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Presentation on theme: "NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ"— Presentation transcript:

Lıstenıng & speakıng skılls ı1 WEEK 14:shoppıng NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ © İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi

2 Pre-listening activities
A.Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1.How much shopping do you do a month? 2.When do you feel the need to go shopping? 3.What are the things that you like shopping for? And what are the things you hate shopping for? 4.If you are buying clothes, do you look for famous brands? Why or why not? 5.Does your mood affect the way you shop and spend money? 6.Do you make a shopping list or do you shop spontaneously? NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

3 B.Match the words in A with their definitions in B in pairs.
Willpower Accumulated Buy something on impulse Probably Lead them into a lot of debt Over the years Avoid Eventually Specifically Catch someone’s eye To attract a person’s attention. In the end, after a long wait. Something which increases or collects overtime. Keep away from something or someone. To end up owing a lot of money to the banks or others. Being able to control yourself from doing things often not good for you but you want to do. After a long period of time. To buy something without planning. In a way that is exact and clear. Almost certainly. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

C.Complete the sentences with the words given above. There are three extras. It is hard to believe that you _________________ all this stuff in one year. Buying from a store like this can _____________ into _______________. I would want to buy everything with my credit card. If I have chocolate in the house I eat it. I have no ____________. I was just about to give up looking for dresses, when one finally ______ my _____. This is not the type of thing to buy ____________. You need to think about it for a while. No matter how the situation gets worse, it will ________________ get better. Experience comes with learning from mistakes we make ________________ during our lives. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

5 While-listening activities
A.Listen to the audio track. Read the statements. Tick the correct ones and correct the wrong ones. Then check your answers with a partner. 1.Shona goes shopping every weekend. 2.Shona doesn’t like shopping for clothes. 3.Shona plans her shopping before she goes. 4.She bought a couple of items over the Internet. 5.She prefers buying by credit card. 6.She tries to avoid being in debt. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

6 While-listening activities
B.Listen to the audio track again, fill the gaps with the words from the audio. 1.Todd: So, Shona, you talked about shopping today. You bought some _________ and you bought some __________. Are you a big shopping fan? 2.Shona: Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I probably would say that. I'm not like staying at home and looking at ____________, and I think, "Oh, I want a black t-shirt", and I go out and buy that. I will just be wondering. Something will catch my eye, and I'll think it looks nice so I _______end up buying it. 3.Shona: I bought like a pen-striped _________ , like this little jacket thing with all these like different badge things on it, and I also _______like this nice like blue and red and white _______ _______, which is really nice. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©

7 Post-listening activities
A.Work in pairs. Discuss the statement below. Do you agree or disagree? Explain why? “People tend to spend too much money on clothes and technology.” Imagine you are a head of a family and you are making a spending budget for one month. Discuss with your partner/group what is the best spending budget to have in Istanbul to not to be in debt. NİŞANTAŞI ÜNİVERSİTESİ ©



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