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DUE PROCESS Rights of the Accused.

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Presentation on theme: "DUE PROCESS Rights of the Accused."— Presentation transcript:

1 DUE PROCESS Rights of the Accused

2 DUE PROCESS No person may be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of the law 5th Amendment PROCEDURAL DUE PROCESS: correct procedures must be followed SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS: the steps and procedures must be fair in the first place

3 PRESUMED INNOCENCE A person is presumed innocent until PROVEN guilty in court Jury must be unanimous Guilty beyond a REASONABLE DOUBT Burden of proof is on the PROSECUTION

4 JUSTICE Criminals deserve to be punished and society must be able to punish them Society has a right to protection and safety However, the law is there to protect us ALL, even those accused of terrible crimes “It is better that one hundred guilty Persons escape than that one innocent Person should suffer.” –Benjamin Franklin

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