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Room 208 Welcome to Homeroom.

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Presentation on theme: "Room 208 Welcome to Homeroom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Room 208 Welcome to Homeroom.
1. Find your assigned seat. (Look for your envelope or see Ms. Seymour.) 2. See Ms. Seymour for your locker combination. 3. Find your locker. Go try it. 4. Take your seat when the bell rings.

2 Room 208 Homeroom Expectations
1. Be On Time 2. Be Respectful 3. Sit in Assigned Seat 4. Stay in Assigned Seat 5. No Talking During Announcements 6. Wait to be dismissed.

3 September 2, 2014 Ms. Seymour for your seat number. On the cart. Sit in your assigned seat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today : Welcome to 6th Grade Science! Attendance Activities at a Glance (board) Science Room Tour Classroom Rules/Procedures HW- write in assignment book. Have book stamped. Names on Popsicle Sticks Review classroom rules/procedures Wait to be dismissed.

4 Materials for Today-Sept 2, 2014
1. Pen/Pencil 2. Assignment Book: HW-due by Thursday September 4 1. Signed Classroom Rules and Procedures sheet. 2. Science Notebook (bought, made, or used with plenty of paper)

5 Daily Classroom Procedures
Your science class will follow the following format each day. Welcome Attendance Activities At A Glance Board Materials, Activities, & Homework Essential Skills Specific Learning Goals and Objectives Behavior Expectations Success Criteria

6 Advisory Sept 2, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today : Welcome to 6th Grade Advisory. Sit anywhere for now. (you will be assigned a seat later) We will go to Ms. Peck’s room. Attendance –seat numbers. Room Advisory Classroom Rules/Procedures Questions? Work on Something quietly/read Wait to be dismissed.

7 Room 208 Break See Ms. Seymour for your assigned seat. 1. Be On Time
2. Be Respectful 3. Sit in Assigned Seat 4. Stay in Assigned Seat and Desk 5. Read, Talk Quietly, Have your Snack. 6. If you need to leave the room (Bathroom/Drink/Locker), You must sign out and take the pass. 6. At the end of break, throw away your trash and get ready for pd. 4

8 September 3, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Classroom Rules and Procedures packet- we are continuing/reviewing/adding information

9 September 3, 2014 Find your seat number. (Same as yesterday) Sit in your assigned seat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today: Essential Skills: You will be able to: C-5 Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts (classroom rules and procedures concepts) Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To review Rules and Procedures (muscle memory) 2. To earn your first Science Star Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time demonstrating that you understand the classroom rules and procedures? Success Criteria: Name 3 Expectations and/or rewards/consequences. HW: Have Science notebook and have Classroom rules and procedures sheet signed by Thursday

10 Write on Class Rules and Procedures sheet
Activity in Room 208 Is Not an extension of outside recess, the gym, the art rooms, library, or hallway social time. Is time to see Ms. Seymour for help, get work that you need, work on Science work only. Is for Science Extension

11 Review of Classroom Rules and Procedures Bingo
Materials: Rules and Procedures packet/Graph paper/Pen/pencil 1. Make a grid on your graph paper. 5 inches by 5 inches. (Each square is 1 inch by 1 inch) 2. Write a classroom rule/procedure/reward/ consequence in each square 3. Wait for further instructions. Make your bingo chips ( 4 by 4 inch chips. Save your chips.-put in envelope. Put in pencil case.) Expectations: Review Bingo-At times talking. At times Quiet

12 Review of Classroom Rules and Procedures Bingo Rules
Get 5 squares in a row and earn a star. Say “Bingo” and wait for Ms. S to see your board. Read the words from the board Once a person wins, keep your squares on your board until you win. Once you win, clean your board and begin to play again.

13 September 4, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Classroom Rules and Procedures packet Science Notebook

14 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board!
September 4, 2014 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 1. C-5 Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts (classroom rules and procedures concepts) Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To review Rules and Procedures (muscle memory) 2. To earn your first Science Star Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time demonstrating that you understand the classroom rules and procedures? Success Criteria: Name 3 Expectations and/or rewards/consequences.

15 Science Notebook Expectations:
Write the Following on the first page of your Science Notebook. Science Notebook Expectations: Date each entry. Title each entry. Keep work neat. Keep work in order. Do not add pages. Listen for entry instructions (i.s.-complete sentences, bullet points, incomplete sentences, letters…) Bring notebook to class everyday.

16 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board!
September 4, 2014 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2. IR-1 Recognize individual motivations, emotions, interests, values and strengths. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand and articulate your strengths and interests as a student Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time recognizing our strengths and making goals for ourselves? Success Criteria: Name at least 3 goals for the year.

17 September 5, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook

18 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board!
September 5, 2014 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2. IR-1 Recognize individual motivations, emotions, interests, values and strengths. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand and articulate your strengths and interests as a student Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time recognizing our strengths and making goals for ourselves? Success Criteria: Name at least 3 goals for the year.

19 My Questionnaire! – Choose 10 to answer
1. What are the three most important things I should know about you? 2. What are things you are really good at?  3. What are you most proud of?  4. What is the favorite thing you did this summer?  5. What have you most loved learning (even if not in school)?  Why?  6. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not in school?  7. What is the best book or books you have ever read? 8. I think 6th grade will be….  9. What do you love about school?  10. Some things I really want to work on this year in 6th grade are….  11. What are things you cannot wait to do this year?  12. I learn best when the class is….

20 Partner Talk For 2 minutes, share with your neighbor.
For 2 minutes, your neighbor shares with you. = Total of 4 minutes You may ask questions during each presentation. Then we share with the class!

21 September 8, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook
Class inspectors today Lab Refreshers today

22 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board!
September 8, 2014 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2. IR-1 Recognize individual motivations, emotions, interests, values and strengths. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand and articulate your strengths and interests as a student Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time recognizing our strengths and making goals for ourselves? Success Criteria: Name at least 3 goals for the year.

23 Goal Setting List Goals in your notebook
List your goals for the school year. Personal. 1. 2. 3 Social 3. Academic 1. 2. 3. Physical 

24 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board!
September 8, 2014 Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: IR-7 Work, communicate and contribute effectively with others. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Determine their role in the group Relevance: Question-Why should we learn to work, communicate and contribute effectively with others in this Science class? Success Criteria: Being able to work with your group and every one in your group work with you.

25 Scrap Tower You will be working with your team! You will be given materials to build a freestanding tower (*optional challenge - to hold a weighted item off the ground.) You will be given minutes. The team with the highest freestanding tower wins the challenge. Careful planning, identifying roles and responsibilities as well as creative thinking are essential for this exercise. Feel free to use scrap paper to

26 Expectations 1. Everyone participates.
2. You must stay with your group-drifting to another group disqualifies you to earn a star. 3. If your group finishes early, report back to your seat and work on something independent and silently. 4. Tower is freestanding. Not taped to floor or bucket.

27 Class Birthday Line up Line up in a straight line side-by-side.
Your task is to get in order of your birthdays. The challenge is that you cannot talk at all. This exercise is great for improving communication and leadership skills.

28 Photo Finish Your small group will have to try and cross the line at exactly the same time. If one person is out of sync, then you must start over again. Concentration, listening and communication are essential for this fun challenge.

29 Lab Safety In your Science Notebook, write the date and title “Lab Safety” Think- for 2 minutes and write as many lab safety rules as you can. Pair-share your rules with your partner. Add rules if you can think of more. Share-You will share your answers with the class. Class will add to their list Short video:

30 Write in Science Notebook Group Activities Reflection Sept. 8, 2014
What did you enjoy in working in a group? (I enjoyed….. What did you not enjoy when working with a group? (I did not enjoy…) What recommendations would you give to your fellow group members? (I recommend that my fellow group members…..) What recommendations do you think your group members would give you? (My group members would most likely recommend me to….) Do you think we will be doing many group activities in Science Class this year? (yes or no)

31 September 9, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook

32 Today! Pd 4- Finish Bday Line up Pd 7 and 8- Scrap Tower Finish
Lab Safety and Equipment start Partner and Group work in notebook/ Short Video Clips Sound on projector not working, so you’ll be moving closer to the board to hear. – (twice.) Maybe new packet

33 C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety
September 9, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Know specific lab safety instructions. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?

34 Lab Safety In your Science Notebook, write the date and title “Lab Safety” Think- for 2 minutes and write as many lab safety rules as you can. Pair-share your rules with your partner. Add rules if you can think of more. Share-You will share your answers with the class. Class will add to their list Short video: What rules did we miss? Add them after watching the video.

35 Lab Equipment First-short video: Pay attention to the equipment that you see: In your Science Notebook, write the date and title “Lab Equipment” Pair-With your table, see if you can identify the items in your tray. Draw a picture of each and label it. Share- Share answers with the class

36 New Packet! With your group or a partner of your choosing at your table, work on pages 3,5, & 6. Be prepared to share. We are going over these in class.

37 September 10, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook-Open to Lab Safety/Equipment section (Sept 9, 2014).

38 Your Task… In New Packet- Complete pgs. 3,5,6
May work with someone from your group only- at your desk or your given group’s room location. We will go over this in class. If you finish early- read a book.

39 C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety
September 10, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Know specific lab safety instructions. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?

40 September 10, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Relevance: Question-Why should we have an order to do our lab experiments?

41 September 11, 2014 Needed today: Stampers Class Inspectors
HW: Start studying for next Thursday’s Quiz. Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet Pds. 1 and 4- open to pg. 7. and PT’s. Pds 5,7,8- open to pg 6 Science Notebook-for later in class Needed today: Stampers Class Inspectors

42 Your Task… PT Lab. We are working through this with group and the class. We are skipping #’s 13 and 14.

43 Your Task… In New Packet- Complete pgs. 3,5,6
May work with someone from your group only- at your desk or your given group’s room location. We will go over this in class. If you finish early- read a book.

44 C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety
September 11, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Know specific lab safety instructions. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?

45 C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals:
September 11, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Relevance: Question-Why should we have an order to do our lab experiments?

46 September 12, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Equipment/Safety/Observation packet Science Notebook

47 Your Task… PT Lab. We are working through this with group and the class. We are skipping #’s 13 and 14.

48 C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety
September 12, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Know specific lab safety instructions. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?

49 C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals:
September 12, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Relevance: Question-Why should we have an order to do our lab experiments?

50 Your Task… PT Lab. We are working through this with group and the class. We are skipping #’s 13 and 14.

51 C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety
September 12, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Know specific lab safety instructions. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?


53 September 15, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Equipment/Safety/Observation packet- pg. 9 Science Notebook

54 September 15, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Observations and Inferences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Recognize the difference between observations and inferences Relevance Statement: Science is about making observations, connections, making guesses…. We need to understand how to make observations and inferences.

55 Today! Finish Scientific Method Scenario (& worksheet if your class received one.) Observation and Inferences notes and practice Lab. (finish today or tomorrow…) Go over Get star.

56 Lab Vocab Prediction: To tell something before it happens.
Inference: Forming a conclusion based on observations. Observation: Any information that we gather by using our senses. Experiment: An activity designed to test a hypothesis. Control: The part of an experiment that serves as a standard. Variable: Any factor in an experiment that could affect the results and is therefore tested separately.

57 In your notebook- Scientific Method
What are the steps of the Scientific Method? What does each step mean? (3 minutes to work with your partner.)

58 Scientific Method: Pretty Red Heads Like Animal Crackers
Purpose- What does the Scientist want to know more about? Research - Gather Information Hypothesis:-an educated guess of the answer: usually an “if-then” sentence. Experiment: step by step experiment designed to test the hypothesis and collect data Analysis-describe what you noticed about the data Conclusion: was the hypothesis correct or incorrect

59 Scientific Method Practice.
Work through pg. 9 in packet, and front and back of Dr. E McSquare sheet. May work with someone from your group only- at your desk or your given group’s room location. We will go over this in class. If you finish early- read a book.

60 Observations Observation:
recognizing and noting some FACT to gather information. You make observations using your five senses. Can be: Qualitative: factual descriptions that do not use numbers. Ex. John has blue eyes Quantitative: - factual descriptions that do use numbers. Ex. John has 2 eyes.

61 Inferences Inferences: a possible explanation or guess about an observation. Ex: you leave the movie theater and see the ground is wet so you infer that it rained.

62 Observation and Inference Practice-
We will go over the instructions, and then you may work with a partner at your table to finish the sheets. Go over as a class. Start short Observation and Inference lab.


64 September 16, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Equipment/Safety/Observation packet- pg. 10 Science Notebook-Observations and Inference Notes

65 C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals:
September 16, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Observations and Inferences Graphing! Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Recognize the difference between observations and inferences Relevance Statement: Science is about making observations, connections, making guesses…. We need to understand how to make observations and inferences.

66 September 16, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?

67 Today! Finish Observation and Inferences practice
Finish Observation and Inference Lab. Go over Get star. Start Graphing Notes Graphing Practice


69 September 17, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Equipment/Safety/Observation packet- Science Notebook- Mini White Board and your expo markers

70 September 17, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Scientific Method, Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Obs and Inferences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Relevance: Reviewing for tomorrow’s quiz

71 Today! Review! Review with Ms. Seymour Review with partners/tablemates
Safety Equipment Scientific Method Observation and Inferences Review with partners/tablemates Be prepared to share


73 September 19, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Equipment/Safety/Observation packet-to be turned in. put in bucket. Science Notebook-to be checked

74 September 19, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Scientific Method, Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Obs and Inferences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Relevance: Quiz today

75 Today! Quiz Work on something silently when finished.
Independent and Silent Turn in NB Check Work on something silently when finished.


77 September 19, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook- new page for Graphing Notes

78 September 19, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?

79 Graphing Notes Good example: The effect of x axis on y axis.
COMPONENTS OF GRAPHS Title: The main idea of the graph; Explains what the graph shows. Good example: The effect of x axis on y axis. Bad example: The Line Graph Horizontal Axis (x-axis): Runs from left to right; The manipulated variable (independent variable) . Vertical Axis (y-axis): Runs from top to bottom; The responding variable (dependent variable) . Legend/Key: Indicates the meaning of the symbols, colors, or patterns used.

80 Graphing Notes Line Graph: Shows patterns and trends in the data (usually over time) and have several sets of data plotted on them to easily show a comparison.

81 Bar Graph: Uses bars to compare items, especially averages and totals.
Graphing Notes Bar Graph: Uses bars to compare items, especially averages and totals.

82 Independent and Dependent Variables
Independent Variable: The variable that is changed by the experimenter in order to measure the impact of the change on one or more Dependent Variables. -X axis Dependent variable: dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being changed -Y axis

83 Draw table in your notes.
Label the Independent Variable side. Label the Dependent Variable?

84 Your Task Complete Graphing Practice # 1 and 2 with table mate(s)
Show Ms. S. If it is done well (complete, neat lines), continue with graph 3 or 4. Complete graphs from sheet. Staple graphs to sheet. Turn in.


86 September 22, 2014 Materials: Assignment book-HW: Notes for Ch. 1, section 1 Pen/Pencil Science Notebook- Graphing Notes Graphing Practice Sheet

87 September 22, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?

88 Today! Visit Ms. S’s webpage. See where to get your vocab and notes. (tomorrow-online textbook.) Review Graphing Notes-questions using sticks. Continue with Graphing Practice. Get #’s 3 and 4. Copy outline for graph.


90 September 23, 2014 Materials: Maybe assignment book? If you don’t finish the Graphing # 1,2, & 3. Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-New page for SQ3R Text book, pg. 16.

91 September 23, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?

92 Today! Online textbook registration (bring your assignment book to write your username and password.) Time to work on something else (Graphing). Start Ch. 1, section 1 in Earth’s Waters SQ3R Reading.


94 September 24, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook-New page for SQ3R Text book, pg. 16.

95 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
September 24, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?

96 SQ3R Notes Survey- the section
Question- Write each main title (greenish title) and question in left column. Write a minimum of one question. Read-together as a group. Recite- (answer your question in the right column.) Review

97 SQ3R Ch. 1, Section 1 Sept 24, 2014 How is Water Important?
*How Do People Use Water? write question Water and Living Things Water on Earth Answer Question (after we read)

98 Water Conservation videos
Why waste today when you can save for tomorrow. Water Conservation Commercial: Don’t Waste Water: Save Water: ~~~~~~~~~ Home water saving tips: Energy Conservation for kids:


100 September 26, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW: Study for Thursday’s Graphing Quiz Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-SQ3R Ch. 1, section 1 Text book, pg. 16. (we are reviewing)

101 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
September 26, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?

102 SQ3R Ch. 1, Section 1 How is Water Important?
*How Do People Use Water? write question Water and Living Things Water on Earth Answer Question (after we read)

103 Water Conservation videos
Why waste today when you can save for tomorrow. Water Conservation Commercial: Don’t Waste Water: Save Water: ~~~~~~~~~ Home water saving tips: Energy Conservation for kids:

104 Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use?
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to: Identify the many uses of water in our daily lives. Determine the amount of water that is used in various activities. Explain that our water supply is limited. Background Info: How much water do you use everyday in your home? Would you be surprised to learn that according to the USGS the average American uses between gallons (approx liters) of water per day? Do you think people in other parts of the world use more or less water than Americans? Well, this collaborative project will help you find out the answers to these questions. By collecting data on water usage from people around the world you will be able to see how your water use compares to others and determine what you might do to use less water.

105 Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use?
Research: Use the following water conservation sheet and find 10 facts about water use (ways to save water, organizations that are trying to save water, etc…) Hypothesis: (after collecting water use data). Choose one or two of the water conservation ideas that you can use at your house and make a hypothesis about the amount of water you could save by making changes. Experiment: Part 1- Fill out the Water Use chart for one week. Part 2- Fill out the Water Use chart after making changes in your water use practices. Analysis: TBA Conclusion: TBA


107 September 29, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW Ch. 1, section 2 Notes and Vocab. Progress Reports signed and due tomorrow. Progress Reports to be signed today Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-SQ3R Ch. 1, section 1 Text book, pg. 16. (we are reviewing) Ch. 1 packet- you will be working on HW while progress reports are being filled out.

108 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
September 29, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?

109 SQ3R Ch. 1, Section 1 How is Water Important?
*How Do People Use Water? write question Water and Living Things Water on Earth Answer Question (after we read)

110 Water Conservation videos
Why waste today when you can save for tomorrow. Water Conservation Commercial: Don’t Waste Water: Save Water: ~~~~~~~~~ Home water saving tips: Energy Conservation for kids:

111 Water Use Lab: How Much Water Do I Use?
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to: Identify the many uses of water in our daily lives. Determine the amount of water that is used in various activities. Explain that our water supply is limited.

112 Background Info: How much water do you use everyday in your home
Background Info: How much water do you use everyday in your home? Would you be surprised to learn that according to the USGS the average American uses between gallons (approx liters) of water per day? Do you think people in other parts of the world use more or less water than Americans? Well, this collaborative project will help you find out the answers to these questions. By collecting data on water usage from people around the world you will be able to see how your water use compares to others and determine what you might do to use less water.

113 Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use?
Research: Use the following water conservation sheet and find 10 facts about water use (ways to save water, organizations that are trying to save water, etc…) Write them under Research!

114 Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use?
Hypothesis: (after collecting water use data). Choose one or two of the water conservation ideas that you can use at your house and make a hypothesis about the amount of water you could save by making changes. Experiment: Part 1- Fill out the Water Use chart for one week. Part 2- Fill out the Water Use chart after making changes in your water use practices. Analysis: TBA Conclusion: TBA


116 September 30, 2014 Materials: Progress Report Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook- pd. 5- Research section of Water Use Lab. All pds.- skip 2 full pages after Water Use Lab. We are taking R and R Notes Text book, pg. 16. (you will need it) Ch. 1 packet- p. 6- R and R

117 R & R Notes R and R stands for “Review and Reinforce” It comes after:
SQ3R, Activities, Videos, Labs R and R is my turn (your name) to: Demonstrate my understanding of the content Use all of the available resources given to me to articulate the correct answers To see if there sections that we need to re-read and go over together as a class.

118 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
September 30, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?

119 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
September 30, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?

120 SQ3R Section 2 Properties of Water- Sept. 30, 2014
*1. Water’s Unique Structure -Question *2. Surface Tension *3. Capillary Action *4. Water, the Universal Solvent *5. Changing State *6. Why Ice Floats *7. Specific Heat Answer Question


122 October 1, 2014 Materials: Progress Report if you have note turned it in. Pen/Pencil Science Notebook- Graphing Notes Blue Graphing Practice Sheet

123 October 1, 2014 Essential Skills:
C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?



126 October 2, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Everything else is put away.

127 Today October 2, 2014 Graphing Quiz Independent and Silent
When finished: Complete S and Q of SQ3R Ch. 1, section 2. Work on


129 Today October 3, 2014 Graphing Quiz Independent and Silent
When finished: Complete S and Q of SQ3R Ch. 1, section 2. Work on

130 October 3, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Later in Class: Water Use Chart
Science Notebook

131 Today October 3, 2014 ERB forms- fill out
Water Use Chart for Thursday and Friday Current Events- thoughts?   to-desperation-in-rural-california/ar-BB73j6n Start Ch. 1, Section 2 Properties of Water reading, pg.

132 ERB forms- what to fill out
Also- see sample. Fill in (& bubble) identifying information student’s last name, first name, middle initial, student ID number - Our student ID numbers have 7 digits; however, there are 9 blanks on the testing sheet. Please leave the last two boxes empty testing date- October 2014 date of birth, Grade 06 gender, Level 5 teacher name (homeroom teacher), (Seymour, Parker, Matilla, Radico, Peck) school name, Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School District. TESD Do not fill in the section pertaining to RACE AND ETHNICITY..

133 Current Events   desperation-in-rural-california/ar-BB73j6n What is going on in California? How are the people responding?- pay attention to the stories being told What are your thoughts?

134 October 6, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Water Use Chart
Science Notebook-Water Use Lab Later in Class: Text book, pg. 23 Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R * Science Extension Meets on Wednesday during Activity. Come with Water Ideas!

135 Today October 6, 2014 Get quizzes. Requizzing starts Thursday- see Ms. S during activity or Advisory. (New Quiz). Water Use Chart. Fill out Weekend. Water Use lab- Hypothesis and Experiment. Start Ch. 1, section 2 Properties of Water SQ3R

136 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 6, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?

137 SQ3R Section 2 Properties of Water- October 6, 2014
*1. Water’s Unique Structure -Question *2. Surface Tension *3. Capillary Action *4. Water, the Universal Solvent *5. Changing State *6. Why Ice Floats *7. Specific Heat Answer Question

138 Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use?
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to: Identify the many uses of water in our daily lives. Determine the amount of water that is used in various activities. Explain that our water supply is limited. Background Info: How much water do you use everyday in your home? Would you be surprised to learn that according to the USGS the average American uses between gallons (approx liters) of water per day? Do you think people in other parts of the world use more or less water than Americans? Well, this collaborative project will help you find out the answers to these questions. By collecting data on water usage from people around the world you will be able to see how your water use compares to others and determine what you might do to use less water.

139 Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use?
Research: Use the following water conservation sheet and find 10 facts about water use (ways to save water, organizations that are trying to save water, etc…) Hypothesis: (after collecting water use data). Choose one or two of the water conservation ideas that you can use at your house and make a hypothesis about the amount of water you could save by making changes. Experiment: Part 1- Fill out the Water Use chart for one week. Part 2- Fill out the Water Use chart after making changes in your water use practices. Analysis: TBA Conclusion: TBA

140 Water Notes Water Molecule: 2 Hydrogen Atoms 1 Oxygen Atom
Polar Molecule : “-” and “+”

141 Surface Tension Tightness across the surface:

142 Capillary Action: Attraction of water molecules to other materials.

143 Water the Universal Solvent
Salt Solution:


145 October 8, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Water Use Chart
Text book, pg. 23 – we are reviewing Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R Earth’s Water’s Packet- Properties of Water Lab * Science Extension Meets on Wednesday during Activity. Come with Water Ideas!

146 Pds 5-Today October 8, 2014 Water Use Chart. Fill out Monday and Tuesday Review Start Ch. 1, section 2 Properties of Water Continue Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R to the end of water, the Universal Solvent. Short Properties of Water lab.

147 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 8, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?

148 SQ3R Section 2 Properties of Water- October 6, 2014
*1. Water’s Unique Structure -Question *2. Surface Tension *3. Capillary Action *4. Water, the Universal Solvent *5. Changing State *6. Why Ice Floats *7. Specific Heat Answer Question

149 Water Notes Water Molecule: 2 Hydrogen Atoms 1 Oxygen Atom
Polar Molecule : “-” and “+”

150 Surface Tension Tightness across the surface:

151 Capillary Action: Attraction of water molecules to other materials.

152 Water the Universal Solvent
Salt Solution:


154 October 8, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Water Use Chart
Earths Water’s Packet- properties of water lab Text book, pg. 16 – we are reviewing Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R Later-mini whiteboard and expo markers * Science Extension Meets on Wednesday during Activity. Come with Water Ideas!

155 Pds. 7 &8-Today October 8, 2014 Water Use Chart. Fill out Tuesday.
Go over Properties of Water lab-fill our sheet. Earn a star. Whiteboard review Finish rest of Chapter 1, section 2-reading, SQ3R.

156 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 6, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?

157 SQ3R Section 2 Properties of Water- October 6, 2014
*1. Water’s Unique Structure -Question *2. Surface Tension *3. Capillary Action *4. Water, the Universal Solvent *5. Changing State *6. Why Ice Floats *7. Specific Heat Answer Question

158 Water Notes Water Molecule: 2 Hydrogen Atoms 1 Oxygen Atom
Polar Molecule : “-” and “+”

159 Surface Tension Tightness across the surface:

160 Capillary Action: Attraction of water molecules to other materials.

161 Water the Universal Solvent
Salt Solution:

162 Properties of Water & Heat Capacity (Specific Heat)

163 The Water Cycle

164 October 9, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Water Use Chart
Text book, pg. 23 – we are reviewing Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R Earth’s Water’s Packet- Properties of Water Lab * Science Extension Meets on Wednesday during Activity. Come with Water Ideas!

165 Today October 9, 2014 Water Use Chart. Fill out the blank days including Wednesday. Review Start Ch. 1, section 2 Properties of Water Continue Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R to the end of water, the Universal Solvent. Short Properties of Water lab.

166 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 9, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?


168 October 10, 2014 Materials: Assignment book: HW: Start studying for next Fri’s Ch. 1 test. 2. Ch. 1, section 3 vocab and notes Pen/Pencil Water Use Chart Text book, pg. 23 – we are reviewing Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 2 SQ3R Earth’s Waters Packet

169 Today October 10, 2014 Water Use Chart. Fill out the blank days including Thursday. (Most days should be filled out to Thursday.) Review Start Ch. 1, section 2 Properties of Water Finish section 2. R and R section 2 – independent/silent/go over Short Video. Any questions? Start HW

170 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 9, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?

171 SQ3R Section 2 Properties of Water- October 6, 2014
*1. Water’s Unique Structure -Question *2. Surface Tension *3. Capillary Action *4. Water, the Universal Solvent *5. Changing State *6. Why Ice Floats *7. Specific Heat Answer Question


173 October 13, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Water Use Chart
Text book, pg. 23 –needed for R and R Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 2/3 SQ3R Earth’s Waters Packet R and R section 2, pg.7

174 Today October 13, 2014 Water Use Chart. Fill out the blank days. Entire Experimental group should be filled out Review Ch. 1, section 2 Properties of Water R and R section 2 – independent/silent/go over Remaining questions? Start SQ3R for section 3- The Water Cycle Start Reading.

175 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 13, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: *to describe how earth’s water moves through the water cycle. *list ways that living things depend on the water cycle. Learning Goals: To understand the water cycle Relevance: What can you tell me about the water cycle?

176 SQ3R Section 3 Water Cycle Oct. 13, 2014
Section Headings Water Evaporates Clouds Form Water Falls As Precipitation A Global Process Answer Question

177 October 13, 2014 Water Cycle Draw a diagram of the water cycle. (you may use pg. 33). Include the following words in your drawing: 1. The sun 2. Precipitation 7. Ocean 3. Evaporation 8. Lake 4. Transpiration 9. River 5. Condensation 10. Runoff 6. Ground water

178 The Water Cycle Take notes


180 October 14, 2014 Pds 5 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Text book, pg. 23 –needed for R and R Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 3 SQ3R Earth’s Waters Packet R and R section 2, pg.7

181 October 14, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Text book, pg. 32 –
Science Notebook- new page for Ch. 1, section 3 SQ3R

182 Going over R and R’s Remember, we will go over the questions that you still do not understand by: Rereading the section Taking more notes Discussing it again. Please make sure you understand the material.

183 Today October 14, 2014 SQ3R for section 3- The Water Cycle Reading.
Diagraming. Short Video Clip Longer video clip- take notes on what we did not cover in class.

184 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 14, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: *to describe how earth’s water moves through the water cycle. *list ways that living things depend on the water cycle. Learning Goals: To understand the water cycle Relevance: What can you tell me about the water cycle?

185 SQ3R Section 3 Water Cycle Oct. 14, 2014
Section Headings Water Evaporates Clouds Form Water Falls As Precipitation A Global Process Answer Question

186 October 14, 2014 Water Cycle Draw a diagram of the water cycle. (you may use pg. 33). Include the following words in your drawing: 1. The sun 2. Precipitation 7. Ocean 3. Evaporation 8. Lake 4. Transpiration 9. River 5. Condensation 10. Runoff 6. Ground water

187 The Water Cycle
Animation Take notes – one or two things that we did not cover.

188 October 15, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Text book, pg. 32 –
Science Notebook- Ch. 1, section 3 SQ3R/water cycle diagram/video notes. Earth’s Waters Packet- R and R, section 3. pg. 8

189 Going over R and R’s Remember, we will go over the questions that you still do not understand by: Rereading the section Taking more notes Discussing it again. Please make sure you understand the material.

190 Today October 15, 2014 R and R section 3 “Restate to the class”
Independent, Silent, Go over “Restate to the class”

191 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 15, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: *to describe how earth’s water moves through the water cycle. *list ways that living things depend on the water cycle. Learning Goals: To understand the water cycle Relevance: What can you tell me about the water cycle?

192 SQ3R Section 3 Water Cycle Oct. 15, 2014
Section Headings Water Evaporates Clouds Form Water Falls As Precipitation A Global Process Answer Question

193 The Water Cycle
Animation Take notes – one or two things that we did not cover.

194 Going over R and R’s Remember, we will go over the questions that you still do not understand by: Rereading the section Taking more notes Discussing it again. Please make sure you understand the material.

195 “Restate” to the Class A good way to know if you understand the material is to re-state it to someone else! In groups of 2, you will be given a topic to restate the class. Restate the most important thing from your topic. How do people use water? (seats 1 & 2) (seats 23 and 24) Water and Living Things (seats 3 and 4) (seats 25 and 26) Water on Earth (seats 5 and 6) (seats 27 and 28)  Water’s unique structure (seats 7 and 8)  Surface Tension  (seats 9 and 10) Capillary Action (seats 11 and 12) Water, the Universal Solvent (seats 13 and 14) Changing State (seats 15 and 16) Why Ice Floats (seats 17 and 18) Specific Heat (seats 19 and 20) Water Evaporates/Clouds Form/Water Falls (seats 21 and 22)

196 The most important thing….
From your particular topic.

197 October 16, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil “Reteach the class sheet”
Mini white board/your Expo marker Later-Science Notebook, Earths Water’s packet, textbook pg. 38. all for review.

198 Today October 16, 2014 “Reteach” has been changed to “Restate to the class” Book Review-pg # 1-10. Mini white board review

199 October 16, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. *to describe how earth’s water moves through the water cycle. *list ways that living things depend on the water cycle. Learning Goals: Ch. 1 test tomorrow Relevance: Ch. 1 test tomorrow

200 October 17, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Earth’s Waters Packet and Reteach the Class Sheet- put in bucket Science Notebook- Ms. S will show you how to paper clip all old work so that the first thing Ms. S sees is Graphing Notes.

201 Today October 17, 2014 Ch. 1 Test When finished- Independent Silent
work on Something else

202 October 17, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. *to describe how earth’s water moves through the water cycle. *list ways that living things depend on the water cycle. Learning Goals: Ch. 1 test today Relevance: Ch. 1 test today


204 October 20, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW: Pen/Pencil
1. Field Trip Permission slips due Friday, Oct. 24 Ch. 2, section 1 vocab and notes Pen/Pencil Science Notebook – Water Use Lab (Experiment) Water Use Charts.

205 Today October 20, 2014 Go over Field trip forms
Graph Water Use for Control and Experiment- Go over how to Graph. Answer questions If you finish early, start HW Analysis explanation

206 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 20, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles Give examples of how people and other living things use water. Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: Using the appropriate graph, Graphing your Water Use correctly Relevance: Graphing and Using Water Wisely

207 Analysis 1. What source were you trying to use less water? Did you save water? How much water did you save? If you were not successful, what are reasons that you can think of for using more water. How much more water did you use? 2. Were you able to use less water in your Experimental Group as compared to your Control group? How much water did you save? If you were not successful, what reasons can you think of for using more water. How much more water did you use? Were there any sources that you used 0 gallons of water? List them. What were the reasons that you did not use some of these sources. 3. Was trying to conserve water challenging or easy? Why was it challenging or easy? 4. If you had another week to create a second experiment, what areas would you try to conserve water? 5. If you could do this experiment differently, what would you do? 6. What long lasting message will you take away from this lab about conserving water?


209 October 21, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW: Pen/Pencil
Water Use Analysis sheet Due Thursday Pen/Pencil Science Notebook – Water Use Lab Graph Water Use Charts. Fresh Water Packet-need to make sure packet is complete.

210 Today October 21, 2014 Any Field trip forms?
Graph Water Use for Control and Experiment- Review correct Graphing Write a lab in your notebook Analysis explanation – Discuss questions. Due by Thursday.

211 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
October 21, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts – Graphing Correctly, Neatly, Following instructions Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles Give examples of how people and other living things use water. Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: Using the appropriate graph, Graphing your Water Use correctly Relevance: Graphing and Using Water Wisely

212 Analysis 1. What source were you trying to use less water? Did you save water? How much water did you save? If you were not successful, what are reasons that you can think of for using more water. How much more water did you use? 2. Were you able to use less water in your Experimental Group as compared to your Control group? How much water did you save? If you were not successful, what reasons can you think of for using more water. How much more water did you use? Were there any sources that you used 0 gallons of water? List them. What were the reasons that you did not use some of these sources. 3. Was trying to conserve water challenging or easy? Why was it challenging or easy? 4. If you had another week to create a second experiment, what areas would you try to conserve water? 5. If you could do this experiment differently, what would you do? 6. What long lasting message will you take away from this lab about conserving water?


214 October 22, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook –new page for SQ3R Textbook open to pg. 42.

215 Today October 22, 2014 Any Field trip forms? New Seats
Start Ch. 2, section 1-SQ3R, Reading, NB prep for lab.

216 Sit in your assigned seat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
October 22, 2014 Sit in your assigned seat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

217 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers, Oct. 22, 2014
*1. How do Rivers begin -Question *2. Factors that Affect Runoff *3. River Systems *4. Rivers Shape the Land Answer Question


219 Lab Title: How Fast does a Stream Flow?
Purpose: How does the slope of a stream and the volume of water it contains affect its speed? Research: Name the 3 factors that affect stream speed? Hypothesis: (2 statements) 1. If the slope is (choose one: high or low)_____, then (explain stream speed) ______. 2. If there is (choose one: more or less water), then (explain stream speed) _________ . Experiment: (pg. 46) with a few changes Data table Analyze and Conclude: Answer with complete sentences.

220 Draw 4 Data Tables that look like this.
Trial # Time (estimate seconds. Do not include milliseconds) 1 2 3 Average time =

221 1 Graduated Cylinders Experiment-low slope
Trial # Time (estimate seconds. Do not include milliseconds) 1 2 3 Average time =

222 2 Graduated Cylinders Experiment-low slope
Trial # Time (estimate seconds. Do not include milliseconds) 1 2 3 Average time =

223 High Slope Experiment Trial #
Time (estimate seconds. Do not include milliseconds) 1 2 3 Average time =

224 Low Slope Experiment Trial #
Time (estimate seconds. Do not include milliseconds) 1 2 3 Average time =

225 Analyze and Conclude (pg. 47)
1. Average the three trials for each experiment. Record the average times on your data table. 2. Calculate the average stream speed for each experiment using the following formula: = Distance (111cm)/average time 3. Graph the speeds on one graph 4. How did the speed of the stream change when you increased the volume of water? 5. How did the speed of the stream change when you increased the slope? 6. Think About It What errors might have affected your data? How could they be reduced? Conclusion: 1. My first hypothesis was ____________: __________________ 2. My second hypothesis was ________________:_________________

226 October 23, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Water Use Lab Analysis-put in bin. Science Notebook –Stream Flow Lab Textbook open to pg. 42/46

227 Today October 23, 2014 Any Field trip forms?
Continue Ch. 2, section 1- Stream Flow Lab Intro Complete Go over. Earn star

228 Sit in your assigned seat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

229 Analyze and Conclude (pg. 47)
1. Average the three trials for each experiment. Record the average times on your data table. 2. Calculate the average stream speed for each experiment using the following formula: = Distance (111cm)/average time 3. Graph the speeds on one graph- bar graph.- X axis – slope/volume condition. Y axis – speed. 4. How did the speed of the stream change when you increased the volume of water? 5. How did the speed of the stream change when you increased the slope? 6. Think About It What errors might have affected your data? How could they be reduced? Conclusion: 1. My first hypothesis was ____________: __________________ 2. My second hypothesis was ________________:_________________


231 October 24, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook –Stream Flow Lab Textbook open to pg. 42/46

232 Today October 24, 2014 Any Field trip forms? Conclusion Notes
Water Use Conclusion- Go over Continue Ch. 2, section 1- Stream Flow Lab Analysis Go over. Earn star

233 Conclusion Notes- October 24, 2014
Write your conclusion based on your hypothesis: “My hypothesis was (choose one): correct or incorrect.” Then restate your hypothesis without using if/then statement. Instead write “Using/Doing/Changing, etc. ________ will/will not ______________” Writing “I think” is incorrect…

234 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

235 Analyze and Conclude (pg. 47)
1. Average the three trials for each experiment. Record the average times on your data table. 2. Calculate the average stream speed for each experiment using the following formula: = Distance (111cm)/average time 3. Graph the speeds on one graph- bar graph.- X axis – slope/volume condition. Y axis – speed. 4. How did the speed of the stream change when you increased the volume of water? 5. How did the speed of the stream change when you increased the slope? 6. Think About It What errors might have affected your data? How could they be reduced? Conclusion: 1. My first hypothesis was ____________: __________________ 2. My second hypothesis was ________________:_________________


237 October 27, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook –Stream Flow Lab Textbook open to pg. 42/46

238 Today October 27, 2014 Any Field trip forms? Stream Flow Lab
Analysis Go over. Earn star Continue Ch. 2, section 1-

239 Formation of River

240 Watershed Videos

241 The 6 Pennsylvania Watersheds

242 Quick Watershed Demo Materials Plastic sheet Newspaper
Spray bottles with water Small pieces of paper

243 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers
*5. Profile of a River -Question *6. Rivers and Floods *7. Cal Floods be controlled? Answer Question


245 October 27, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil
Science Notebook –Stream Flow Lab –to be checked. (and then back to SQ3R) Textbook open to pg. 44

246 Today October 27, 2014 Any Field trip forms? Stream Flow Lab
Analysis- Have checked. Go over. Continue Ch. 2, section 1-

247 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

248 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers, Oct. 22, 2014
*1. How do Rivers begin -Question *2. Factors that Affect Runoff *3. River Systems *4. Rivers Shape the Land Answer Question

249 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers
*5. Profile of a River -Question *6. Rivers and Floods *7. Can Floods be controlled? Answer Question

250 Watershed Videos

251 The 6 Pennsylvania Watersheds


253 October 28, 2014 Materials: Assignment book: HW: Ch. 2, section 2 vocab and notes. Science Notebook –page for SQ3R Pt. 2 Textbook open to pg. 48

254 Today October 28, 2014 Continue Ch. 2, section 1- Profile of a River and Flooding. Labeling in packet. Pg. 15 Flooding Video R and R section 1

255 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

256 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers
*5. Profile of a River -Question *6. Rivers and Floods *7. Can Floods be controlled? Answer Question

257 Label the Profile of the river.
Open your text book to page 48. Label the following terms on your picture- Headwaters Tributary Downriver Meander The Flood Plain Oxbow lake The Mouth Delta Waterfall* (we never discussed this, but can you figure out where it is?)

258 Oxbow lake:

259 Flooding:
What to do during a flood?


261 October 29, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook –page for SQ3R Pt. 2
Textbook open to pg to prepare for tomorrow. Then we are turning to pg. 48 in textbook. for review.

262 Today October 29, 2014 Go over Guest Teacher Plans
Continue Ch. 2, section 1- Profile of a River and Flooding. Flooding Video – if we did not see it yesterday. R and R section 1 Independent. Silent. Go over. Microscope video

263 SQ3R Section 2 Ponds and Lakes -
*1. Intro- *2. Ponds *3. Lakes *4. Lake Formation *5. Lake Habitats *6. Changes in a Lake * You’ll be reading the sections out loud, then given time to answer question.

264 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
C-7. State Implications and Consequences C-5 Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts- Microscope Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learn the basics of a microscope for Friday’s Pond Water Lab. Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

265 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers
*5. Profile of a River -Question *6. Rivers and Floods *7. Can Floods be controlled? Answer Question

266 Oxbow lake:

267 Flooding:
What to do during a flood?

268 R and R’s – come after reading, discussions, SQ3R’s videos, labs, activities…
We will go over the questions that you still do not understand by: Rereading the section Taking more notes Discussing it again. Please make sure you understand the material.

269 Understanding a microscope


271 October 31, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook –SQ3R Ch. 2, section 2 Ponds and Lakes. Textbook open to pg. 53. Packet pg. 11.

272 Today October 31, 2014 How did yesterday go?
Review section reading. (Eutrophication video) Pond Water short lab. Pg. 11 in packet. Go over. Video on Ponds and Lakes.

273 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Explain how ponds and lakes form Describe pond and lake habitats and the process of lake turnover. Learning Goals: To understand the beauty of ponds and lakes Relevance: What can you tell me about ponds and lakes?

274 Ponds and Lakes Eutrophication: Ponds and Lakes: Video Notes: Take notes on at least 2 things that we did not cover in class.


276 Nov. 3, 2014 Materials: Science Packet pg. 11
Science Notebook –new section for video notes. Later in class- Packet open to pg. 7.

277 Today Nov. 3, 2014 Go over lab findings.
Video on Ponds and Lakes- take notes on what we did not cover in class. R and R section 2- Independent, Silent, Go over.

278 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Explain how ponds and lakes form Describe pond and lake habitats and the process of lake turnover. Learning Goals: To understand the beauty of ponds and lakes Relevance: What can you tell me about ponds and lakes?

279 Ponds and Lakes Eutrophication: Ponds and Lakes: Video Notes: Take notes on at least 2 things that we did not cover in class.


281 Nov. 4, 2014 Materials: Science Packet pg. 7 and for vocab.
Science Notebook –new section for SQ3R Later in class- textbook open to pg. 59

282 Today Nov. 3, 2014 R and R section 2- Independent, Silent, Go over.
Start Wetlands Reading part 1 Demo/Video Reading part 2 Video

283 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
Nov. 4, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify features of wetlands that make them suitable habitats for living things Explain what a wetland is and how wetlands control flooding. Learning Goals: To understand the importance of wetlands Relevance: Do you know what a wetland is?

284 SQ3R. Ch. 2, section 3 Wetlands pg. 59
*1. What is a Wetland? -Question *2. Wetland Habitats *3. The Importance of Wetlands *4. The Everglades: A Unique Environment Answer Question

285 Wetlands

286 Everglades:
Threats to the Everglades:


288 Nov. 6, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: Start Studying for next Thursday’s, Ch. 2, sections 1,2,3 quiz. Science Notebook –Ch. 2, section 3 SQ3R Textbook, pg. 59

289 Today Nov. 6, 2014 Continue Wetlands Reading part 1
Demo/Video – take notes on new info. Go over Reading part 2 Video

290 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
Nov. 4, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify features of wetlands that make them suitable habitats for living things Explain what a wetland is and how wetlands control flooding. Learning Goals: To understand the importance of wetlands Relevance: Do you know what a wetland is?

291 SQ3R. Ch. 2, section 3 Wetlands pg. 59
*1. What is a Wetland? -Question *2. Wetland Habitats *3. The Importance of Wetlands *4. The Everglades: A Unique Environment Answer Question

292 Wetlands

293 Everglades:
Threats to the Everglades:


295 Nov. 7, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook –Video Notes/fCh. 2, section 3 SQ3R Textbook, pg. 63

296 Today Nov. 7, 2014 Continue Wetlands Part 1/Video – take notes on new info. Go over Reading part 2 Video (2): Everglades and a Threat R and R section 3. Start reviewing sections 1 and 2 with classmates.

297 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to:
Nov. 7, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Identify features of wetlands that make them suitable habitats for living things Explain what a wetland is and how wetlands control flooding. Learning Goals: To understand the importance of wetlands Relevance: Do you know what a wetland is?

298 SQ3R. Ch. 2, section 3 Wetlands pg. 59
*1. What is a Wetland? -Question *2. Wetland Habitats *3. The Importance of Wetlands *4. The Everglades: A Unique Environment Answer Question

299 Wetlands

300 Everglades:
Threats to the Everglades:


302 Nov. 10, 2014 Materials: Science Packet, pg. 8 R and R section 3.
Notebook –Ch. 2, section 1 SQ3R for review. (you will also need R and R section 1 and notes and vocab for review) Textbook, pg. 59/42

303 Today Nov. 10, 2014 Finish Wetlands-R and R section 3.
Start reviewing section 1 Streams and Rivers. (15 minutes) Use R and R section 1 Notes and vocab SQ3R Start section 4, Glaciers and Icebergs.- define words, survey book for notes, SQ3R.

304 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: for Section 1 Review
You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe a river system and how water flows into it. Explain how a river changes surrounding land Describe conditions that can cause floods and how floods can be controlled Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

305 SQ3R Section 1 Streams and Rivers, Oct. 22, 2014
*1. How do Rivers begin *2. Factors that Affect Runoff *3. River Systems *4. Rivers Shape the Land *5. Profile of a River *6. Rivers and Floods *7. Can Floods be controlled? Answer Question

306 Learning Objectives: Section 4- Glaciers and Icebergs
Nov. 10, 2014 Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 4- Glaciers and Icebergs Describe how glaciers form Explain how icebergs form and why icebergs are dangerous to ships. Learning Goals: Relevance: Why should we care about icebergs and glaciers?

307 Ch. 2, section 4 Glaciers and Iceberg
-Question *2. Icebergs Answer Question

308 Video Clips Glacial Movement: Titanic Timeline: Titanic (Items): Global Warming and Antartica:


310 Nov. 11, 2014 Materials: Science Packet section 2: Ponds and Lakes Notes/Vocab/R and R.. Notebook –Ch. 2, section 2 SQ3R for review. Textbook, pg. 53 Later- Sci Notebook SQ3R section 4/ Textbook pg. 65

311 Today Nov. 11, 2014 Review section 2 Ponds and Lakes. (15 minutes)
Use R and R section 1 Notes and vocab SQ3R Continue section 4, Glaciers and Icebergs.- SQ3R. Reading Videos R and R

312 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: for Section 1 Review
You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe how Ponds and Lakes Form Explain the process of Eutrophication and Lake Turnover Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

313 SQ3R Section 2 Ponds and Lakes -
*1. Intro- *2. Ponds *3. Lakes *4. Lake Formation *5. Lake Habitats *6. Changes in a Lake

314 Learning Objectives: Section 4- Glaciers and Icebergs
Nov. 10, 2014 Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 4- Glaciers and Icebergs Describe how glaciers form Explain how icebergs form and why icebergs are dangerous to ships. Learning Goals: Relevance: Why should we care about icebergs and glaciers?

315 Ch. 2, section 4 Glaciers and Iceberg
-Question *2. Icebergs Answer Question

316 Video Clips Glacial Movement: Titanic Timeline: Titanic (Items): Global Warming and Antartica:


318 Nov. 12, 2014 Materials: Sci. Packet R and R section 4, pg.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Science Packet section 3: Wetlands Notes/Vocab/R and R.. Notebook –Ch. 2, section 3 for review. Textbook, pg. 59

319 Today Nov. 12, 2014 Finish R and R section 4. 15 min. Wetland Review
Go over Get star 15 min. Wetland Review Use: section 3 R and R, SQ3R, notes and vocab. Class Whiteboard Review Partner Review

320 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: for Section 1 Review
You will be able to: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Describe how Ponds and Lakes Form Explain the process of Eutrophication and Lake Turnover Learning Goals: To understand the relationship between the land and water flow. Relevance: What can you tell me about rivers or streams?

321 SQ3R Section 2 Ponds and Lakes -
*1. Intro- *2. Ponds *3. Lakes *4. Lake Formation *5. Lake Habitats *6. Changes in a Lake

322 Learning Objectives: Section 4- Glaciers and Icebergs
Nov. 10, 2014 Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 4- Glaciers and Icebergs Describe how glaciers form Explain how icebergs form and why icebergs are dangerous to ships. Learning Goals: Relevance: Why should we care about icebergs and glaciers?

323 Ch. 2, section 4 Glaciers and Iceberg
-Question *2. Icebergs Answer Question

324 Video Clips Glacial Movement: Titanic Timeline: Titanic (Items): Global Warming and Antartica:


326 Ch. 2, section 5 Water Underground
*1. Underground Layers -Question *2. Aquifers *3. Bringing Groundwater to the Surface *4. Springs and Geyers Answer Question

327 Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills:
Nov Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 5- Water Underground Describe springs, geysers, and how water moves through underground layers of soil and rock. Explain what an aquifer is and how people obtain water from an aquifer. Learning Goals: Relevance: What kind of soil do you have?

328 Aquifers/ Artesian Wells/ Dry Wells
How Aquifers work: Ogallala Aquifer: Artesian Well:

329 Groundwater Lab Purpose: How fast does water move though sand, clay, and pebbles? Research: answer these questions: 1. The movement of water through material depends on what two things? Define “pores” Define “permeable.” Define “impermeable.” Hypothesis: If the water is (choose one- permeable or impermeable), then the water will move (choose one-fast or slower).

330 Analysis- Answer these questions:
1. Through which material did water move the fastest? The slowest? 2. What can you conclude about the personality of the three materials? 3. Based on you observations of each sample, suggest an explanation for the differences in their permeability? 4. Based on the results of this lab, would you expect to get more water from a well dug in sand, pebbles, or clay? Explain. Conclusion: Write your hypothesis using the correct format. (go back to your conclusion notes if you have forgotten the correct format.)

331 Nov. 13/14, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook.
Put a book mark at your Water Use Graph. Paper clip all old work after Water Use Graph.

332 American Education Week invitations Ch. 2, section 1,2,3 Quiz
Today Nov. 13/14, 2014 Today American Education Week invitations Ch. 2, section 1,2,3 Quiz Start HW- Ch. 2, section 5 notes and vocab.

333 Nov. 13, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW: Ch. 2, section 5 vocab and notes Science Notebook - New section for SQ3R, section 5. Textbook. Pg. 68.

334 Today (assembly at 1:25-2:25)
Today Nov. 13, 2014 Today (assembly at 1:25-2:25) Start Ch. 2, section 5 Underground Layers SQ3R, reading,

335 Ch. 2, section 5 Water Underground
*1. Underground Layers -Question *2. Aquifers *3. Bringing Groundwater to the Surface *4. Springs and Geysers Answer Question

336 Nov. 14, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook - New section for SQ3R, section 5. Textbook. Pg. 68.

337 American Education Week Invitations
Today Nov. 14, 2014 American Education Week Invitations Start Ch. 2, section 5 Underground Layers SQ3R, reading, lab prep, continue reading.

338 Science Notebook- Ground Water lab. (and layers of ground picture).
Today Nov. 17, 2014 Science Notebook- Ground Water lab. (and layers of ground picture).

339 Nov. 17, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook - New section for SQ3R, section 5. Textbook. Pg. 68.

340 Ch. 2, section 5 Water Underground
*1. Underground Layers -Question *2. Aquifers *3. Bringing Groundwater to the Surface *4. Springs and Geysers Answer Question

341 Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills:
Nov Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 5- Water Underground Describe springs, geysers, and how water moves through underground layers of soil and rock. Explain what an aquifer is and how people obtain water from an aquifer. Learning Goals: Relevance: What kind of soil do you have?

342 Aquifers/ Artesian Wells/ Dry Wells
How Aquifers work: Ogallala Aquifer: Artesian Well:

343 Groundwater Lab Purpose: How fast does water move through sand, soil, and pebbles? Research: answer these questions: 1. The movement of water through material depends on what two things? 2. Define “pores” 3. Define “permeable.” 4. Define “impermeable.” Hypothesis: If the soil is (choose one- permeable or impermeable), then the water will move (choose one-fast or slower).

344 Time of water moving through different materials
Trial 1 (s) Trial 2 (s) Trial 3 (s) average(s) Soil Sand Pebbles

345 Analysis- Answer these questions:
1. Through which material did water move the fastest? The slowest? 2. What can you conclude about the personality of the three materials? 3. Based on you observations of each sample, suggest an explanation for the differences in their permeability? 4. Based on the results of this lab, would you expect to get more water from a well dug in sand, pebbles, or clay? Explain. Conclusion: Write your hypothesis using the correct format. (go back to your conclusion notes if you have forgotten the correct format.)

346 “P”SQ3R “HTE” Notes P-personal. I am allowed to go at my own/quicker pace. SQ3R- see previous notes HT- Higher Thinking. I must show evidence of higher thinking. (HT-section.) – notes on HT next slide Asking additional questions that relate to advanced/ing Science, Technology, the world, Social studies, English, Reading, culture, E- Essay. I will compose my section essay to demonstrates my higher level thinking by asking questions and articulating them in a formal essay. Possible peer reviews and sharing of essays.

347 HT-Higher Thinking Choose 3 or more sections to “HT”
Topics to help you with HT are: Describe how something you learned is important?- what will you gain, how will you use what you have learned. What do you want to learn more about? Why? Make a connection between the topic and one of the following: Another idea from this class Your life The world I wonder what would happen if_______? My solution for the situation that I read about is to_________.

348 Science Notebook- Ground Water lab. (and layers of ground picture).
Today Nov. 17, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook- Ground Water lab. (and layers of ground picture).

349 Nov. 17, 2014 Today: Ground Water Lab.

350 Ch. 2, section 5 Water Underground
*1. Underground Layers -Question *2. Aquifers *3. Bringing Groundwater to the Surface *4. Springs and Geysers Answer Question

351 Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills:
Nov. 17, 2014 Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 5- Water Underground Describe springs, geysers, and how water moves through underground layers of soil and rock. Explain what an aquifer is and how people obtain water from an aquifer. Learning Goals: Relevance: What kind of soil do you have?

352 Aquifers/ Artesian Wells/ Dry Wells
How Aquifers work: Ogallala Aquifer: Artesian Well:

353 Groundwater Lab Purpose: How fast does water move through sand, soil, and pebbles? Research: answer these questions: 1. The movement of water through material depends on what two things? 2. Define “pores” 3. Define “permeable.” 4. Define “impermeable.” Hypothesis: If the soil is (choose one- permeable or impermeable), then the water will move (choose one-fast or slower).

354 Time of water moving through different materials
Trial 1 (s) Trial 2 (s) Trial 3 (s) average(s) Soil Sand Pebbles


356 Nov. 18, 2014 Materials: Science Packet- due tomorrow.
Science Notebook- Ground Water lab. (and layers of ground picture). Later- textbook pg. 68 Later – Science packet pg. 10

357 Today Nov. 18, 2014 Today Go over what should be done in packet.
With lab groups Finish Analysis and Conclusion Finish reading section- choose readers within your group. R and R section 5, pg. 10 in packet with group. ~ if there is time today, we will go over Analysis and R and R. If not, we will go over them tomorrow.

358 Ch. 2, section 5 Water Underground
*1. Underground Layers -Question *2. Aquifers *3. Bringing Groundwater to the Surface *4. Springs and Geysers Answer Question

359 Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills:
Nov Welcome, Attendance, and Today: Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 5- Water Underground Describe springs, geysers, and how water moves through underground layers of soil and rock. Explain what an aquifer is and how people obtain water from an aquifer. Learning Goals: Relevance: What kind of soil do you have?

360 Analysis- Answer these questions using complete sentences:
1. Through which material did water move the fastest? The slowest? 2. What can you conclude about the pores of the three materials? 3. Based on your observations of each sample, suggest an explanation for the differences in their permeability? 4. Based on the results of this lab, would you expect to get more water from a well dug in sand, pebbles, or soil? Explain. 5. What possible errors were made in this lab? What would you do to prevent the errors? Conclusion: Write your hypothesis using the correct format. (go back to your conclusion notes if you have forgotten the correct format.)


362 Nov. 19, 2014 Materials: HW: Ch. 3, section 1 notes and vocab (packet coming later in class) Science Packet- Science Notebook- Ground Water lab. Science packet pg. 10 Textbook pg. 68

363 Today Nov. 19, 2014 Today Go over Analysis and Conclusion
Go over R and R section 5. Go over SQ3R. Turn in packet. New PSQ3R”HT-EPA” explanation. Get new packet. Based on time – start HW or start (P)SQ3R(HTEPA) Ch. 3, section 1.

364 “P”SQ3R “HT-E-PA” Notes
P-Personal SQ3R – see previous notes HT-Higher Thinking E-Essay PA- Project or Activity

365 “P”SQ3R “HT-E-PA” P-personal. Study sections at your own/quicker pace.
SQ3R- see previous notes HT- Higher Thinking. Show evidence of higher thinking. (HT-section.) Asking additional questions that relate to advanced/ing Science, Technology, Math, Social studies, English, Reading, the World, Culture, Music, Art, Digital Media, etc.

366 “P”SQ3R“HT-E-PA” HT-Higher Thinking Choose 3 or more sections to “HT.”
Describe how something I learned is important?- what will I gain, how will I use what I have learned. What do I want to learn more about? Why? Make a connection between the topic and one of the following: Another idea from this class Your life The world I wonder what would happen if_______? My solution for the situation that I read about is to_________. (You can also discover if there is topic you wish to pursue in Science Extension !)

367 “P”SQ3R “HT-E-PA” E -Essay - Compose an essay that responds to or asks questions about the section, and articulate them in a formal essay. (5 paragraph- intro, 3 section body, conclusion.) (time depending and interest) PA- Project/Activity -design a project or activity (major or minor -time permitting and interest. See idea sheet.) These will be peer reviewed and shared. You will also meet with Ms. S to discuss learning, progress, and go over questions.

368 Project/Activity Ideas
Design and conduct your own experiment using the steps of the Scientific Method Problem solving experiments Technology experiments Application experiments Etc. Songs Pictures/Sketches/Poems/Screen Plays to help other students learn the material. Detailed models, diagrams, or bulletin boards on a topic of your study

369 When should I do PSQ3RHT-E-PA?
You may do this during class while the rest of the class is reading & working on SQ3R. You may start PSQ3RHT-E-PA at home (online textbook) and then finish in class. You may start and complete PSQ3RHT-E-PA at home and work on Enrichment in class. – use back computer for Enrichment work. Enrichment: Further research for essay or project/activity Creating your own topic that you would like to pursue. Partner enrichment work. Other ideas. You may also choose PSQ3RHT-E-PA for some sections but not others. You may also opt out of independent and silent R and R (to meet with Ms. S). You may also do Enrich sheet instead.

370 PSQ3RHT-E-PA Group Work
You will also have opportunities to work with other members who choose PSQ3RHT-E-PA for section work.

371 Who is interested?  The beauty of PSQ3R-HT-EPA is that you are never finished! (i.e.- you will never say “I’m finished. What do I do now?”) You will always keep learning, asking new questions, researching new ideas, writing more essays, and creating new projects! 



374 Nov. 20, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook-New page for Hard vs. Soft Water Lab Textbook pg. 84

375 Today Nov. 20, 2014 Today Welcome Parents/Guardians Intro to Water Hardness-reading Lab Prep Experiment/Graph Analysis and Conclusion

376 C-7. State Implications and Consequences
Nov. 20, 2014 Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 1- Water to Drink Describe sources of drinking water and how it is treated and distributed Explain what happens to waste water?. Learning Goals: Think about the water that comes to your house, or this school- where is it coming from or what are the qualities?

377 Hard Water Vs. Soft Water
Purpose: The purpose of the lab is to determine the difference of soap sud height between hard and soft water. Research: Define Hardness. Refer to reading pg. 84. Hypothesis: If the water is (choose one: hard or soft), then the soap sud height will be : (choose one higher or lower)

378 Experiment Average Distilled Distilled with Epsom Salt TE Water Water
Soap Sud Height (cm) Trial 1 Soap Sud Height (cm) Trial 2 Soap Sud Height (cm) Trial 3 Average Distilled Distilled with Epsom Salt TE Water Graph Data when you have completed collecting data. Determine the type of graph you will need. Remember your titles and headings.

379 Analysis-answer question with complete/full sentences
1. What does your data show? Give evidence and explain “We found that the sud height for TE water was, while…. The sud height of the distilled water was….., and the sud height of the distilled water and Epsom salt was…. 2. How does your data relate to the purpose of your lab? “The purpose of the lab was…., therefore, this lab reveals that…. 3. In homes which have hard water, minerals including calcium and magnesium can precipitate out of the water and stick to hard surfaces inside appliances. How might hard water impact the lifespan of an appliance? 4. Based on your results, what are some of the benefits of soft water'? 5. What possible errors were made in this lab? What would you do to prevent the errors? Conclusion: Write your hypothesis using the correct format. (go back to your conclusion notes if you have forgotten the correct format.)

380 Nov. 20, 2014 Materials: Science Notebook-New page for PSQ3RHTEPA notes!  Textbook pg. 80

381 Lab Prep tomorrow’s lab. Start Ch. 3, section 1. Water to Drink
Today Nov. 20, 2014 Today Go over PSQ3RHT-E-PA Lab Prep tomorrow’s lab. Start Ch. 3, section 1. Water to Drink SQ3R or PSQ3RHT-E-PA

382 C-7. State Implications and Consequences
Nov. 20, 2014 Thinking Skills: C-7. State Implications and Consequences Learning Objectives: Section 1- Water to Drink Describe sources of drinking water and how it is treated and distributed Explain what happens to waste water?. Learning Goals: Think about the water that comes to your house, or this school- where is it coming from or what are the qualities?

383 Ch. 3, section 1 Water to Drink
1. Sources of Drinking Water -Question 2. Treating Drinking Water 3. A typical Treatment Plant 4. Water Distribution Water Treatment Video Answer Question

384 Ch. 3, section 1 Water to Drink
*3. A Typical Treatment Plant -Question *4. Water Distribution *5. Treating Waste Water *6. Septic Systems Sewage Treatment: Answer Question

385 Pharmaceuticals in Water: http://www. youtube. com/watch
Pharmaceuticals in Water: =related Fish Pharm

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