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European Fears and Ambitions in 1914

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1 European Fears and Ambitions in 1914

2 The British Empire The greatest of all colonial empires.
Population- 500 million [75 million on British Isles] Slogan- ‘The sun never sets on the British Empire.’

3 Britain con’t Political System- constitutional monarchy [hereditary king/queen plus democracy] Queen Victoria –[ruled 64 years, grandmother to most of Europe Kings]

4 Britain con’t Strengths- Biggest, most powerful navy in the world with the‘Dreadnaught’ Powerful economy and stable government. Weaknesses- Small army- used mainly to garrison far flung colonies. Fighting a troublesome war in South Africa [the Boer War]

5 Goals and challenges of Britain in 1914
- remain the most powerful empire in the world Challenges - maintain status quo

6 The German Empire Newest of all Empires created in 1870.
Population- 85 million. Slogan- ‘We want our place in the sun.’

7 Germany [con’t] Political System-constitutional monarchy.44 German kingdoms united under the king of Prussia who was also Kaiser [Emperor] Wilhem II

8 Germany [con’t] Strengths- The Army- the best trained and equipped in the world.[4.5 million] [also the High Seas Fleet was the 2nd largest in the world] Modern industrial economy in the centre of Europe.

9 Germany con’t Weaknesses- Geography- mostly landlocked and surrounded by enemies. Weak allies in Austro-Hungary and Italy and the Ottoman Empire. Mentally unstable Kaiser.

10 Goals and challenges of Germany in 1914
- To become the biggest empire in the world Challenges -build up Navy to challenge Britain, counter France and Russia’s alliance

11 The Russian Empire Largest Empire by area. Population- 200 million
Knick named- ‘the Russian steamroller.’

12 Russia con’t Political System- absolute monarchy with hereditary ‘Czar’- [Emperor]-Nicholas II

13 Russia con’t Strengths- Enormous army of 10 million.
Vast size and population. Strong allies in France and Britain. Weaknesses- Backward economy. Unstable, unpopular government on the brink of revolution.

14 Goals and challenges of Russia in 1914
- acquire a warm water port on the Black Sea Challenges - overcome Austria-Hungary

15 The French Empire After Britain- the 2nd largest colonial empire.
Colonies in Africa and south east Asia. Population- [with colonies] 100 million

16 France con’t Political System- Republican Democracy.
Elected president- ‘Tiger’ Clemenseau

17 France con’t Strengths- Strong economy
Large, well trained army of 4 million. [Excellent navy as well] Weaknesses- Blind hatred of Germany [since defeat in Franco-Prussian War in 1870]

18 Goals and challenges of France in 1914
- want Alsace-Lorraine from Germany Challenges - need to form an alliance with Russia

19 The Austro-Hungarian Empire
European empire [with no overseas colonies.] Population- 70 million Nickname- ‘ the sick man of Europe’.

20 A- H con’t Political System- dual monarchy [Hungarian and Austrian kings- with Austria king also the emperor.] Emperor Franz-Joseph Habsburg. [Heir to the throne-Franz Ferdinand]

21 A H con’t Strengths- Rich culture [music, art, architecture] and a large army. Weaknesses- Many ethnic[racial] and regional conflicts within the empire. [eg. Germans vs Hungarians/ Serbs vs Croats/Czechs vs Slovaks…..] A backward, agricultural economy.

22 Goals and challenges of Austria-Hungary in 1914
need to hold the empire together and remain powerful Challenges - holding the minority groups together – they have the most to lose

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