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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNICATING WITH OREGONIANS ABOUT PUBLIC FINANCE"— Presentation transcript:

From Values and Beliefs to Effective Messaging Quickly (I’ve Got Only 10 Minutes) January 23, Prepared for: The American Leadership Forum

2 Understanding Values and Beliefs Understanding Priorities
EFFECTIVE COMMUNICAIONS ABOUT PUBLIC FINANCE Understanding Values and Beliefs Understanding Priorities Knowing Awareness and Knowledge Levels How People Get Information Effective Spokespersons – Who Is Trusted and Has Credibility


4 Participation in family Career and job opportunity
VALUES AND BELIEFS-IN ORDER OF IMPORTANCE Participation in family Career and job opportunity Being charitable to others Independence of self Practice of religion and spirituality Concern for the environment Supporting your community Being economical or thrifty Seclusion, solitude, or privacy Diversity of people

5 Continuing Divergence in Values and Beliefs Between Opinion Leaders
General Public Highlight differences between opinion leaders and the general public

6 What do you value about living in Oregon? (Top answers)
VALUES AND BELIEFS  What do you value about living in Oregon? (Top answers) Outdoor recreation opportunities –proximity and variety Natural beauty including open space, farmland, and forests Water and air quality Sense of community/neighborliness Climate

7 Negativity Toward Government and Politics
VALUES AND BELIEFS Negativity Toward Government and Politics Waste and inefficiency (lack of accountability and transparency) Not getting anything done Not innovative/creative Not comprehensive/long-range Toothless laws/regulations Reduction of government services Waste (Mean of cents of every dollar is wasted Partisanship Lack of innovation Regulation without teeth Hopefulness Not comprehensive Not long-term Less than 20% feel that any level of government is doing a good job

8 PRIORITIES Waste Partisanship Lack of innovation
Regulation without teeth Hopefulness

9 Jobs/economic development
PRIORITIES  What are the most important issues you want your local, regional, and state government to do something about? (Top answers) Jobs/economic development Cost of healthcare Public education Taxes/cost of government Traffic congestion

10 1st Tier Accessible hospitals/health care
PRIORITIES Which community value is most important to the quality of life where you live? 1st Tier Accessible hospitals/health care Accountable/honest city leaders Community committed to quality education Family oriented community Financially balanced government Local employment opportunities Safe neighborhoods/parks

11 Which government service is most important?
PRIORITIES Which government service is most important? 1st Tier Affordable housing Children’s services Community colleges Drinking water/sewer services Employment/job training Fire/emergency services Health/mental services Higher education Police services/public safety Primary/secondary education Senior services Services for low-income residents

12 Not top-of-mind appreciation for the contribution ABC’s of government?
AWARENESS AND KNOWLEDGE LEVELS ABC’s of government? 6 in 10 Oregonians cannot name the three branches of government 45% do not know Oregon has two U.S. Senators, and two-thirds of Oregonians cannot name Oregon’s U.S. senators ABC’s of public finance? 40% do not know what the gas tax can be spent on and what services the income tax pays for Oregonians think an average of 36 cents of every dollar government spends is wasted What does government do? Not top-of-mind appreciation for the contribution the government makes to the quality of life Over 50% cannot name the 3 branches of government 35% of the public don’t know or had an incorrect answer for how many United State’s senators Oregon has Public Finance 40% can’t tell you what the gas tax is spent on 17% said public transit, 23% said don’t know Income tax 40% said don’t know *

13 Segmented communications
HOW PEOPLE GET INFORMATION Segmented communications Newspapers - Community vs. Statewide Daily Papers Internet – Desktop, Mobile Going to them- Learn, Work, Play, Pray Newspapers: Community vs. Daily Internet: e-government

14 List getting shorter and shorter
EFFECTIVE SPOKESPERSONS List getting shorter and shorter Small businesses Education organizations Foundations and charitable organizations Other Considerations Local vs. State vs. Federal Government Women vs. Men

15 Connect through values, beliefs, and priorities
EFFECTIVE MESSAGING AND FINAL THOUGHTS Connect through values, beliefs, and priorities Keep it simple Have effective spokespersons deliver message Keep it local Include transparency and accountability Develop electronic government Has potential to change public perception of government


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