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Professor Brigid Laffan UCD College of Human Sciences

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1 Professor Brigid Laffan UCD College of Human Sciences
Market and Money Professor Brigid Laffan UCD College of Human Sciences

2 Major Modifications of the Rome Treaties
Process of Integration Stalls in the 1970s/1980s Poor Economic Performance in Europe Common problems but not solutions Re-launch of Integration Mitterand/France 1984


4 Reform Process Fontainebleau European Council 1984 Dooge Committee
Footnote Countries Milan 1985 Vote 7-3 Attitude of UK, DK, Greece Credible Threat of exclusion

5 Single European Act Key Bargains Related Issues
Single Market Qualified Majority Voting Economic and Social Cohesion Related Issues European Parliament Powers Codification of European Political Co-operation Court of First Instance Treaty base for R&D/Environment European Council mentioned


7 Power Map Role of the European Council-heads of government acknowledged (highest office holders in the member states) Extension of European Parliament Powers begins More Qualified Majority Voting Shifts in the institutional balance

8 Competencies Map Market Integration placed centre stage
Regulatory Europe Expands Research and Development Environment Economic and Social Cohesion

9 Values Map Solidarity between rich and poor Europe gets a treaty basis
Sustainability-Environment International Role of the Union

10 Consequences Formal integration in Europe is re-launched
Significance of the EU for its member states and the international system increases Attraction for non-member states EU becomes more ambitious Reach of EU regulation expands

11 Success of the Single Act
Complete the Economic Constitution From Market to Money Delors report 1988 on the Single Currency 1989 European Revolution German Unification Regime and Government Change in East Central Europe Collapse of the Soviet Union

12 Treaty on European Union-December 1991
TWO Intergovernmental Conferences EMU (Finance Ministers and Central Bankers) Political Union (Foreign Ministers and Heads of Government) No neat bargain on institutional deepening and policy expansion Complex provisions on major and minor issues

13 Treaty on European Union: The Arrival of the Pillar Structure
Community Pillar (EMU) CFSP JHA Opt outs

14 Treaty on European Union
KEY Elements EMU European Central bank Single Currency Roadmap Common Foreign and Security Policy Justice and Home Affairs Subsidiarity Institutional Change EP QMV Committee of the Regions Court of Auditors Opt Outs


16 What the Pillars Meant Pillar One Pillars two and three
The Traditional Community method Pillars two and three More intergovernmental Role of the Court, Commission and EP differs across the pillars More Complex institutional and decision rules Arrival of the Opt Out

17 SEA and TEU Major step change in the process of European Integration
High Level of Ambition Impressive Institutional Change Creeping Competence EU becomes more salient in the economic, social and political life of Europe Touches on key attributes of statehood/sovereignty Danish ‘No’ June 1992

18 Key Questions? Why was there a resurgence of European Integration from the mid-1980s onwards? Why was there a focus on market integration? Why did market lead to money? What were the consequences of the resurgence/

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