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Our Future

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1 Our Future

2 Elementary Common Core Rollout
September K-2 SS/Science October English Language Arts November English Language Arts/ Specialists (Arts, WL, Healthful Living) December Integration ELA/Sc/SS January Math February March 3-5 SS/Science


4 Information and Technology Essential Standards
Common Core and Essential Standards Information and Technology Essential Standards Implementation is THIS YEAR with the intent that teachers become familiar with these skills which undergird the Common Core and Essential Standards rolling out next year. Replace the Computer Skills and Information Literacy of the NC Standard Course of Study To be delivered by classroom teachers in ALL curricular areas Support from Media Coordinators and Technology Facilitators through collaboration and planning 5 Strands as noted on the At a Glance Document Connected to American Association of School Librarians Standards for 21st Century Learner and the International Society for Technology in Education Standards for Students -

5 Standards for Mathematical Practice
This is a wordle created using the Standards for Mathematical Practice. As you can see, students are the focus.

6 K-5 Science Essential Standards
Technological Design Inquiry Life Physical Earth Science K-12 Science is divided into 3 Domains (Life, Physical, Earth) integrated with cross-cutting concepts concerning the nature of science and the relationship between science and technology can help students understand the connections among the disciplines, and illustrate how the capabilities of scientific inquiry and technological design can be developed along with knowledge of the science domains. These 3 domains are further divided into 11 strands. Life Science has 4 strands, Physical Science has 4 strands and Earth Science has 3 strands. These strands are represented by the Essential Standards. The Essential Standards are further divided into Clarifying Objectives. The Elementary Science Team will cluster these clarifying objectives into themes that are (1) teacher friendly, (2) maximize the use of current resources, and (3) build conceptual understanding of core ideas and practices in science for our students. Nature of Science

7 Elementary Social Studies

8 English Language Arts Four Strands: Reading: Writing
Literature Informational Texts Writing Speaking and Listening Language RL RI W SL L

9 What did you notice?

10 ELA Common Core State Standards
Thinking about the ELA Common Core State Standards

11 What do you think are the major changes or shifts?
Looking at the Common Core Standards for ELA What do you think are the major changes or shifts?

12 What the experts are saying?

13 Six Shifts The Six Shifts
Shift 1: PK-5, Balancing Informational and Literary Texts Shift 2: 6-12, Knowledge in the Disciplines Shift 3: Staircase of Complexity Shift 4: Text-based Answers Shift 5: Writing from Sources Shift 6: Academic Vocabulary

14 Which shift will be most challenging for teachers?

15 For further consideration …
Common Core State Standards Resources Clarification of expectations - DPI Resources Crosswalks Unpacking the Standards

16 Standard III: Teachers know the content they teach.
ELA Common Core Instruction… Relies on a clear understanding of the K-12 articulation of common Anchor Standards. Includes rigor through the strategic selection of appropriately complex text. Involves relevancy through 21st century skills, collaboration via technology, and authentic texts and tasks. Affords students the necessary skills to be discriminating consumers of information. Provides students with opportunities to develop self- reflective practices that lead to personal growth.


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