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Wylfa Newydd Project Overview and Progress

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1 Wylfa Newydd Project Overview and Progress
Sasha W. Davies - Head of Strategic Development Wales Wales Nuclear Forum North West Nuclear Forum

2 Corporate overview Established in 2009 and acquired by Hitachi in November 2012 Established to help meet the need for new, secure low carbon power Making steady progress past milestones for lead Wylfa Newydd project, with Oldbury to follow Will deploy tried and tested Hitachi-GE ABWRs which have been built to time and budget in Japan c.£20billion investment in the UK - up to 60% of project value could be spent in UK, creating opportunities for British businesses GLOUCESTER HQ WYLFA NEWYDD OLDBURY

3 Six Key Questions It’s important that we’re clear about what we’re building It must be investible It must be acceptable to the host community – social licence

4 Project structure Owner’s scope Tier 2s Tier 2s Future investors

5 Wylfa Newydd 100+ year project At Advanced Development stage
Already doing significant work in key areas Developing local supply chain Recruiting locally and apprenticeships, developing skills Protecting Welsh language and culture Much more to come…

6 Principle Workstreams
Delivering Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Site Licence Planning permissions Site development Environmental permits Engineering design Supply Chain development Organisational development Preparing for generation Safety Generating capability Operating partners Training service provider Creating an investible project Contract for Difference Treasury Guarantee Future power sales Additional investors Technical Generic Design Assessment Design Authority Technical assurance

7 Timelines Pre Application Consultation (PAC3) - May 2017
Development Consent Order application Development Consent Order granted – 2018 F.I.D First Nuclear Construction Main Construction – 2025 Commissioning begins Commercial Operation Date (Unit 1)

8 Recent progress Governments of UK and Japan support the project
ABWR in fourth and final stage of Generic Design Assessment Clearance to buy reactor components Menter Newydd “delivery team” in place Operational Partners – JAPC and Exelon Optimisation of plant Site Licence Company Board established Submitted Site Licence Application (March 2017) Second year of apprenticeship programme £1 million funding for local technical college Completed a third and final public consultation on 22nd June 2017

9 Wylfa Newydd: Site Location

10 Proposed Wylfa Newydd site
Wylfa is an excellent location for a new nuclear power station: It has vital infrastructure, including a connection to the national electricity grid. Local area provides ideal ground conditions for a new power station. It is sufficiently high above sea level to avoid serious flood risk and has good access to sea water for cooling purposes. The nuclear heritage of Wylfa and Anglesey provides a strong skills and knowledge base necessary for the construction and operation of a new nuclear power station.

11 Project Location and Area
We use different terms to refer to where parts of our Project will be built: • Power Station Site: This includes the two nuclear reactors, steam turbines, the cooling water system intake, outfall structures, breakwaters and the Marine Off-Loading Facility (MOLF) • Wylfa Newydd Development Area: the indicative areas of land and sea including the Power Station Site, and the surrounding areas that will be used for construction and operation of the Power Station. Existing Magnox Power Station which closed in December 2015

12 Off site Power Station Facilities and Associated Development
The Off-Site Power Station Facilities will be physically separate from, but local to, the Power Station Site and are an integral part of our emergency arrangements. These include: • Alternative Emergency Control Centre (AECC): to provide back-up command and communication facilities • Environmental Survey Laboratory (ESL): to provide facilities to manage radiological surveys in the local area, including radiation monitoring equipment controls • Mobile Emergency Equipment Garage (MEEG): to house a number of specialist vehicles ASSOCIATED DEVELOPMENT Associated Development supports the delivery of the Power Station and includes: • Off-Line highway improvements • Park and ride facility • Logistics Centre

13 Construction worker numbers
We anticipate a peak workforce of around 8,500 For the construction phase, we aim to recruit workers from Anglesey and North Wales, although we anticipate that a significant proportion will need to be recruited from elsewhere.

14 Our commitments To engage effectively with our host community of Anglesey and wider North Wales region, links to North West England To develop and maintain our social license to operate To minimise negative impacts and maximise benefits (construction) To be a good neighbour To protect and enhance Welsh language and culture Supply Chain development – max. local content/work with Welsh Government, North Wales Economic Ambition Board Benefits include economic, supply chain and jobs and skills

15 Project Benefits – Jobs and Skills
2016 Apprentices – 2nd year of scheme 2017 Apprentices – offers made to 12 ‘Dyfodol/Futures’ Horizon – local education engagement programme £1 million committed to the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai Engineering Centre, Anglesey This is stuff we’re already doing – pre FID Futures programme investment of £150K each year for next three years

16 Apprentices in Japan 11th – 23rd June 2017
Orientation at Akihabara Tokyo Office June 13

17 Update Supply Chain Supply Chain Charter being updated to provide further clarity on expectations and requirements of the programme Supply Chain Action Plan being developed to build on Supply Chain Charter to enable the supply chain, clear understanding of requirements and opportunities developed with input from stakeholders identify key areas to target for opportunities in North Wales continue readiness programme share good performance identify opportunities with stakeholders for joint working and support of ongoing programmes development of procurement plan for various phases Engagement strategy networking events once action plan and procurement plan complete and full understanding of construction programme a Supply Chain event/ meet the buyer event to be arranged

18 Diolch yn fawr/ Thank you

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