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Entrepreneurial Centre of Békéscsaba Ltd. H-5600 Békéscsaba, Kétegyházi út 3. Tel.:/Fax: 66/442-720 Website:

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Presentation on theme: "Entrepreneurial Centre of Békéscsaba Ltd. H-5600 Békéscsaba, Kétegyházi út 3. Tel.:/Fax: 66/442-720 Website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Entrepreneurial Centre of Békéscsaba Ltd. H-5600 Békéscsaba, Kétegyházi út 3. Tel.:/Fax: 66/442-720 E-mail: Website:, May, 2005 Logistic Park BékéscsabaHUNGARY BékéscsabaHUNGARY

2 Hungary in Europe

3 Békéscsaba Helsinki corridors in Hungary The amount of goods transported is indicated by the strength of the lines R A I L W A Y Helsinki corridors in Hungary The amount of goods transported is indicated by the strength of the lines R A I L W A Y

4 Békéscsaba Helsinki corridors in Hungary The amount of goods transported is indicated by the strength of the lines MOTORWAY Helsinki corridors in Hungary The amount of goods transported is indicated by the strength of the lines MOTORWAY

5 Legal, political, economic and social stability. Qualified, hard-working, creative and experienced work force. Wide range of industrial activities with long traditions. Industrial Parks with well-developed infrastructure. The vicinity of the Romanian, Serbian and Montenegrin borders, the growth of cross-border commerce due to the triple traffic at the borders. Presence of satisfied international companies and efforts to encrease their interests. Why Békés County? I.

6 Employment, labour market Békéscsaba:Central Békés Region: 23000 active workers48600 active workers 3100 unemployed 6500 unemployed Average unemployment rate12-13 % 84% blue-collar workers 16 % white-collar workers 8% career starters Gross average wages in processing industry 350 - 550 EUR/month Békés County Békéscsaba Békéscsaba

7 Education 4 colleges, 45 secondary schools, 36 technical schools (1 college and 14 secondary schools in Békéscsaba) Retraining center for unemployed Education level of labour force is high Békés County

8 Food processing industry Engineering industry Glass industry Agriculture Building material industry Printing industry Textile industry Chemical industry Priority sectors in Békés County

9 Name of the company LocationOwner Linamar Hungary Automotive Parts Co. OrosházaCanadian Hunguard Glass Ltd. OrosházaAmerican Owers Illinois Hungary Ltd. OrosházaAmerican Cofinec Kner Ltd. BékéscsabaAustrian Henkel Hungary Ltd. KörösladányAustrian Gallicoop Turkey Co. SzarvasCyprian Merian Poultry Co. OrosházaGerman Pioneer HI-Bred Hungary Co. SzarvasAmerican Felina Hungary Ltd. SzeghalomGerman Most important foreign investors in Békés County Most important foreign investors in Békés County

10 Road network: Developed railway system Container terminal in Békéscsaba Highway No. 5 can be reach in about 1 hour drive from Békéscsaba 5 operating border crossing stations (EU border) BékéscsabaBékéscsaba

11 Békéscsaba Airport 18-11-2004 18-11-2004 BÉKÉS COUNTY GOVERNMENT BÉKÉSCSABA

12 Airplane- categories typespassengers (person) Distance(km) Accessible cities General Aviation DHC-6, Cessna and Piper types Aero Ae-270 2-20 1.000 – 1.600 Berlin, Prague, Münich, Rome, Sofia, Bucharest, Warsawa (Business Jet) Lear Jet 24, 28, 29, Aeroprogress T-910 Kuryer 6-12 3.000 – 3.800 whole territory of Europe, Turkey, North-Africa Regional planes I. Let L-410, L-610 Dornier 228, An-38 20-30 1.300 – 2.000 Paris, London, Hamburg, Tunis, Barcelona, Minsk, Athen, Coppenhague Regional planes II. ATR-42 DHC-7 DHC-8/300 40–56 1.200 – 1.800 Berlin, Prague, Münich, Rome, Sofia, Bucharest, Warsawa Accessible airports

13 Békéscsaba Railway Station

14 Crane capacity: 32t Forklift truck capacity: 13t Békéscsaba Container terminal

15 Planed Logistic Centre



18 warehouses, warehouses, restaurant, restaurant, snack-bar, snack-bar, petrol station, petrol station, car wash, car wash, truck wash, truck parking area currency exchange, duty-free area, packing and processing industrial unit(s), etc. Planed units of the logistic center

19 Thank you for your attention. Janos Sztanko

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