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Meet the teachers Year 1 27.9.18.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the teachers Year 1 27.9.18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the teachers Year 1

2 Jupiter and Mars Teachers:
Jupiter Class: Mrs Jimson M,T,W and Mrs Legrove T,F Mars Class: Miss Stratton Support Staff: Mrs Catlow, Mrs Holliday, Mrs Hunt and Mrs Sayers.

3 Our Curriculum Continuing the learning journey with learning through ‘play’ and building in challenge work through Quest Time. Themes – Autumn: ‘Once upon a Time’ Spring: When you go down to the woods today… Summer: Sun, Sea and Sand

4 Quest Time Exploring foundation subjects through self-directed learning. First week of the term the teacher will teach the skills needed to complete the challenges. Children are encouraged to access the different activities at different levels of challenge. Supported through their learning by support staff. Inside Quest Zone and Outside. If they come home and say they have ‘played all day’ that means we have been able to engage them in their learning in a way that they see as fun. Come dressed appropriately for the weather because we will be going outside.

5 Phonics Screening Check
Your child will be undertaking the phonics screening check w/c 10th June 2019. Different groups to support children. We will have a meeting in the spring term. Do not book time off!

6 Reading What the government expects by the end of Year 1.
Inferring- understanding based on evidence in the text. Individual and guided Bug Club Library books – up and running soon. Reading at home. Reading for pleasure Link what they have read to their own experiences. Predicting what will happen.


8 Writing What the government expects by the end of Year 1.
Grammar, punctuation and spelling. Handwriting. Talk for writing. Write sentences, form stories, read what they have written to check it makes sense.


10 Maths What the government expects by the end of Year 1.
Depth of learning. Calculations. Maths meetings Count, read and write numbers to 100! Solve one step problems to 20 using addition and subtraction. Later in the year we will look at using simple multiplication and division. Understand halves and quarters. Measure and record length, height, weight, time, capacity, volume and solve problems involving these measures. Recognise coins and sequence events. 2D/3D shapes and describe position, direction and movement.

11 Home Learning Set homework will not be sent home regularly.
Learning booklet – termly with home ideas. Reading at home. Writing for a purpose. Playing board and card games. Homework sheets will not be sent home regularly, however you may receive occasional pieces e.g. handwriting pieces, or if we have been looking at something in class and feel your child could do with further practice, supporting materials will be sent home with your child. Home learning is encouraged and celebrated!

12 Any questions Follow us on Twitter for instant updates

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