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Words of the Day Week 2 Semester 2.

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1 Words of the Day Week 2 Semester 2

2 Words of the Day – Week 2 Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Encompass Entrepreneur Part of Speech: verb Definition: to include Sample Sentences: Tomorrow’s test will be difficult because it encompasses all the material covered this semester. Other forms: encompassment (n.) Part of Speech: Noun Definition: a business investor Sample Sentences: Glenville has no shopping center, but the city is growing so quickly that smart entrepreneurs are sure to start up new businesses there soon. Other forms: entrepreneurial (adj.), entrepreneurially (adv.)

3 Words of the Day – Week 2 Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Eradicate Homogeneous Part of speech: adjective Definition: the same throughout Sample Sentence: The student body at the local college appears quite homogeneous, but there are significant social and economic differences among the students. Other Forms: homogeneously (adv.) Part of speech: verb Definition: to erase Sample Sentence: In recent years, smallpox has been eradicated- the first time in history that humans have been able to wipe out a disease. Other Forms: eradication (n.), eradicative (adj.), eradicator (n.)

4 Words of the Day – Week 2 Thursday, January 22 , 2015
Standardize Stringent Part of speech: verb Definition: to make the same Sample Sentences: When the company standardized its pay scale, the salary for each type of job became identical throughout all departments. Other forms: standardization (n.) Part of speech: noun Definition: demanding Sample Sentences: Elected officials should be held to a stringent code of ethics, requiring them to avoid the appearance of wrongdoing. Other Forms: stringently (adv.)

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