bring it onto your clip and it'll automatically analyze your clip and start stabilizing it and this is where you can just take a nap and now here's our clip with warp stabilizer applied for clips that are not incredibly shaky this works fine.Warp Stabilizer

2 Transition effects: Transition effects can be used in place of transitions for added controls. For the appearance of a transition effect, overlap clips on different video tracks, adding the effect to the overlapping clip. Keyframe the Animation Completion parameter to ramp the effect as a transition effect.

3 Camera blur: Camera blur can be a very practical effect to use among all the effects inside of Adobe Premiere. The Camera Blur effect simulates an image leaving the focal range of the camera, blurring the clip. For example, by setting keyframes for the blur, you can simulate a subject coming into or going out of focus, or the accidental bumping of the camera. Drag the slider to specify a blur amount for the selected keyframe; higher values increase the blur.

4 Set Matte effect: The Set Matte effect replaces the alpha channel (matte) of a clip with a channel from a clip in a different video track. This creates traveling matte results. To create a traveling matte using the Set Matte effect, set up a sequence with two overlapping clips on different video tracks. Apply the Set Matte effect to one of the clips and specify which clip provides the replacement matte. Although you can use Set Matte for a traveling matte, it is easier to create traveling mattes by using the Track Matte Key effect.

5 Brightness & Contrast effect: The Brightness & Contrast effect adjusts the brightness and contrast of an entire clip. The default value of 0.0 indicates that no change is made. Using the Brightness & Contrast effect is the easiest way to make simple adjustments to the tonal range of the image. It adjusts all pixel values in the image at once—highlights, shadows, and midtones.

6 Change To Color effect: The Change To Color effect changes a color you select in an image to another color using hue, lightness, and saturation (HLS) values, leaving other colors unaffected. Change To Color offers flexibility and options unavailable in the Change Color effect. These options include tolerance sliders for hue, lightness, and saturation for exact color matching, and the ability to select the exact RGB values of the target color that you wish to change to.

7 About Adobe Certified Expert: The Web Guru, also known as Navin Kulshreshtha, has over 12 years of industry experience and over 8 years of teaching experience. He is an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) and Adobe Certified Instructor (ACI) and has taught hundreds of groups and individuals. Some of his current and previous clients include: NBC/Universal, NASA TV, WKMG News 6, Boeing, Nordstrom, Costco, Clearwater Casino Resort and many others. WKMG News 6

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