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Culture and/as Politics

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1 Culture and/as Politics

2 Third-wavers Awareness of the complex ways that power, privilege, oppression, and resistance look in a media-saturate economy.

3 McJobs Jobs that are temporary, low paying, no longevity, no benefits that mean people lose security they either once had – or assumed they would have at a certain stage of life.

4 Third-wavers Address “injustices that might not normally be regarded as specifically feminist concerns because it is precisely the interconnection of feminist issues with other injustices that urgently need attention”

5 Otherness the representation of that which exists so that I might define myself against it as proper/right/normal/superior she calls “otherness” – my shadow side…

6 power of representation
“real” is an effect of representation… meaning that we live in a world of sign exchange value. BUT - representation does affect material life

7 The Sign (Semiotic Theory)
Everything around us operates as a sign, which is split Signified (the concept) ________ Signifier (the sound/word) The idea is that we have no access to the concept without the representations attached to the word

8 Culture Jamming we can critically engage with popular culture
use representation in order to critique representation Use the tools – appropriate them Cannot separate political activism and cultural production

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