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TFCC TRIP Thomas Fairchild Children’s Centre Newsletter Summer 2018

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1 TFCC TRIP Thomas Fairchild Children’s Centre Newsletter Summer 2018
Forston Street, London, N1 7HA Tel: Option 2 Thomas Fairchild Children’s Centre Newsletter Summer 2018 Hello Parents and Carers, Another end of summer term is here… We have had the most fantastic year at the centre watching you and your family grow and flourish. Whether you have attended one of our courses, workshops or stay and play sessions, we hope you have benefited from the services. We are happy you have attended the centre. We have some big news ahead of opening in September, we are moving to the school nursery. This means we will have a bigger space to welcome you and your family. Exciting times ahead! Thank you for all your support and attendance over the last year, we have really enjoyed working with you and your children. Your contribution to the services is greatly appreciated and we look forward to seeing you in September! Many Thanks, Children’s Centre Team. Dates for your Diary Summer Break 20th July th Sept 2018. The centre will run on reduced services during the summer holidays. Opening dates could be subject to change due to the move. Please contact the centre beginning of September for more information. New Courses for September 2018 *Speak Easy” Sept 18 *Teaching Assistant Level 2 with WEA - Sept 18 *BTEC Level 1 Retail Knowledge* Date - TBC *Sewing class* – Oct 18 *Personal Development&Coaching” – 8th October for 12 weeks Please speak to a member of staff for more information. Brest Masha Chantel Centre Manager Crèche / Outreach worker Since April 2017, we have reached 424 Families who have attended the Children’s Centre 706 Times!!! WOW! TFCC Centre Learning & Displays In July, we went on a trip with families to Rosemary’s Gardens, one of our local park. A great time we had, the weather was fantastic, all the children enjoyed the water fountains. Many did not know this great outdoor space was on their doorsteps and we hope more families use this local facility. Courses coming up this Autumn from September 2017 onwards: BTEC Level 1 – Retail Knowledge Teaching Assistant – Level 2 Food Hygiene – Level 2, 1 day course Sewing Class Speak Easy Cook and Eat Made of Money – Budgeting course Family Learning Festival BFN Breastfeeding Helpers Training Strengthening Families, Strengthening Communities - January 2017 Fun with Numbers For more information on any of our courses, please speak to Mags. Shukri Mags Crèche / Outreach worker Admin Assistant This term the children have been investigating their surroundings using our local area map. They have also been discovering about feelings and emotions. Here are the crèche display pictures of the learning journey Rose Voucher Scheme Stay & Play Fun Have you attended two or more services in Area E? If so, your opinion matters to us! We would love to hear your views on the services we provide. Also, if you have any ideas to share for the centre, please let us know or you can fill our comments wall in the centre hallway or in the comments book at the front of the Children’s Centre reception Do you receive Healthy Start vouchers? Have a child under 2? If so, you maybe eligible to top up vouchers for fruit and vegetables under the above scheme. Please speak to a member of staff for more information Parents and children who attend the centre have been making the most of the great weather. Parents have arranged trips together to Hackney City Farm and have set up Parents Forum. Please see info overleaf. . FANTASTIC NEWS!!!!! We recently had a Stay & Play Audit from Hackney Learning Trust and were awarded the highest grade of: GREAT TO EXCELLENT! We are so proud of the families and children we work with to provide a great environment to come to Stay & Play. This grading lets us know we are working within the Stay & Play Framework standards set by HLT. Well Done TFCC Team and to all the families who attend. Rose Vouchers Sewing Class SFSC Breastfeeding support—Masha is now a fully trained breast feeding support helper Things coming up: Teaching assistant course Adult learning TFCC TRIP

2 Make Up Sessions Soap Making & Parents Forum Stars of the term
HENRY Class of 2017 with tutors Masha & Kelechi Forston Street, London, N1 7HA Tel: Option 2 Parent’s have been taking part in various courses during the last year which have included: Strengthening Families/ Strengthening Communities, Helping in Schools Level 1 Families Connect Sollihul Parenting Course, BTEC Level 1 CustomerService ESOL Entry 2 Money Management Confidence Building Most, if not all of the parents have been successful in gaining a new qualification, enabling them to move on to further learning or gain employment. Congratulations to you all! We are so proud of each and every one of you! Also thank you to all our hardworking tutors who have helped our parents to achieve with their goals Strengthening Families / Strengthening Communities Class of 2018 ESOL Entry 1 - Class of 2016 with tutor Charlotte Schwartz . Another successful graduation of parents/carers who completed Strengthening Families/ Strengthening Communities 13 weeks parenting course. Well done to all for completing the course. Parents Forum Soap Making & Make Up Sessions Literacy Entry Level 1 Class of 2017 with tutor Kaye Stars of the term Hello, Welcome to Thomas Fairchild Children’s Centre Forum, My name is Rebecca and along with Christie we have started a Parents Forum. It is a chance for us as parents/carers to voice what we would like to achieve from the centre. Whether that would be completing new courses/qualifications or just making new friends for ourselves and our children. We would also have the chance to shape the activities of the Children's Centre. Also we would like to be able to arrange our own activities and possible fundraising events. If you have any ideas to put forward or would like to get involved please come and speak to us or a member of staff. Dates of meetings TBC. Thank You. This term we have had some great workshops with June and Bree. The parents learnt how to make soap and had a make up session. Parents learnt hint and tips for great skin care regime. Participants really enjoyed these sessions, we will be running more in the future. We would like to a award “Stars of the Term” to Parents & volunteers Rebecca & Christie. These 2 fantastic ladies have not only helped and supported the centre, after both having babies earlier this year, they have used their skills to set up TFCC Parents Forum and are supporting other local parents to join. Thank you both for all your hard work. Have you attended two or more services in Area E? If so, your opinion matters to us! We would love to hear your views on the services we provide. Also, if you have any ideas to share for the centre, please let us know or you can fill our comments wall in the centre hallway or in the comments book at the front of the Children’s Centre reception This term in our sewing class, the parents have learnt how to make their own dresses from scratch By using various pattern designs, fabrics, techniques they have learnt, with the use of our sewing machines they have made some fantastic items. The class is overseen by tutor Rushnanra Bibi Parents can now use the skills they have learnt from the sewing class to make their own items at home with their families. If you would like more information on how to register for a class, how to access a service or any support you may need. Please do not hesitate to contact or visit us!

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