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Pests & Pesticides Learning Goals:

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Presentation on theme: "Pests & Pesticides Learning Goals:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pests & Pesticides Learning Goals:
I will be able to explain what a pest is and how they are controlled using pesticides. I will be able to explain the dangers of pesiticides.

2 Pests • A pest is any unwanted species. • Humans decide that something is a pest. • What are some pests that you know of?

3 Pesticides They are substances that kill pests.

4 How Pesticides Work Damage vital organs
Interferes with biological processes Causes damage to the exterior parts of species

5 The Problems with Pesticides
1. Non-Target Organisms Pesticides can harm organisms that are not the intended target. • Example: honey bees – if honey bees die because of a pesticide then they won’t be available to pollinate plants

6 2. Bioaccumulation • As pesticides are used they build up in an organism. This is because many chemical are not not water soluble and get stored in fatty tissue in organisms. This is called bioaccumulation. • They can raise to toxic levels.

7 3. Bioamplification • Once an organism has pesticides in it, it may be consumed in the food chain. • When this happens the pesticide can build up in organisms higher up in the food chain.


9 4. Resistance to Pesticides
• When a pesticide is used for a long period of time some species may no longer be affected by it. • This means they will develop stronger and more poisonous pesticides.

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