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4. Frontiers of Empire 18th Century America, 1680-1763.

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Presentation on theme: "4. Frontiers of Empire 18th Century America, 1680-1763."— Presentation transcript:

1 4. Frontiers of Empire 18th Century America,

2 Great Diversity Colonists are no longer only English
Scots-Irish Germans Spanish French Native Americans Africans Bringing customs and traditions with them.

3 European Reasoning Changes
Enlightenment – Age of Reason Deism – presented a God that set the universe in motion and then gave man the intellectual capacity to do the right thing. Reexamined government and religion to conform to reason.

4 Benjamin Franklin Most famous American Enlightenment figure
Known as a renaissance man Knew a little about a lot of things. John Locke was important in England and would greatly influence the emerging United States

5 Effect in the New World Economic shift from subsistence to a market economy Religious back lash to the concepts of deism results in the event known as the Great Awakening. Spiritual expression of religious feeling among masses of people. Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield

6 Impact of the Movement New religious groups were born – known as New Lights Baptist Methodist Older established churches were called Old Lights More emphasis on personal faith reduced the power of ministers. The religious revival caused some in the colonies to question many of the religious, social, and political foundations on which colonial life was based.

7 Mercantilism The dominant economic theory of the era was mercantilism; British mercantilist measures such as the navigation Acts created resentment in the American colonies. Trade, colonies and the accumulation of wealth is the basis for a country’s military and political strength. The English government targeted the Americas to bring that wealth and status to the English Crown. Limited the kinds of industry in the Americas while expanded the American shipbuilding concerns. Guaranteed the purchase of tobacco but at low price. Charged high prices for English goods and denied access to other ports.

8 American Character Emerges
The importance of the press as newspapers grow from 40 in to 40 in 1776 Peter Zenger Case protects editors from prosecution when criticizing the government.

9 Americans are committed to:
Rights of free speech and free press Electing and supporting our own representatives Toleration of other religions. Ready to fight against the injustices that we perceive.

10 The French and Indian War
Known as the Seven Years War in Europe. 18th century European wars between the British and the French spilled over to the Americas. Issue was on the control of the Ohio River Valley Americans fought with the English against the French and the Indians.

11 Before and After

12 The English would expect
The Americans to pay for the war Our perspectives of each other is firmly in place

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