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LOGO PROJECT Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Thematic Network – Gothenburg Transnational Meeting Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE)

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO PROJECT Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Thematic Network – Gothenburg Transnational Meeting Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE)"— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO PROJECT Sustainable Food for Urban Communities Thematic Network – Gothenburg Transnational Meeting Stephanie Mantell, Brussels Environment (IBGE) 30 May 2013 Photo credit: Dieter Telemans

2 Agenda for 30 May 2013 1. Whats next in the project reporting, transnational meetings, MAs 2. Whats next in each subgroup delivering, enjoying, growing 3. Enjoying – what we take home partner actions 4. URBACT news 5. Questions & informal exchange communication & local activities Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 30 May2013I Page 2

3 Timeframe Project duration = 27 months »1 February 2013 – 30 April 2015 (eligible costs = about 50 000 per partner) 5 semestriel reporting periods: »Feb – June 2013 (interim) »July – Dec 2013 (interim) »Feb – June 2014 (interim) »July – Dec 2014 (interim) »Jan – Apr 2015 (final) (reporting about 10 000 per semester per partner) Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 14 May 2013 I Page 3

4 Semestriel reporting (as in Phase I) activity reporting in Excel form to be provided next week (along with timsheet template) financial reporting (online in Presage) Did you receive access codes to Presage? Did you try entering costs? 1st webinar for financial officers on 13 May Next webinar on reporting in early July Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 4

5 TO DO First reporting period (1 Feb – 30 June 2013) By 5 Aug 2013 (or 15 July if central FLC) »Partners report activities in detail in Excel form »report costs in presage »provide scanned supporting evidence Within 1-2 weeks 2013 »Lead partner OKs costs in Presage and/or provides feedback By 5 Sep 2013 »Partners FLC OKs costs in Presage, »signs certificate & sends it to LP. By 30 Sep 2013 »Lead partner provides reports to URBACT In Nov - Dec 2013 »(if all is well reported) URBACT Secretariat pays LP »Lead partner transfers funds to partners Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 14 May 2013 I Page 5

6 Final Application = project bible On dropbox: Phase 2 admin\URB_5547-1_applicationform_FINAL_13-12-2012.pdf Discribes our activities in detail Provides overall budget, either Per partner Per work Package Per category

7 Joint Convention On dropbox: Phase 2/joint convention signed 18-3-2013.pdf Reporting arrangements Detailed cost breakdown Per partner & category & year

8 Joint Convention (cont) For each partner Annual breakdown = indicative Budget per category A category can overshoot by < 20% Total budget cannot be exceeded

9 Overview per category per partner Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 14 May 2013 I Page 9

10 Budget Excel file with further breakdown (for internal reference) Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 14 May 2013 I Page 10 On dropbox: Phase 2 admin\Budget PhaseII-sustainable food 13-12-2012.xls

11 How to report costs: Presage All partners to enter costs Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 30 May2013I Page 11

12 How? Presage guidance Dropbox Folder « Phase 2 Reporting » Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 17 October 2012 I Page 12 Dropbox Folder « URBACT Programme Manuals »

13 How to report costs: Presage Be precise in comment box: describe the why and the how of the expenditure (what? where? when? for whom?) Staff: actual hours, actual costs, use timesheet (all in WP1 project management) External expertise: invoices + supporting documents (all in WP1 project management) Travel: report costs as paid by municipality with supporting documents (in WP2 transnational or WP3 local) Meeting organisation: invoices + supporting docs (in WP2 transnational or WP3 local) Communication (printing, designing…) (in WP4) Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 30 May2013I Page 13

14 How to report costs: Presage Keep all original supporting documents (including boarding passes of all participants) If payment in a different currency, please convert the expenditure into EUR using the monthly official EC accounting exchange rate in the month during which the expenditure has been paid by the municipality (i.e. date when amount is debited from the partner institutions bank account). Indicate monthly exchange rate used in comment box Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 30 May2013I Page 14

15 Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 30 May2013I Page 15 Presage Comments Travel Daniela Catanoso to Transnational Meeting in Brussels (2012.05.28-30): Ticket trnsport by fly Alitalia Catania Bouxelles and return 342,42 Bus (2012.05.28 Bruxelles ) 6,00 Hotel (HUSA PRESIDENT PARK) facture n. 329374 date 2012_05-30 check in (2012.05.28) check out 2012.05.30) 240,00 Restaurant (date 2012.05.28)…

16 Follow-up Webinar with Managing Authorities Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities – Kick-off 29 May 2012 I Page 16 March 2013

17 CURRENT Operational Programme & Food Have you funded projects related to (sustainable) food production, distribution or consumption? Directly: West Netherlands Indirectly: West Sweden, Brussels Capital Region, Rhône-Alpes No: Sicily, Attica, Romania Environment, possibly West England Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 17 Follow March Webinar with Managing Authorities

18 Growing tomatoes on waste water. Pilot Sustainable water cycle. Developing new technology to re-use waste water. ERDF – Innovation. ERDF 315,292 euro Direct ERDF funding

19 Taskforce Green Port Westland to make greenhouse cultivation more sustainable. ERDF – Innovation. ERDF 776,968 euro Direct ERDF funding

20 BRUSOC project finances SMEs projects including food services ERDF Indirect ERDF funding

21 Brussels Sustainable Economy (BSE) supports entrepreneurship by study & coaching 6 sectors including sustainable food sector (production) ERDF – 1 Million Indirect ERDF funding

22 Construction of indoor food market combined with 3.000 m² rooftop farm ERDF – 6 Million euro Indirect ERDF funding

23 Small scale food production in Angered, suburb of Gothenburg as part of large urban development project ERDF – 5 Million euro ( priority 1. Entrepreneurship, innovative business and sustainable urban development) Indirect ERDF funding

24 3. Next Programming period & Food Are you consulting local stakeholders active or knowledgeable in the area of (sustainable) food production, distribution or consumption? Who should be consulted and how? Consultation is starting: Attica, West Netherlands, Sicily, Brussels Capital Region, Other bodies are working on this: West Sweden, West England, Rhône-Alpes Not a priority: Romania Environment Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 24

25 3. Next Programming period & Food Is a specific budget line foreseen under which sustainable food actions would be eligible? If yes, which and under what conditions? Not foreseen: Romania Environment To early to say: Attica, West Netherlands, Sicily, West Sweden A clear link could be made: Brussels Capital Region Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 25

26 TO DO on Managing Authorities Read new URBACT guidance on MAs Identify and contact in June Body that is drafting the new ERDF operational programme and offer them the opportunity to exchange transnationally with other MAs and to help them include sustainable food > Maintain good long term contacts Body that is implementing the operational to propose sustainable food actions within the new operational programme > I will re-contact MAs next week to explore interest in a second webinar to be held in late June Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 26

27 Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 15 October2012 I Page 27 Sustainable Food Network Meetings (mandatory) URBACT programme meetings Transnational 6 Workshops 2 Conferences Local 8 ULSG meetings 1 Dissemination event (mandatory) Bilateral field trips (optional) 2014? Mandatory 1 or 2 National Capacity building seminars (2d – 3p) International Summer University Dublin 28-30/8 & conf in 2014 Optional & limited Elected officials pilot scheme In Brussels (3x, 2,5d, for 30p) 6 teleconf Meetings

28 URBACT Elected Officials pilot scheme What? Training seminars organised for Elected Officials. Participants from Lyon, Bristol, Ourense An opportunity to get the elected official to understand and support the project Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 28

29 3. Upcoming meetings 3 transnational workshops of 2,5 days 10-12 September 2013 Oslo Workshop Growing (Tuesday-Thursday) 28-30 Remember: PPs need to plan LSG meetings before & in between Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 29

30 URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning What? Training seminars organised for Local Support Group members, in national languages, to strengthen their capacities in participative action planning. 2 per country (or group of countries) 3 participants from LSG events/national-training-on-participative-action- planning/ events/national-training-on-participative-action- planning/ Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 30

31 URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning Romania: 21-22 May in Bucharest Italy: 23-24 May in Rome & autumn? Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland: 29-30 May in Malmö & autumn? Netherlands: 5-6 June & autumn? UK & Ireland: 6-7 June in London & autumn? Greece: 6-7 June in Athens France & Belgium:11-12 June in Paris & November in Paris Spain: 2x ? Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 31

32 URBACT Summer University Dublin 28-30 August 2013 (tbc) Specifically designed for people participating in the URBACT Local Support Groups (ULSG), the first URBACT Summer University which is a unique learning opportunity for urban practitioners from all over Europe.URBACT Local Support Groups With a good 'mix of fun and hard work' the University allows participants to learn new theories, methods and tools for coproducing integrated local urban policy with key stakeholders Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 5 February 2013 I Page 32

33 Next Programming period & Food Is a specific budget line foreseen under which sustainable food actions would be eligible? If yes, which and under what conditions? Not foreseen: Romania Environment To early to say: Attica, West Netherlands, Sicily, West Sweden A clear link could be made: Brussels Capital Region Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 26 March 2013I Page 33

34 TO DO on Managing Authorities Read new URBACT guidance on MAs Identify and contact in June Body that is drafting the new ERDF operational programme and offer them the opportunity to exchange transnationally with other MAs (through webinar) and to help them include sustainable food > Maintain good long term contacts Body that is implementing the operational to propose sustainable food actions within the new operational programme > I will re-contact MAs next week to explore interest in a second webinar to be held in late June Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 34

35 3. Whats next in each subgroup Delivering Partners provide radars with comments Draft thematic report shared with partners mid June All partners react to draft Enjoying Draft thematic report shared with partners late June All partners react to draft Growing 10-12 September 2013 Oslo Workshop Growing (Tuesday- Thursday) Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 35

36 5. Communication & your local activities Did you update the blog since last meeting? How will you communicate about our transnational exhanges locally with your group and beyond? Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities - Launch Teleconference 9 May 2012 I Page 36

37 Questions & Feedback Thematic Network Sustainable Food for Urban Communities 30 May2013I Page 37


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