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New methods to collect travel data

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Presentation on theme: "New methods to collect travel data"— Presentation transcript:

1 New methods to collect travel data

2 Objective Demonstration study Compare with ”traditionell” TS
Online questionnarie with map support Mobile app Compare with ”traditionell” TS Test recruitment methods Random sample Web panel Crowdsourcing

3 Overview - method Data collection method Recruitment method
Random sampling Web panel Crowdsourcing Traditional TS Postal/online questionnaire - Our study Online questionnaire without incentive Online questionnaire with incentive Mobile app

4 Number of mailings and number of respondents
Collection method Recruitment method No. of mailings Number of respondents Response rate Online questionnaire Random sample (w/o incentive) 1,400 192 14% Random sample (with incentive) 222 16% Web panel 1,519 221 N/A Crowdsourcing 407 Mobile app Random sample 2,800 70 3% 5,085 199 284 Förutbestämt för slump, panel tills man uppnådde vårt önskemål. Mobilapp, lågt, beror på problem med utskick. Borde hamnat på ca 5-10 %.

5 Mobile app Recruitment method Downloaded the mobile app
Number of net responses Average number of reported days per person Random sample 99 70 9 Panel 246 199 11 Crowdsourcing 410 284 16

6 Partial non-response Geo coding – more online (1-10 %) than in app (1-2 %) 0-2 % loss of travel mode or travel time GBG: 0 % geo coding, 7 % travel time Unreasonable trip distance: Mobile app, just a few cases Online, 2-3 % GBG, 5,5 %

7 Non-respons random sample mobile app

8 Respondent profile (example)

9 Online question. random without incentive
Online question. random without incentive Online question. random with incentive Online question. web panel Online question. crowd- sourcing Mobile app random Mobile app web panel Mobile app crowd- sourcing TS GBG Register data Share of men –7.4 –4.6 –3.0 –19.8 –0.8 –0.3 –0.1 –4.1 50% Share of women +7.4 +4.6 +3.0 +19.6 +0.8 –0.7 +4.1 16–24 years of age –2.9 +3.7 +0.6 –9.9 –0.2 14% 25–44 years of age –12.3 –14.0 –7.5 +4.7 +2.3 +1.1 –11.4 35% 45–64 years of age +1.2 0.0 +2.1 +14.3 +0.2 +0.1 +4.8 31% 65–84 years of age +13.9 +10.3 –9.1 +0.4 –2.0 –0.5 +14.1 20% Gainfully employed –6.3 –10.9 –13.8 +18.5 –3.2 +8.4 Lacking 64% Not gainfully employed +6.3 +10.9 +13.8 –18.5 +3.2 –8.4 36% Women with driving licence +18.8 +7.7 +9.8 +15.1 +18.1 +5.3 +20.6 +12.2 73% Men with driving licence +10.1 +13.6 +13.0 +15.0 +10.8 +11.7 +13.4 +11.3 80% Flat +0.5 +14.0 +16.6 +9.3 44% Detached house/townhouse –14.3 –13.6 –16.9 –9.5 +2.6 56% Living alone w/o children –4.0 –1.3 +6.1 +8.7 +4.0 +3.8 17% Living alone with children –1.9 –1.4 –5.2 –6.0 8% Cohabitants w/o children +29.8 +21.2 +12.8 +5.6 +20.2 +6.5 +15.2 +31.5 21% Cohabitants with children –11.9 –10.5 –13.5 –1.6 –4.5 –16.3 41% Other households with or w/o children –10.7 –3.7 –9.3 –11.3 –9.2 –10.6 –12.8 13% Gothenburg Municipality +6.6 +9.0 +12.7 +11.5 –2.4 Other municipalities –2.1 –6.6 –9.0 –12.7 –11.5 +2.4 59% Number diff. ±2.0% points 3 5 2 4 7 6 Number diff. ±2.1–4.9% points 8 Number diff. ±5.0% points 11 10 13 9

10 Net number of responses Number that did not travel
Proportion no travel Collection method Recruitment method Net number of responses Number that did not travel % that did not travel Online questionnaire Random sample without incentive [sic] 192 32 16.6% 222 39 17.9% Web panel 221 51 23.3% Crowdsourcing 407 44 11.1% Mobile app Random sample 691 68 9.8% 2517 377 15.0% 4526 372 8.2%

11 Trips per day

12 Trips per day and travel mode

13 Travel mode distribution

14 Mean distance per day

15 Mean distance per day and travel mode

16 Distance travel mode distribution

17 Mean trip distance and travel mode
Mode of travel Online question. random without incentive Online question. random with incentive Online question. web panel Online question. crowd- sourcing Mobile app random Mobile app web panel Mobile app crowd- sourcing TS GBG Walking 2.7 1.9 3.1 1.6 0.6 0.7 0.5 1.4 Bicycle 3.9 7.2 5.5 2.9 4.3 4.4 3.8 Car 24 20 28 22 17 16 Public transport 15 9 35 13 11 12 14 Train 67 92 72 64 116 58 Other 1,015* 7* 212 43 All 27 19 10

18 Mean trip distance and purpose
Online question. random without incentive Online question. random with incentive Online question. panel Online question. crowd- sourcing Mobile app random Mobile app web panel Mobile app crowd- sourcing Work 20 12 21 10 11 14 Leisure 18 28 16 15 Service- related 7 Shopping 9 8 Pick up/ drop off 22 Other purpose 32 24 34 23 All 27 17 19

19 Trips per day with uncertainity estimates (bootstrap)
2.5 percentile 97.5 percentile Mean value Online questionnaire random without incentive 2.13 2.89 2.5 Online questionnaire random with incentive 2.18 2.71 2.4 Online questionnaire web panel 1.66 2.15 1.9 Online questionnaire crowdsourcing 2.53 3.02 2.8 Mobile app random 4.70 5.49 5.07 Mobile app web panel 5.06 5.57 5.31 Mobile app crowdsourcing 5.89 6.54 6.20

20 Costs (SEK) Per respondent Per trip day** Recruitment method
Per respondent Per trip day** Recruitment method Online question. The mobile app Mobile app Random sample without incentive 350 433– 1,420* 47–153* Random sample with incentive 400 Web panel 330 690 61 Crowdsourcing 230 390 25 *The cost calculation for the random sample with the mobile app is based on a response rate of 3–8%. The response rate in this pilot survey was 3%, but all of the cover letters were, unfortunately, sent out too late, which led to numerous complaints and is probably the reason for the low response rate. The response rate achieved in a concurrent study in Umeå was 8%, and there the cover letters were sent out in a timely fashion (however, the study targeted only the population between the ages of 30 and 49 years). **The mobile app collected multiple trip days, while the online questionnaire collected one trip day per individual.

21 Conclusion Lower response rates
Incitament 100 SEK has no effect on response rate Non-response mobil app No time Non access to smart phone, 1 out of 10 according to non-response survey New techniques still not matured enough

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